
Blood is Life - A Warhammer Vampire Fiction

In the grim-dark warhammer universe Old World. It starts off with a reincarnation of a man from earth into a vampire body just going through the transition. Taking his situation in stride, with the help of his AI chip, Atlas (the MC) is forced into various situations that threaten his life starting with the first great vampire wars, as he tries to adapt and grow ever stronger. Using many facts from Warhammer the tabletop and the Total War game. Some changes to mechanisms of how power to include some small elements of cultivation. This has been on my mind as I have read some of the books and decided to create it with my own AI chip - ChatGPT - Enjoy!

Didiodo · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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Chapter 26

Safely ensconced in his chamber within Castle Drakenhof, Atlas meticulously poured over the data he had gathered from the library's tomes on necromancy. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows across the walls as he delved into the intricacies of dark magic, each page revealing new insights and hidden knowledge.

Though the texts he had scanned lacked the depth and potency of Liber Mortis, they offered a diverse array of perspectives and alternate spell formulas that intrigued Atlas. With each passing hour, he poured over the ancient texts, absorbing the arcane wisdom contained within and mentally cataloguing the various spells and rituals he encountered.

As he studied, Atlas couldn't help but marvel at the ingenuity of the necromancers who had penned these tomes, their dark arts woven into the very fabric of the pages themselves. Though the dangers of such knowledge were ever-present, he found himself drawn deeper into the forbidden secrets of the undead, his thirst for power driving him ever onward.

Hours turned into days which turned into weeks as Atlas continued his study, his mind ablaze with newfound insights and possibilities. Though the library had been a place of peril, he had emerged with a wealth of knowledge that would serve him well in his quest for supremacy within the ranks of the undead.

With each passing moment, Atlas grew more confident in his abilities, his understanding of necromancy expanding with each page he turned. Using the AI chip he could even see his spell mastery had increased.


*Lore of Vampire Spells* (Levels show skill – 10 is full mastery)

*1. Raise dead. (Level 7 -> 8)*

*2. Invocation of Nehek. (Level 3 -> 4)*

*3. Vanhel's Dance Macabre. (Level 4 -> 5)*

*4. Gaze of Nagash. (Level 2 -> 3)*

*5. Curse of Years. (Level 4 -> 5)*

*6. Wind of Death. (Level 1 -> 3)*



As the years passed within the shadowed halls of Castle Drakenhof, Atlas dedicated himself wholeheartedly to his pursuit of power. With each passing day, he honed his body, his magic, and his knowledge, striving ever closer to the elusive pinnacle of undead nobility.

Despite his tireless efforts, however, the search for hidden knowledge within the castle's labyrinthine depths proved to be a frustrating endeavor. Though he uncovered one more lower library during his relentless exploration, containing invaluable insights into runic rituals and their applications in magic, further discoveries remained elusive.

It seemed as though the castle itself conspired against Atlas, thwarting his every attempt to unearth additional secrets and treasures. No matter how diligently he searched, the hidden libraries he sought remained stubbornly out of reach, as if the very stone of the fortress conspired to withhold its darkest mysteries.

Nevertheless, Atlas persisted, refusing to be deterred by the castle's cryptic machinations. With each passing day, he delved deeper into the forbidden knowledge he had already obtained, mastering the arcane arts with unparalleled dedication and tenacity.

Despite the frustration of his stalled progress, Atlas remained resolute in his ambition, knowing that even the smallest scrap of hidden lore could tip the scales in his favour. And so, he continued his relentless pursuit, his determination unyielding as he sought to ascend to the coveted rank of Baron and claim his rightful place among the undead aristocracy.

That was until Mannfred summoned him.




Atlas stood before Mannfred, his heart heavy with anticipation as he awaited the new Count's judgment. Mannfred's eyes bore into him with an intensity that sent shivers down Atlas's spine.

"Atlas," Mannfred's voice cut through the tense silence, "I have made a decision regarding the territories of Sylvania from our dearly departed friends." His voice was so cold and unfeeling, that he knew the death of all of Sylvania might only cause a slight frown.

Atlas bowed deeply, masking his disappointment behind a facade of deference. "My Lord, I await your command." He had been hoping that if his strength rose to the stage of Baron, he stood a chance at inheriting Sophia territory – as a mere knight; even a distinguished one, he stood no chance.

Mannfred's lips curled into a cold smile. "I have chosen to allocate your maker's former territory to Casper." he declared, his tone unmistakably final. Casper Von Carstein was a descended from Mannfred own bloodline, a thin-looking vampire who while physically weak, was a terror with curses – not the sort of enemy you survive making.

"You, Atlas, will be granted a special reward for your service in the war." The word 'reward' sounded alien in Mannfred mouth as he didn't try to hide his glee with his plan for this up-start of Vlad's blood. "You will be sent deep into the empire to establish our spy network. Our influence is waning and we must have intelligence if we are to weather the coming war."

Though his heart sank at the realization that he had been effectively cast aside, Atlas forced himself to maintain a facade of loyalty and obedience. "Thank you, my Lord," he replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him. "I am honoured to serve in whatever capacity you deem fit."

Mannfred's gaze bore into him with an unsettling intensity, as if probing the depths of Atlas's soul for any hint of dissent. Satisfied with what he saw, the Count nodded once, dismissing Atlas with a wave of his hand.

As he turned to leave the chamber, Atlas felt a bitter mixture of resentment and resignation roiling within him. Though he had been consigned to the outskirts of the Empire, far from the centre of power and influence of other Vampires, he knew better than to defy Mannfred's will. For now, he would bide his time, plotting and scheming in the shadows, until the opportunity arose to reclaim what was rightfully his.

Atlas called upon his servants to begin packing their belongings, and a sense of urgency gripped him. He knew that venturing into the Empire brought with it both opportunities and perils. On one hand, the abundance of human blood and the potential for amassing great wealth were tantalizing prospects. Yet, on the other hand, it also exposed him to the relentless scrutiny of the Empire's agents, who would stop at nothing to eradicate the undead menace.

As his servants scurried about, dutifully gathering their master's possessions, Atlas mulled over the risks and rewards of his impending journey. The allure of freedom and prosperity beckoned to him, promising a life of luxury and indulgence beyond the confines of Mannfred's domain. However, the spectre of discovery loomed large, threatening to unravel all his carefully laid plans and plunge him into the depths of peril.

With a commanding tone, Atlas instructed his servants to prepare a carriage suitable for his journey into the heart of the Empire. Stressing the importance of ensuring that the carriage was light-tight to afford him protection from the sun's deadly rays, he emphasized the need for meticulous attention to detail.

In addition to the carriage, Atlas directed his servants to organize several carts to transport the wealth of goods and treasures accumulated during the siege of Altdorf. These carts would not only carry essential supplies but also serve as a mobile stronghold against any threats encountered on the road.

To ensure smooth travel, Atlas ordered his servants to procure live horses capable of pulling the laden carts and carriage. These horses would need to be robust and well-trained, able to endure the rigors of the journey ahead.

As his servants set about their tasks, Atlas reached into his stash of looted treasure and withdrew a bag of gold. With a flourish, he handed it to his most trusted servant, instructing them to use it to procure whatever supplies were necessary for the journey.

With preparations underway and his departure imminent, Atlas felt a surge of anticipation mingled with apprehension. The road ahead would be fraught with danger, but he was determined to navigate it with cunning and resilience, forging a path toward his own dark destiny.

There was one main hurdle left to solve.

"AI Chip." Atlas Commanded.


"Find a way of masking my vampirism and that of my undead."


*Task Established.*

*Estimated time to completion – 12.3 hours*

Atlas waited patiently, time had little meaning to vampires, where years could fly by and they remained unchanged. While Mannfred would be displeased if he delayed too long, the new Count was old enough that weeks or days made no difference to him.


*Possible methods to disguise vampirism and undead: *

*1. Carve runes into bones to hide death energy.*

*2. Cast a spell of concealment every 82 seconds .*

*3. Use ….

Atlas cut off the AI chip from listing out the many different options.

"Filter options based on the likelihood of success. Remove any I am unable to do within three days."


The AI chip this time returned only one method – Runic Talismans. He could carve runes of concealment on the talisman that would hide the death energy naturally given off by the undead. For the Wights or his Dark knights, they would have to wear armour to cover their skeletal frames in addition to the talisman. The only problem was how to power them. The spells needed were complex and required a sacrifice – a reminder that magic always has a price.

His thoughts turned to the rest of his undead army. He wouldn't be able to take them with him; a walking corpse would attract the wrong sort of attention. Could he sacrifice them to power his talismans?