
Blood-Guts And Coconuts?

AngelFranco · Kinh dị ma quái
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3 Chs


I wake up to the sound of yelling and my heart drops when the voice rings loudly in my ears, Donny is the only one that comes to mind as I jump out of bed. My legs moving faster than I have ever known as my heart is running a marathon in my chest, all I can say to myself

//God No Not my son anyone else but my son!// My mind is in a mess as I approach Johnny's room only to find a mess and a mob of Deados in there ripping Donny to shreds as Johnny is seen shooting at some that some how were able to get in through the window, tear stream down my face as I have a knot in my throat at the horror I see before me. Trying to graps what is happening I begin to scream but no sound is heard as I yell and run to Donny's side.

"DOOOOOOONNNNYYYY!" I scream out as I sit up dripping in sweat and tears as I gasp for air seeing that it was just a nightmare, footsteps could be heard as they run down the hall to Johnny's room as the door flings open and my heart begins to calm seeing my son staring at me wide eyed and his mouth full of what seems to be a mountain of syrup on a small piece of pancake. "Dad what's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" he says with his mouth full as he walks in the room and climbs on the bed grasping the blankets with his tiny hands while holding his teddy bear with his neck, I chuckle in relief as I whipe my tears and pull him to my chest as I hold him tightly, "Yes son, I did but I'm glad you're here to scare the nightmare away!" I say to him as I kiss his head and sigh slightly as a smile is plastered on my face. A nightmare never felt so real I thought to myself for a moment //So that is how it would feel if things happened like that..// I gulp lightly as I look at Donny, "Son why don't you go downstairs and eat your breakfast while I get showered?" Donny nods and smiles as he jumps off the bed and runs to the stairs, he walks down slowly.

I stretch as I run my hands on the back of my neck trying to release tension from the spots that are now balled from the nightmare I just had, I stand up and let out a heavy sigh as I walk to my bedroom as I collect some cargo black jeans and a white shirt with a pocket on it, I grab my construction boots and my long white socks that go near the center of my legs as I grab a towel to jump in the much needed hot shower. As the water sprayed on my back I sigh and let it relax those muscles that were tense, I could see the images flash in my mind as I had my eyes shut enjoying the water. "Not while I'm alive, ill die protecting what's mine." I say in a low and hoarse voice before a knock on the door is heard.

"Hey June, I am about to walk the inside of the house to check the doors and donnys room. Your plate is on the table when your done! I suggest you head downstairs when your done before Donny gets ahold of your food!" he says in a joking tone.

"Alright thanks Johnny!" I say in return as I turn the water off and dry off my body, the towel runs over a deep scar and I almost loose track of what i was doing, I shake the thought off as I dry up and get dressed. I walk outside of the bathroom and take my clothes to my room as I head downstairs, Donny is sitting on the couch watching his shows like usual which brings a smile to my face as I walk to the table, I sit down and begin to est my food and savor it as much as I can. I wash my plate and fork as I help Johnny secure the house before discussing what our next move will be.

"Hey June, any reason you yelled earlier this morning?" he states while checking the window latches.

"Well, if I'm being honest I has a nightmare of yall being eaten by Deados due to the door not being securely locked." I say in return as I try the door knob near the window only to find that it wasn't locked. Johnny and I look around as we lock the door and secure it, I walk around and turn the lights on there was a bit of blood on the floor training to the storage closet near the basement. I look at Johnny and wait for his signal, he nods his head after getting to the other side of the entrance as I open the door, we see this woman in there as she puts her hands up and has tears streaming down her face. "Please don't shoot, I'm not a walker!" she says in a hoarse tone, her face looked pale and she looked like she hadn't slept a wink.

"What's your name child?" Johnny says holding his aim to her, she trembles wide eyed as she stares at Johnny.

"My name is Macy sir, I know I did wrong coming in here but I had no where else to go, there are so many out there!" she says in a soft tone as she trembles from fear.

"Who's blood is on you?" I ask as I look at her arms and shirt drenched in blood. She frowns as tears stream on her face once again.

"My aunts, she lives behind yall, I was dropping by to visit her when I saw the house emptied and her body on the lawn in the back.. the only thing I thought to do was hold her and try to stop the bleeding, but she was already dead before I got to her." she says trembling.

Johnny looks at me, "Your call Hoss."

Get showered and into some clean clothes we will see if you have any other marks then, if you don't then you can stay." I say as i walk to secure the rest of the house making sure there were no deados in the house, we missed one door and someone sneaked in without us knowing, "Not while im alive, ill protect whats mine even if I loose my own life." I mumble as I head back up stairs after I finish my round of checking on the latches and doors.