
Batrayal Or Not

As Adron moved with lethal intent, Orion stood motionless, his battered form incapable of avoiding the incoming blow. In that fleeting moment, a thought flickered through Orion's mind –'he is late, or had the betrayal crept in at the eleventh hour?' The sands of time he had given to laison was over minutes ago, leaving Orion to confront the grim reality that this was the end.

Yet, in the face of impending doom, a surge of determination coursed through Orion's veins. 'Batrayal or not, it does not matter anymore,' he concluded. With a steely resolve, he called forth the crimson runes etched upon his arm. And then, with a reverent gesture, he summoned forth the pendant – the last tether to his sister, a poignant reminder of the bond that fueled his resolve.