
Blood Devil in the Apocalypse

Huge black gates appeared around the globe. The gates opened, and monsters overflowed, destroying the world. Ryu could only resist as his reality fell apart, everything, looking at the corpse of the woman he secretly loved. Everything was ruined—and he was powerless. The reality of losing Aya caused him to abandon the path of humanity and live like a devil—if the monsters wanted to destroy the world, let them. Because he would destroy them in return. On the day the gates opened, he became the same as the monsters that came through the gates. A Blood Demon Eternal in nature, undying and powerful beings that love violence, carnage, and all things sinfully cardinal. With this transformation, he received a system... One that would drive him onto the path of the evil way. [Ding! Supreme Villan System is now Activated!] [Kill 1 Zombie for 10 points] [Kill 10 Zombies for 100 points] [Kill 100 Zombies for 1000 points] [Bonus Points Given For Villainous Acts!] ⟪Gained Blood Demon Qi Absorption Art⟫ ⟪Learn Martial Art: Scarlet Rush⟫ ⟪Blood Qi prevents infection and death!⟫ ⟪Reached Earth Cycle Realm - 1st Layer, Inner Core⟫ [Go Forth, Young Blood Devil! You Are Eternal!]

Crimson_Tyrant · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Shirogane Aya - Police Station Horde!

"Mari cut it's neck!"


She ignored Shinji's shout and put all her power into the sweeping strike.

The blade in her hand sliced across the zombie's neck, her body spinning with the force she used, still not completely used to her changes as the blood from the zombie sprayed across the concrete and her back.

She looked back and felt a rush of excitement.

"Ahhh! Shinji, I can kill zombies so easily now!"

"Yeah... but why do you seem even stronger than me?" He smiled bitterly at the short and plump girl slowly getting a slight muscular figure after two days of fighting towards the eastern area.

"Mari... do you think our mothers are safe?"

"Of course! Your mom is the Mayor and has always had her back covered by mine! We need to head to city hall, where they will be."

"Don't worry, Shin, everything will be fine!"

Slowly, two others moved over a male and a female with slightly tired faces.

"Oh~ Hitomi! Your abs are cracked! So erotic. Are you showing them to Daiki? Hehe."

Mari never lost her matchmaking attitude since the horrific day in the gym; she began to force herself to keep everyone's spirits high.

"Mari... w-what are you talking about? Me and Daiki are just friends..."

"Huhuhu! I smell a secret!"

The next moment, both girls began to move rapidly, their bodies glowing the same green colour wrapped in the wind as Hitomi was trying to spank Mari, who just dodged and ran behind Shinji, who took a slap to his cheek for her.


"Ugh... can you stop playing?"

When Aya chose the skills for the discipline committee, she gave better skills to Mari and Hitomi, while Shiji and Daiki were given a more basic technique.

"Oh~ Shinji, did that bad woman hurt you?" Mari pouted as she rubbed his face with her small hands.

Since that night, they had become closer. In the past, they fought like cats and dogs due to his mother being the Mayor and her being a government official who sometimes investigated his mother for routine anti-corruption checks.

"S-stop... we're in the middle of a dangerous place!"

So they clashed, despite Mari always holding a crush on him.

"Stop playing around, Mari."

Aya stepped forward, her face more heroic and stern than in the past, but nobody commented on why. Instead, they followed her as she held a sharp longsword, neither an eastern blade nor anything special.

Her path filled with bloody corpses, and she looked more fierce and intense than before.

Shiji's eyes looked at the blade and felt a sense of regret.

He wished he had more emotional tact when telling Aya about the death of Ryu.

That sword was used by his family, who steered away from the eastern weapons of their homeland and used a simple sword to achieve their tasks.

Or so Aya had once said with sparkling eyes when he used to chase her like a stupid puppy.

"How far until we reach the Central district?" Aya asked, her eyes always watching the huge dormant gate that had not opened in three days since the first day of destruction.

Now, the zombies were either hidden or locked in buildings or roamed close to the inactive monoliths.

"Hmmmm, we need first to take the next left and head straight, and when we pass the police station, it will be less than a ten-minute walk away."

"Right, Shinji?"

Aya didn't normally walk anywhere alone, taking the family limousine or executive car like Ryu, as their families were rich and distinguished despite being martial arts lineages.

"Mmm... Let's head forward. It's going to be annoying to take another day. We should scout the police station for survivors and others to join us." Aya whispered, knowing this would boost her points.

Now that she knew how weak she was, there was no chance she would abandon the chance to gain points to enhance herself.

'That damn apparition wanted me to discard my feelings for Ryu... So be it if I must remain at the Third Layer forever!'

"I am with the Chairman." Daiki was a talking boy, but like a handsome and harmless giant, the weapon he chose was the eastern bow, which surprised everyone.

Not as much as having to sign a strange soul contract with Aya to learn about her strange system, but they could not write, speak or even indicate its existence to others, or they would become vegetables.

"I agree, although we are stronger and faster. Our stamina and bodies still need to eat, haha." Supporting her boyfriend, Hitomi chimed in with a thick sweat on her face after using her wind to enhance her body.

Shinji looked at the group, his eyes shining momentarily, seeing his party members' current state and strength.

This was his special ability, nothing to do with what Aya taught them. It allowed him to see if someone was infected and their physical state and a numerical value for combat power to inform him of the danger.

'Our leader is pushing herself...'

He cast his gaze and analysed everyone; this was his habit since that night, and he realised he had this ability...

Because he didn't notice the fifth member of their discipline committee was exhausted, she fell during combat and was killed.

Thus, he never failed to check now, even if it showed him the embarrassing secrets of others...

[Name: Mari

Status: Healthy. She needs to use the bathroom but is embarrassed.

Combat Power: 25]

[Name: Daiki

Status: Exhilarated, Hitomi accepted his confession after waiting two weeks!

Combat Power: 12 (Ranged 22)]

[Name: Hitmoi

Status: Sore, good. She lost her virginity last night, so her movement is awkward.

Combat Power: 20 (24 - Low due to flesh wound)]

[Name: Shiji

Status: Tired and a little embarrassed to know his friends are having sex when they camp.

Combat Power: 19]

Finally, he let out a sigh as they began to move.

His pace slowed as he paced beside Daiki, handed him some painkillers, and whispered about the state of Hitomi and then a pack of condoms.

"Be careful, Dai. If something happens, she can't run right now; it's all on you to cover for her," Shiji whispered, tapping his back with a smile.

The tall boy blushed but felt the good intent from his friend.

"Thanks, Shin... I was a little irresponsible, but you know how long I've liked her. You should hurry and let Mari know your feelings, too. It's great you finally realised the difference between admiration and love."

Shinji might have flipped out if this were months ago, maybe even a week ago.

Yet he knew it was the truth.

He admired and worshipped Shirogane Aya not as a woman but as a human who worked hard, achieved impossible things, and inspired him to become a better person.

"True... she seems the type to make a mistake if I do, haha..."

His eyes watched her back, Mari hopping between Hitomi and Aya, annoying them both, while her eyes seemed to sparkle with life when she looked back and waved at him.

'I won't let her suffer...'

'Maybe I should tell her about Aya...'

[Name Shirogane Aya

Status: Mind break, severe grief, obsession, insomnia, sleep deprivation. The death of Ryu and the idea of forgetting him is pushing her to the edge.

Combat Power: 65]

A flicker of worry faded from his brows as he began to scout the area for any zombies or hidden survivors with flashing eyes.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

A series of gunshots from the direction of the police station drew their attention, but it wasn't only them who were alerted...

The group's eyes widened as countless growls and murmurs began to sound from the surrounding buildings... Many zombies appeared, dragging themselves out of the debris and broken buildings.

Hundreds... maybe more.

"Combat! Get in your positions!" Aya yelled, her body vanishing like a shooting star towards the nearest zombie, her movements that of the Kurogane school of combat.

She had bought the first and second-level skills from the store for 2000 points as her blade penetrated two zombies through their brains with a simple thrust, twist and slice.

Shiji watched as she followed up with the same Elbow that Ryu almost hit him with the moments before the apocalypse.

Her blow caused the third zombie's head to explode as a melon dropped from a building.

Shaking his head, he shouted their numbers and directions.

"Forty zombies to the west! Nine to the north and Two hundred from the North West!"