
Blood Devil in the Apocalypse

Huge black gates appeared around the globe. The gates opened, and monsters overflowed, destroying the world. Ryu could only resist as his reality fell apart, everything, looking at the corpse of the woman he secretly loved. Everything was ruined—and he was powerless. The reality of losing Aya caused him to abandon the path of humanity and live like a devil—if the monsters wanted to destroy the world, let them. Because he would destroy them in return. On the day the gates opened, he became the same as the monsters that came through the gates. A Blood Demon Eternal in nature, undying and powerful beings that love violence, carnage, and all things sinfully cardinal. With this transformation, he received a system... One that would drive him onto the path of the evil way. [Ding! Supreme Villan System is now Activated!] [Kill 1 Zombie for 10 points] [Kill 10 Zombies for 100 points] [Kill 100 Zombies for 1000 points] [Bonus Points Given For Villainous Acts!] ⟪Gained Blood Demon Qi Absorption Art⟫ ⟪Learn Martial Art: Scarlet Rush⟫ ⟪Blood Qi prevents infection and death!⟫ ⟪Reached Earth Cycle Realm - 1st Layer, Inner Core⟫ [Go Forth, Young Blood Devil! You Are Eternal!]

Crimson_Tyrant · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Shirogane Aya - Life Goes On!




A familiar voice sounded in a small room covered in darkness with a small lamp giving a tiny light to what seemed to be a large office, now with many broken desks and cracked monitors.


The voice was the girl who ran away with Shinji with the food.

Both of them couldn't completely abandon her when the huge monster destroyed the wall and sent her body flying across the gravel, tearing most of her stomach and arm, now a bloody mess wrapped with several bandages she was sleeping.

"Mari, is she okay?" Shiji asked, holding a wooden bat and looking out the closed blinds.

They were on the fourth floor of an office close to the school. Shinji noticed that shortly after Aya was hurt, the zombies didn't seem to move from the area around the gym.

Rather they didn't seem to be active at night, compared to his guess.

"Is it really because the gates are closed?" He muttered as the cute brown-haired girl sneaked to his side like an agile cat for her share of noodles.

"Mmmm... I don't understand much, but normally, in novels or movies, don't zombies worsen at night? Maybe it's like you said, but let's keep acting safe and block the entrances and hide from sight."

"Who knows... I mean, how many managed to escape?"

"Well, we were too fast to flee." Mari slurped on the noodles looking back at the wounded Aya.

"Aya seems to have liked Ryu..." Shinji's face looked sullen, but he then smiled bitterly.

A sense of maturity from the moment of near death made him realise that Ryu never actually did anything, and he was just too jealous of how close they were...

So he caused problems with his friends.

The moment he was about to sigh, a small hand slipped on top of his.

Mari looked at him with a bitter smile.

It wasn't because she was selfish for her own life that she fled with him, rather... She had liked him since the start of their second year.


"Just... a little. I don't know if momma or dad are okay, so give me some courage, okay?"

"Haha... of course, anytime."

Shinji felt bad in his chest as he took advantage of her during this moment, but Aya wasn't his heroine.

"Nnnm... Ryu..."

Aya slowly tried to get up, but a painful ache and stabbing pain shot down her sides as she gasped.


Mari was about to rush to her side, but a rough hand grasped her tightly. His arms were not the strongest, but the plump indoor girl was pulled back and flopped beside him.


"Give her a moment. You should understand that we don't know what she just lost... Nor can we comfort her well. Let her release the frustration in her heart..."

Shinji's eyes were gentle, but his whispered words were stern as Mari's little body trembled with a cute nod.

Her crafty fingers intertwined with his as they listened to the slight whimpers of pain and loss from Aya that lasted more than 10 minutes before she became silent.

'Is she done?' Mari thought, peeking back to see her sat in a strange position.

From the position, it looked like she was bathing in the star's light; the darkness seemed to be rejected by her body as she gave off a gentle glow.

'So pretty...'

"What's the matter, Mari?" Shinji asked as he passed her a bit of cheese from the small packet and placed it on a piece of bread for her.

'Mmmm, such a cute boy!'

He wasn't a bad guy, everyone knew his feelings, but before the end started, maybe he was too stubborn or had this idea he could surpass anything.

Now after seeing so much death and even his rival had died...

Shinji started to change.

And Mari would make him look her way this time!


Aya felt an emptiness in her chest, but there was nothing she could do but fight and survive.

The moment she woke up, the system made her aware of her opponent growing stronger and her bonus points gained.

[Warning! Supreme Villain System Owner has reached the 3rd Layer of the Earth Cycle]

[Added 5000 points for saving 100 students]

[Added 500 points for killing 2nd Stage Mutant! Only gained 30% due to lack of contribution]

'Someone killed that monster?'

'Was it the Supreme Villain?'

She shook her head and looked around the room.

After gaining her divine angelic cultivation, Aya could perfectly see both day and night. Her eyes pierced the darkness more scarlet than before as she bit her lips.

'Only the Disciplinary Committee are here... Where did everyone else go?'

Three people were sleeping near the walls under desks that didn't break.

Two people, Shinji and Mari, were beside the dim lantern that lit only about 15% of the room.

Swiping her arm, she opened the [Shop] and began to browse several items and basic [Martial Arts] for them all to learn.

"So expensive..." She whispered before choosing a simple one.

[Basic Elemental Body Strengthening] for five hundred points per person.

This technique seemed simple and only needed them to breathe or focus for a few hours daily to adjust their bodies and improve them slowly.

'2,500 points down the drain...'

She leaned back, holding her face while trying to decide the way forward. Points were limited until she could easily slay them.

'I need a new weapon and a movement technique.'

Aya realised she might not have suffered that blow if she could dodge or avoid his attack.

Now that all the discipline members would learn this technique once they slept or woke up and the desire to practise it would grow from that dream, she could rest easier.

In addition, she bought ten Wound healing pills costing one hundred points each. She bought two for each member and five Fatigue relieving pills for fifty points each.

'More than 1,250 points, but at least I can save them from normal wounds and exhaustion.'

[Name: Shirogane Aya

Race: Lesser Holy Angel (Rank 1)

Cultivation Stage: 2nd Layer of the Earth Cycle (Inner Core)

Technique: Divine Angel Absorption Technique

Holy QI: 0/300

Current Points: 3000

STR: 15

VIT: 22

INT: 18

AGI: 32

DEX: 32

Combat Power: 25 (Average Human 5)]

When she flipped to the page which sold techniques for her alone that couldn't be shared.

Ultimately, she chose a single technique because it was cheap and quite effective.

[Wind Dance Flow Technique (Low Grade)] - 1000DP

Effects: Enhances agility, flexibility, and a sense of lightness.

Visual: Imagine yourself in a serene meadow. A gentle breeze envelops you as you move, guiding your every step.

Your body flows with the wind's rhythm, swaying like a willow tree. With each movement, you feel your muscles stretching and strengthening, becoming as supple as the wind itself.

Your steps become effortless like you're gliding above the ground.

As you raise your arms, they mimic the elegant swaying of branches. You're one with the wind, a dance of grace and fluidity.

With a thankful heart, you pause, feeling invigorated by the wind's touch.

As you finish, you stand still, the wind's energy fading, leaving you refreshed and revitalised.


She closed her eyes before swaying gently with a smile, the memories of meeting Ryu for the first time filling her body as the technique began to engrave itself into her mind and body, a slight pain as she felt it changing her muscles, bones and qi pathways.

"Now, for a new weapon...."




Basic Elemental Body Strengthening

Step 1: Stand and Breathe. Stand comfortably with your feet apart. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths.

Step 2: Imagine Elemental Energy Imagine a powerful energy related to your chosen element (e.g., holy light) around you.

Step 3: Inhale Strength Inhale deeply, envisioning this energy entering your body with your breath.

Step 4: Exhale Weakness As you exhale, imagine releasing any weakness or tension from your body.

Step 5: Gather Energy. Raise your arms while inhaling, collecting more elemental energy between your hands.

Step 6: Absorb and Fortify Lower your hands while exhaling, letting the energy flow into your body, strengthening your muscles and bones.

Step 7: Express Gratitude. Take a moment to feel grateful for the energy and strength you've gained.

Step 8: Finish. Open your eyes and feel the newfound vitality. Carry this feeling with you throughout your day.

Practice this regularly for gradual physical enhancement.