
Blood Devil in the Apocalypse

Huge black gates appeared around the globe. The gates opened, and monsters overflowed, destroying the world. Ryu could only resist as his reality fell apart, everything, looking at the corpse of the woman he secretly loved. Everything was ruined—and he was powerless. The reality of losing Aya caused him to abandon the path of humanity and live like a devil—if the monsters wanted to destroy the world, let them. Because he would destroy them in return. On the day the gates opened, he became the same as the monsters that came through the gates. A Blood Demon Eternal in nature, undying and powerful beings that love violence, carnage, and all things sinfully cardinal. With this transformation, he received a system... One that would drive him onto the path of the evil way. [Ding! Supreme Villan System is now Activated!] [Kill 1 Zombie for 10 points] [Kill 10 Zombies for 100 points] [Kill 100 Zombies for 1000 points] [Bonus Points Given For Villainous Acts!] ⟪Gained Blood Demon Qi Absorption Art⟫ ⟪Learn Martial Art: Scarlet Rush⟫ ⟪Blood Qi prevents infection and death!⟫ ⟪Reached Earth Cycle Realm - 1st Layer, Inner Core⟫ [Go Forth, Young Blood Devil! You Are Eternal!]

Crimson_Tyrant · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Kurogane Ryu - No longer Human

The world was loud as the gunfire slowed, seeming to be dwindling over time.

Kurogane Ryu was having his mind and body changed, contorted and defiled the pain he endured in his dreams beyond that of a million bullet ants biting a man's crotch.

His pain was caused by something that surpassed humanity's understanding, yet nobody noticed his silent suffering.

Because they were dominated by panic.

No leader, as they began to flee the classroom screaming with nobody even stopping to check if he was okay.

A few fleeting looks as his body covered the dead Shido Mayuri, a look of shock on her face with blood oozing from her nose and lips.


His lips began to open, but immediately his face contorted, feeling the churning of his stomach, a vile squishy jelly suddenly projecting from his mouth as he vomited.


Tears oozed from his eyes—the pain was like someone held onto his insides and yanked them out with all their strength.

A disgusting pile of black, smelly organs and goo now covering the woman that was killed, her open mouth filled with the gross fluids.

"Ugh.... what is going on I? There was noise, gunfire before something hit..."


A weird white rectangle board was hovering in the sky with strange text written on it.

'I know this, know what the text means...'

[Ding! Supreme Villan System is now Activated!]

⟪First Murder 1090 Bonus points added!⟫

—Current points 1100 (Shido Mayuri - Neck snapped)

⟪Gained Blood Demon Qi Absorption Art⟫

⟪Learn Martial Art: Scarlet Rush⟫

⟪Your Qi prevents infection and death!⟫

⟪Reached Earth Cycle Realm - 1st Layer, Inner Core⟫

[Go Forth, Young Blood Demon! You Are Eternal!]

His eyes read the information rapidly within 0.5 seconds, like a monster. He took in the information, suddenly swiping his left hand as if by habit, making the white rectangle fade.

'Supreme Villain System... Spare me; I like casual sex and drinking.'

The information in his mind told him what to do, but he wanted to learn to follow his path.

'I'm sick of being forced to do as others tell me.'

"I'll kill if I want to kill, I'll fuck if I want to fuck, I'll run if I want to!" His voice was loud as the body of Shido Mayuri suddenly opened her eyes, rotten and grey; the changes in her body were almost instant!

Ryu looked at her, growling as any kid would know. The gates, people being eaten by others.

'Zombie, right?'

'Well, I already killed you once; why should it matter twice?'

"Sorry, but I wouldn't remember your name without this system."

He was honestly feeling a bit shitty.

The three little thugs he always cared for were missing. Did they presume he was dead or run away in terror?

"Urrr...." Mayuri's broken spine seemed to stop her from moving as she moaned, solidifying Ryu's thoughts.

'What am I really worried about, those punks?!'

With one foot, Ryu drove it right into her skull, causing her face to explode as brain and tissue spilt all over his filthy shoes.

He knew the basics not to swallow her blood or fluids, covering his face before he felt something... His body began to form a strange suction from his pelvis, sucking something from her dead body, a red goo flowing through her crushed skull into his abdomen.

'This... Qi?'

⟪Blood Demon Qi Absorption Active⟫

'I think that is correct.' His face was confused as his veins felt tight momentarily while experiencing a rapid heartbeat and a sense of fever.

He felt like a new species, or was he even human anymore...

The information for the technique began to appear in his mind causing him to stumble back, despite the power from the small Zombie making his body feel a sense of euphoria close to sleeping with a young woman all night.

His needs for food and sleep were completely settled from this small red blood as it floated into his stomach...

'What is that small crimson orb in my body... why can I see it!?'

⟪Blood Demon Qi Absorption⟫

An advanced demon cultivation technique that harnesses the cultivator's blood to convert natural Qi into a potent crimson-blooded energy known as blood Qi.

As the cultivator cultivates diligently, they establish a profound connection with the demonic realm, and their Dantian transforms, becoming vermilion and pulsating like a second heart.

During cultivation, the cultivator's blood acts as a catalyst, merging with the surrounding natural Qi. The Qi is infused with the essence of the cultivator's blood, taking on a crimson hue and carrying the might of demonic forces.

One unique aspect of Blood Demon Qi Absorption is its unparalleled potential for growth.

The longer the cultivator dedicates to its practice, the more powerful they become, as their blood and Qi intertwine, unleashing the full force of demonic vitality within them.

However, another characteristic was the immunity to all diseases, infections and viruses in any domain or universe.

Defeated enemies Blood Qi can be absorbed at will to boost cultivation.

'Immune to all diseases, infections and viruses.... is just fucking cheat mode!' Ryu's eyes looked shocked for a moment.

"I've already taken this bitch's Qi; the zombie thing is useless anyway, so why waste this opportunity." A strange red light glowed in his eyes; Ryu didn't feel the fear a human should have; was it the immunity or the fact that his body could fight them without care of being hurt?

'Let's not rush out; I need to know myself best... The sound of footsteps dragging is coming from outside, and looking at the clock; it's been 1 hour since I fainted.'

"That means Aya will probably be with a large group by now; I cannot let her know what I've become; she would nag me like an old woman."

His words felt sarcastic, not wanting Aya to discover what happened, not wanting her to see the changes in him, and not knowing if she would run, try to save or kill him.


"Father... It looks like the heavens want me to follow the path I have avoided, the path you wanted me to take."

Ryu's face was a mixture of anger and acceptance; he never hated his father or the training he was forced to endure.

He trained Ryu, believing in him and his path, forcing him not to fall behind, unlike the rest.

"No more, no more."

'If I want to survive, I must hunt, and my first target will be those like Mayuri Shido, who died like dogs already.'

He clenched his fists tightly, cracking the air.

"I've chosen the path; maybe this damn Supreme Villan System nudged me, but thank you."

With a swipe of his arm, he saw a strange screen with a 3D image of himself and quite a bit of Data.

[Name: Ryu Kurogane

Race: Lesser Blood Demon (Rank 1)

Cultivation Stage: 1st Layer of the Earth Cycle (Inner Core)

Technique: Blood Demon Qi Absorption

Blood QI: 1/100

Current points: 1100

STR: 15

VIT: 50

INT: 15

AGI: 20

DEX: 20

Combat Power: 15 (Average Human 5)]

On the screen were a few more tabs.

[Shop] [Techniques][Bloodline][Sub-Modules]

He wanted to open the Techniques tab, not buy new techniques but list his current ones.

⟪Learn Martial Art: Scarlet Rush⟫

'Can I add them to the main screen? Oh! I can, good... that Scarlet Rush seems cool and a more powerful version of our families technique.'

Ryu stood up, looking at one last message, before he fastened his jacket and headed towards the door.

'Aya, you better survive.'

⟪Your Qi prevents infection and death!⟫

The moans from several dead classmates and teachers sounded as his handsome face approached them. As they also looked at him with bright eyes.

Both regard the other as their dinner.

Cracking his knuckles, he lunged forward, running along the wall before jumping past the stronger male Zombie and drop-kicking the female, dragging her broken thigh and crushing her face against the stone wall.

A sickening crack caused his lips to show a wicked smile.

'Drink her dry!'

⟪Blood QI: 2/100⟫

The suction from his hand grabbed her bloody, crushed face before launching her empty corpse towards the zombie jock.

"Hahaha~ this is awesome!"

"Kurogane Ryu- Heir to the Kuronagne Assassination techniques is your opponent! COME!"

He waved his fingers towards himself as the zombies amassed around him. His true self was finally allowed to show its face.

No longer bound by the morals that murder was wrong.