
Blood Crown: The Ascent of the Vampire King

weeb_boy669 · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs

chapter 36: The Witch's Test

Dark Majesty stood before the witch, the Black Orchid clutched tightly in his hand. He could feel the power coursing through his veins, but he also felt a sense of unease.

He knew that he had made a dangerous bargain with the witch, and he was not sure what it would ultimately cost him.

The witch spoke, her voice laced with an eerie calmness.

"Give me the flower, my king. Let me see if you have truly proven yourself worthy of the power it brings."

Dark Majesty hesitated for a moment, but then slowly extended his hand, offering the Black Orchid to the witch.

She took it delicately, examining the flower closely.

After a moment, she nodded. "You have done well, my king.

Your courage and determination have proven that you are indeed worthy of the power of the Black Orchid."

Dark Majesty felt a surge of relief and pride.

He had succeeded in passing the witch's test, and he was now more confident than ever in his ability to protect his kingdom.

But the witch's next words quickly tempered his joy.

"However, there is one more thing you must do before the power of the Black Orchid is fully yours."

Dark Majesty's heart sank. He knew that there was a price to be paid for such power, and he had a sinking feeling that he was about to learn what it was.

"What is it that I must do?"

he asked... bracing himself for the worst.

The witch's expression turned serious.

"You must sacrifice the blood of one of your own."

Dark Majesty recoiled in horror.

"What? No! I will not sacrifice one of my own people!"

The witch's eyes glinted dangerously.

"It is the only way, my king."

"The power of the Black Orchid demands a sacrifice, and without it, the flower's power will be diminished."

Dark Majesty clenched his fists, torn between his duty to protect his people and his desire for power. He knew that he could not sacrifice one of his own, but he also knew that the power of the Black Orchid was too important to ignore.

As he struggled with his decision, the witch spoke again.

"I will leave you to consider your options, my king.

But know this: if you do not make the sacrifice, the power of the Black Orchid will be weakened, and your kingdom will be at risk."

With those ominous words, the witch vanished into the shadows, leaving Dark Majesty alone with his thoughts.

For hours, he paced back and forth, trying to come up with a solution.

He could not bring himself to sacrifice one of his own people, but he also could not let the power of the Black Orchid slip away.

Finally, in the wee hours of the morning, an idea struck him.

He would make the sacrifice, but not with the blood of one of his own. Instead, he would offer up his own blood.

With a sense of grim determination, he made his way to the temple of the vampire god.

There, he cut his palm and let his blood drip onto the altar.

As he watched, the power of the Black Orchid flowed into his wound, mixing with his own blood.

He felt the power surging through him, and he knew that he had made the right choice.

But even as he reveled in his newfound power, he could not shake the feeling that he had made a dangerous bargain.

The price of the Black Orchid was steep, and he knew that there would be consequences for his actions.

As he left the temple, he made a vow to himself. He would use the power of the Black Orchid to protect his people and bring unity to his kingdom. But he would also be wary of the witch and the true cost of his bargain.

He knew that the witch would not hesitate to manipulate him if it meant achieving her own goals. But for now, he needed her help to rid his kingdom of the darkness that threatened to consume it.

Dark Majesty returned to his castle, his mind racing with plans and strategies. He knew that the task ahead would not be easy, but he was determined to see it through.

He called upon his most trusted advisors and generals to discuss their next move.

"We need to be vigilant," he said.

"The enemy may have retreated for now, but they will not give up so easily.

We must prepare for their next attack."

The room was filled with murmurs of agreement, and they began to discuss tactics and logistics.

But in the back of his mind, Dark Majesty couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

He knew that the witch's test was not over, and that there would be a price to pay for his new power.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months.

The kingdom was at peace, but it was a fragile peace, and everyone knew that it could be shattered at any moment.

Dark Majesty spent much of his time studying and experimenting with the Black Orchid, trying to understand its properties and limitations.

One day, as he was walking through the castle gardens, he heard a soft voice calling his name.

He turned to see the witch standing in the shadows, her eyes glittering in the moonlight.

"Dark Majesty," she said.

"I have come to collect what is owed to me."

Dark Majesty felt a chill run down his spine. He had known that this moment would come, but he had hoped that he would have more time to prepare.

"What do you want?"

he asked.

"I want you to do something for me," she said.

"There is a rival witch who has been meddling in my affairs for too long. I want you to destroy her."

Dark Majesty hesitated.

He had never been comfortable with the idea of killing someone, even if it was in the name of protecting his kingdom.

"What will you give me in return?"

he asked.

"I will give you another dose of the Black Orchid," she said.

"Enough to make you invincible. Think of it, Dark Majesty.

With that kind of power, you could rule over all the lands, not just your own kingdom."

The temptation was strong, but Dark Majesty knew that he could not be swayed so easily.

He had to think of his people, and of the consequences of his actions.

"I'll do it," he said.

"But I want your word that this will be the last favor you ask of me."

The witch smiled, her eyes glinting with amusement. "You drive a hard bargain, Dark Majesty.

But very well. I give you my word that this will be the last time I ask anything of you."

And with that, she disappeared into the night, leaving Dark Majesty alone with his thoughts. He knew that he had just made a dangerous bargain, but he also knew that he had no choice.

He had to do whatever it took to protect his kingdom, even if it meant dealing with a witch and risking his own soul.

The days passed, and Dark Majesty began to prepare for his mission.

He called upon his most trusted advisors and generals, and they began to plan their attack. They scouted the rival witch's stronghold, gathering as much information as they could.

Finally, the day of the attack arrived. Dark Majesty led his troops into battle, determined to destroy his enemy once and for all.

The fighting was fierce, and many lives were lost, but in the end, they emerged victorious.

Dark Majesty stood in the ruins of the rival witch's stronghold, feeling a sense of triumph mixed with unease He knew that he had succeeded in his mission, but at what cost?

The price of the witch's test had been high, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had made a grave mistake.

The power of the Black Orchid was intoxicating, and he could feel its influence creeping into his thoughts and actions.

He knew that he needed to be careful, or else he risked becoming just like the witches he had fought against.

As he made his way back to his castle, Dark Majesty reflected on the events that had led him to this point. He had started as a simple vampire, content to live his life away from the politics and power struggles of the other supernatural beings.

But fate had other plans for him, and he found himself thrust into the role of king.

He had fought hard to gain the respect and loyalty of his people, and he had faced numerous challenges along the way.

But now, with the power of the Black Orchid at his disposal, he was both invincible and vulnerable.

He had to find a way to use the power wisely, without becoming consumed by it.

As he entered the castle gates, he resolved to seek out the wisdom of those he trusted most.

He summoned his closest advisors to a council, where he shared with them the events that had transpired in the rival witch's stronghold.

They listened intently, nodding and murmuring amongst themselves as he spoke. When he finished, they fell silent, considering his words.

Finally, one of his advisors spoke up.

"My lord, we understand the gravity of the situation. The power of the Black Orchid is not to be underestimated, and we must be cautious in how we use it."

Another advisor chimed in.

"Perhaps we could seek out the guidance of a powerful sage or seer.

They may have insights into the nature of the Black Orchid that we do not possess."

Dark Majesty nodded in agreement. "Yes, that is a good idea. But we must also be careful in whom we trust.

We do not know who else may be seeking the power of the Black Orchid."

The council continued for hours, with Dark Majesty and his advisors brainstorming ways to harness the power of the Black Orchid without succumbing to its corruption.

They discussed everything from limiting its use to certain situations to finding a way to purge its influence from their minds altogether.

In the end, they came to a tentative conclusion. They would continue to use the power of the Black Orchid, but only in the most dire of situations.

And they would keep a watchful eye on each other, making sure that none of them were being influenced by its dark magic.

As the council drew to a close, Dark Majesty felt a sense of relief. He knew that he had a difficult path ahead of him, but with the guidance and support of his advisors, he felt confident that he could handle whatever challenges lay ahead.

And with the power of the Black Orchid at his side, he knew that he was now a force to be reckoned with.