
Blood Crown: The Ascent of the Vampire King

weeb_boy669 · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs

Chapter 34: A Pact with the Witch

Dark Majesty stood in the clearing, clutching the Black Orchid in his hand.

His heart was filled with a mixture of relief and triumph, for he had fulfilled his promise to the witch and secured her aid in his quest for redemption and unity for his kingdom.

As he turned to leave, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him.

He spun around, his hand instinctively going to the hilt of his sword, but relaxed when he saw the figure emerging from the shadows.

"Dark Majesty…"

the witch said, her voice low and gravelly.

"I am pleased that you have kept your promise."

"The Black Orchid is a powerful tool, and it will serve you well in your endeavours."

Dark Majesty nodded, his eyes fixed on the witch. "Thank you for your help," he said, his voice tinged with gratitude.

"But tell me - why did you choose to aid me in my quest?"

The witch smiled, a sly glint in her eyes.

"I see potential in you, Dark Majesty."

"You have the makings of a great leader, but you have also made grave mistakes.

I believe that with my guidance, you can achieve the redemption you seek, and lead your kingdom to a brighter future."

Dark Majesty's expression softened, his eyes filled with a newfound respect for the witch.

"I am humbled by your words," he said.

"And I am grateful for your aid. Together, we can make a difference."

The witch nodded, her eyes glinting with satisfaction.

"Indeed we can," she said.

But be warned, Dark Majesty -

"The path to redemption is fraught with peril. You must be prepared to face your demons, and emerge stronger for the experience."

Dark Majesty nodded, a determined look in his eyes.

"I am ready," he said, his voice firm.

"I will do whatever it takes to lead my kingdom to a brighter future."

The witch examined the plant carefully before nodding in approval.


"You have shown yourself to be a man of your word. And for that, I shall honour my end of the bargain."

"What is it that you want in return?"

Dark Majesty asked, wary of her intentions.

The witch smiled, revealing her sharp teeth. "I have a proposition for you.

I can grant you the power to control the minds of your enemies, to bend them to your will and make them your loyal servants.

All you have to do is swear your allegiance to me and become my servant."


Dark Majesty hesitated. He had always believed that true power came from within, not from external sources.

But he also knew that he needed every advantage he could get if he was going to unite his kingdom and defeat his enemies.

"What if I refuse?"

he asked.

The witch shrugged.

"Then you will have to find another way to defeat your enemies.

But I warn you, they grow stronger with each passing day.

And if you do not act soon, your kingdom will be consumed by war and chaos."

Dark Majesty considered her words. He knew she was right.

He needed every advantage he could get.

But at what cost?

"What guarantee do I have that you will keep your end of the bargain?" he asked.

The witch smiled again.

"You have my word. And as a witch, my word is binding. Besides, if you serve me well, there will be more rewards to come."

Dark Majesty closed his eyes, weighing his options.

He knew that making a pact with a witch was risky, but he also knew that the fate of his kingdom was at stake.

He took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

"I accept your offer," he said.

The witch's smile widened, revealing more of her sharp teeth.

"Good. Then let us begin."

She raised her hand and began to chant in a language Dark Majesty did not understand.

He felt a surge of energy flow through him, and he knew that the witch was imbuing him with the power to control minds.

When she finished, she lowered her hand and looked at him with a gleam in her eye.

"You are now my servant. But do not forget, if you fail me, there will be consequences."

Dark Majesty nodded, feeling both empowered and uneasy at the same time.

He knew he had just made a deal with the devil, but he also knew that he had no choice.

"Thank you…"

he said, hoping he had made the right decision.

The witch cackled, her laughter echoing through the clearing.

"You have made a wise choice, Dark Majesty. Now go and use your new power to unite your kingdom and defeat your enemies.

And do not forget who gave you that power."

Dark Majesty turned and left the clearing, feeling the weight of his new power on his shoulders.

He knew that he had just taken a dangerous step, but he also knew that he had to do whatever it took to save his kingdom.

And if that meant making a pact with a witch, then so be it.

As he made his way back to his castle, Dark Majesty couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach.

He knew that the witch's power came with a price, and he couldn't help but wonder what kind of consequences he would face for making this pact.

As he entered the castle, he was met with the familiar faces of his council.

They looked at him expectantly, waiting for his next move.

"My lords," he said, addressing them.

"I have made a pact with a powerful witch to help us defeat our enemies."

The council members exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of what to make of this news. One of them spoke up hesitantly.

"Your Majesty, while we appreciate your efforts to protect the kingdom, we cannot condone such actions without knowing the full extent of the consequences."

Dark Majesty sighed, knowing that his council had a point.

But he also knew that he had to take risks in order to achieve his goals.

"I understand your concerns, but we are in a dire situation.

We must do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of our people."

The council members nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

They knew that their king had their best interests at heart, even if they didn't always agree with his methods.

Dark Majesty continued,

"I need you all to prepare for the upcoming battle. We must be ready to face our enemies with full force."

The council members nodded in agreement, and they began to make their preparations.

Dark Majesty retreated to his chambers, feeling the weight of his new power and responsibility bearing down on him.

As he lay in his bed, he couldn't help but think about the pact he had made with the witch.

He knew that he would have to be careful with his newfound power, as it could easily consume him if he wasn't careful.

But he also knew that he had to trust in his own strength and leadership.

He was the king, after all, and it was his duty to protect his kingdom at all costs.

The next day, Dark Majesty led his troops into battle, his newfound power pulsing through his veins.

With his sword in hand and his determination unwavering, he fought alongside his soldiers, leading them to victory against their enemies.

As the battle came to an end, Dark Majesty looked out over the battlefield, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.

He knew that there were still many challenges ahead, but he was confident in his abilities to overcome them.

And as he turned to leave the battlefield, he couldn't help but wonder what other secrets and powers lay waiting for him in the darkness.