
Blood Crown: The Ascent of the Vampire King

weeb_boy669 · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs

Chapter 28 : The King's Court

The King's Court was a place of dark majesty and power.

The room was adorned with gold and jewels, the walls lined with tapestries depicting scenes from battles won and enemies vanquished.

At the head of the room sat Dark Majesty, flanked by his most trusted advisors.

As the doors to the room opened, a group of vampires entered, bowing before their king.

"Your Majesty," said one of them, rising from the bow.

"We have received word that the rebels have formed an alliance with the werewolves."

"They are growing in strength and have been raiding our outposts."

Dark Majesty sat back in his throne, his eyes narrowing.

"I see…"

"And what do you propose we do about this?"

"We believe that a show of force is necessary," said another vampire.

"We should send our armies to crush them and show them the might of our kingdom."

Dark Majesty considered this for a moment before nodding.

"Very well…"

"Send word to our generals."

" I want them to gather their armies and prepare to march. We will put an end to this rebellion once and for all."

The vampires bowed and fled out of the room, leaving Dark Majesty alone with his advisors.

"Do you think this is the right course of action, my lord?"

asked one of the advisors, a vampire with a stern look in his eyes.

Dark Majesty turned to him, his expression cold. "What other choice do we have?"

"These rebels threaten the stability of our kingdom. We cannot allow them to continue to defy us."

"But what about the cost, my lord?"

the advisor pressed.

"The lives that will be lost in this war?"

Dark Majesty's eyes flickered with anger. "The cost is irrelevant. We are at war, and sacrifices must be made. It is the duty of a king to protect his people, no matter the cost."

The advisors fell silent, their heads bowed in deference to their king's will. But one of them, a vampire with a more hesitant demeanour, spoke up.

"My lord, forgive me, but...what of our humanity? Our souls?

Is this really the path we want to continue on?"

Dark Majesty's eyes flashed with anger.


"You forget your place, advisor. This is not a debate."

"I have made my decision, and we will see it through. That is all."

The advisor bowed, a look of regret on his face, and the meeting was dismissed. As the vampires filed out of the room, Dark Majesty remained on his throne, lost in thought.

He couldn't shake the advisor's words from his mind.

Was this really the path he wanted to continue on?

The path of blood and fire, of endless war and destruction?

Was there no other way to rule his kingdom?

But try as he might, he could not shake the darkness that had taken hold of him.

He was the king, and his duty was to protect his people at all costs.

And if that meant waging war and sacrificing lives, then so be it.

As he sat alone in the King's Court, Dark Majesty knew that his reign of blood and fire would continue, no matter the cost.

And he couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to break the cycle, to find redemption for the sins he had committed.

He thought of his advisors, the ones who had encouraged him down this path of destruction.

Were they truly loyal to him, or were they just using him for their own gain?

He couldn't help but feel a sense of distrust towards them, but he knew he needed their counsel to keep his kingdom strong.

Suddenly, the door to the court opened, and one of his advisors entered.

"My Lord, we have received word that the rebels are gathering their forces."

"They plan to attack us within the week."

Dark Majesty stood up, his eyes blazing with fury. "Let them come. We will crush them beneath our feet."

The advisor bowed.

"As you command, my Lord."

As the advisor left the court, Dark Majesty couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that the rebels were growing stronger with each passing day, and that his reign of terror could not continue forever.

But for now, he would do whatever it took to maintain his grip on the throne.

As he sat back down on his throne, he heard a soft voice in his mind.

It was the voice of his conscience, the part of him that still held onto his humanity.

"Is this what you truly want, to rule with fear and bloodshed?"

"Is this the legacy you want to leave behind?"

Dark Majesty pushed the voice away, knowing that he couldn't afford to show weakness. But deep down, he knew that the voice had a point.

He couldn't keep ruling his kingdom with an iron fist forever.

He needed to find a way to break the cycle, to find redemption for the sins he had committed.

Just then, another advisor entered the court.

"My Lord, we have received word that a group of rebels has been captured on the outskirts of the kingdom."

Dark Majesty nodded.

"Good. Bring them to me."

As the advisor left, Dark Majesty knew that he had a chance to show mercy, to prove to himself and his people that he was not just a monster.

He would give the rebels a choice: swear allegiance to him and his kingdom, or face the consequences.

As the rebels were brought before him, Dark Majesty could see the fear in their eyes. He knew that he had the power to crush them, to make an example of them for all to see. But instead, he decided to offer them a choice.

"You have two options," he said.

"You can swear allegiance to me and my kingdom, and I will spare your lives. Or you can face the consequences of your rebellion."

The rebels looked at each other, unsure of what to do. Finally, their leader stepped forward.

"We will never swear allegiance to you," she said defiantly.

Dark Majesty nodded, his eyes cold.

"Very well. Take them away."

As the rebels were led away to their fate, Dark Majesty couldn't help but feel a sense of regret. He had missed an opportunity to show mercy, to prove to himself and his people that he was not just a monster.

But he knew that there would be more opportunities in the future. He would find a way to break the cycle, to find redemption for the sins he had committed. And in doing so, he would become the true king that his people deserved.