
Blood Crown: The Ascent of the Vampire King

weeb_boy669 · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs

Chapter 21: A Deadly Rivalry

(Scene of Diablo's castle)

Diablo stood on the balcony of his castle, gazing out at the darkening sky. A storm was coming, and he could feel it in his bones.

He had just received word that a new vampire lord had risen to power in a neighbouring kingdom, and rumours were spreading that this new lord had his sights set on Diablo's throne.

He turned to face Lady Anastasia, who had joined him on the balcony.

"We must prepare for war," he said, his voice tense.

"This new lord is a formidable opponent, and he will stop at nothing to claim the Blood Crown."

Lady Anastasia nodded solemnly. "I will mobilise our forces immediately," she said.

"But we must also consider the possibility of negotiation. Perhaps there is a way to avoid bloodshed."

Diablo shook his head.

"I have heard tales of this lord's cruelty and ambition. He will not be satisfied with anything less than total domination. We must be ready to fight."

As Lady Anastasia left to make preparations, Diablo turned his thoughts to his own training. He knew he had to be at his best if he was going to face this new threat head-on. He spent hours each day honing his combat skills, pushing himself to the brink of exhaustion and beyond.

But even as he trained, he couldn't help but think about the new lord and what he represented. This wasn't just another battle for power - this was a clash of ideologies.

Diablo had always believed that a ruler should protect and serve his people, while this new lord was driven solely by ambition and greed.

The day of the battle arrived, and Diablo and his army marched out to meet their enemy on the field of battle.

The sky was dark and foreboding, the air thick with the smell of blood and fear. Diablo felt a shiver run down his spine as he surveyed the enemy army.

They were a formidable force, and he knew that many of his own troops would not survive the day.

The battle was fierce from the start, with both sides trading blows and pushing each other back and forth.

Diablo fought with all his might, his sword flashing in the dim light, as he cut down enemy after enemy.

He could feel the weight of the Blood Crown on his head, urging him on, filling him with a sense of power and purpose.

But even as he fought, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

There was something different about this battle, something that set it apart from all the others. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew that it was important.

As the battle raged on, Diablo caught a glimpse of the enemy lord, standing on a nearby hill, watching the carnage with a cold, calculating eye. Something about the way he stood, the way he looked at Diablo, sent a chill down his spine.

He shook his head and pushed the thought aside, focusing on the battle at hand.

But as the hours wore on, he couldn't help but feel that the enemy lord was toying with him, leading him into a trap.

And then it happened. The enemy army suddenly fell back, as if retreating. Diablo's troops surged forward, eager to claim victory, but as they reached the crest of the hill, they were met with a hail of arrows.

Diablo watched in horror as his soldiers fell around him, their bodies pierced by arrows. He tried to rally his troops, to push them forward, but it was too late. The enemy had set a trap, and Diablo had walked right into it.

As the last of his soldiers fell, Diablo found himself facing the enemy lord, his sword at the ready. But as he raised his weapon, he saw something in the other vampire's eyes that gave him pause.

It was a look of recognition, of familiarity.

"Diablo," the vampire said, his voice filled with a mix of bitterness and admiration.

"It's been a long time."(Sasiburida.... Diablo..)

Diablo hesitated, his mind racing as he tried to place the voice. And then, with a sudden shock of recognition, he realised who it was.

"Lucius," he said, his sword arm dropping in surprise.

The two vampires stood facing each other, both unsure of what to do next.

Diablo couldn't believe that Lucius, his friend and ally, had been the one behind the attacks on his kingdom. He felt a mix of anger and sadness at the betrayal.


Diablo asked, his voice low and dangerous.

"Why would you do this?"

Lucius looked away, shame evident on his face. "It wasn't personal," he said.

"It was just business. Valerian offered me power, wealth, influence. I couldn't resist."

Diablo felt a cold rage building inside him.

He had trusted Lucius, and had thought him to be a loyal friend.

And now he had betrayed that trust, for nothing more than his own selfish ambitions.

"You've made a grave mistake," Diablo said, his voice dripping with menace.

"You've chosen the wrong side, Lucius. And now you'll have to face the consequences."

With a swift movement, Diablo raised his sword and lunged at Lucius. The two vampires clashed, their weapons ringing out in the night air. It was a fierce battle, with both sides evenly matched. But Diablo fought with a fury born of betrayal, and he eventually gained the upper hand.

With a final blow, Diablo struck down his former friend.

Lucius fell to the ground, his body wracked with pain. Diablo stood over him, his sword dripping with blood.

"I'm sorry, my friend," Diablo said, his voice filled with regret.

"But you brought this upon yourself."

As he turned to leave, Diablo felt a deep sense of sadness.

He had lost a friend, and the kingdom had lost a valuable ally.

But he knew that he had done what was necessary to protect his people.

And as he walked away, Diablo couldn't help but wonder if there were any other betrayals waiting in the shadows, any other enemies lurking in the darkness.

The road to the vampire throne was a dangerous one, filled with treachery and deceit. But Diablo was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. He was the rightful king, and he would do whatever it took to keep his crown.

But deep down, Diablo knew that he couldn't do it alone. He needed allies he could trust, advisers who would give him sound counsel, and soldiers who would fight alongside him without hesitation. He also needed to keep a watchful eye on his enemies and be prepared for their next move.

For this reason, Diablo decided to call a council of the most trusted vampire lords and ladies, to discuss the future of the vampire kingdom and to plan for any potential threats.

The council was held in a grand hall within Diablo's castle, with each member seated at a large table.

Diablo himself sat at the head of the table, with Lady Anastasia at his side.

The meeting was intense, with each member voicing their concerns and opinions about the state of the kingdom.

One lord in particular, Lord Malakai, was particularly vocal.

"We need to expand our territory," he said.

"The humans are encroaching on our land, and we need to push them back. We have the strength and the power to do it."

But Lady Sophia, another council member, disagreed.

"We cannot afford to be too aggressive," she said.

"We must tread carefully and be mindful of our actions. The humans have allies of their own, and we do not want to provoke unnecessary conflict."

The debate continued for several hours, with Diablo listening intently to each argument. Finally, he spoke up.

"We must find a balance," he said.

"We cannot be too passive, but we also cannot be too aggressive. We must be smart, strategic, and work together to ensure the safety and prosperity of our kingdom."

The council members nodded in agreement, and the meeting ended on a positive note. But as the members left the hall, Diablo noticed something strange.

Lord Malakai was speaking to Lady Sophia, and their conversation seemed heated. Diablo made a mental note to keep an eye on them, knowing that a deadly rivalry could be brewing between the two.

As he walked back to his chambers, Diablo couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The council had been productive, but the threat of betrayal and danger still loomed over his kingdom. He knew that he would need to be vigilant and cautious in the days to come, for the game of thrones was far from over.

As he entered his chambers, Diablo's thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Lady Anastasia waiting for him. "My lord," she said, bowing respectfully. "I bring news of a disturbing development."

Diablo's eyebrows rose in surprise.

"What news?" he asked.

"It concerns Lord Valerian," Anastasia said.

"I have received word that he has formed an alliance with the werewolf clans in the northern territories."

Diablo's eyes narrowed. He had always suspected that Valerian was up to no good, but this was a serious escalation.

The werewolves were powerful and dangerous, and if they were allied with Valerian, it could mean trouble for the vampire kingdom.

"What do you propose we do?" Diablo asked.

Anastasia hesitated for a moment before answering.

"I believe that we should launch a preemptive strike against Valerian and his allies," she said. "We cannot afford to wait for them to attack us first."

Diablo considered her words carefully. It was a risky move, but he knew that Anastasia was right. If Valerian and the werewolves were planning an attack, it was better to strike first and catch them off guard.

"Very well," he said.

"Gather our forces and prepare for battle. We will move out at dawn."

Anastasia bowed once more and left the room, leaving Diablo alone with his thoughts. He knew that this was a critical moment in his reign as king.

If he succeeded in defeating Valerian and his allies, he would cement his position as the undisputed ruler of the vampire kingdom.

But if he failed, the consequences would be dire.

As he prepared for battle, Diablo could feel the weight of responsibility bearing down on him.

He knew that the outcome of this conflict would determine the future of his people.

But he was determined to do whatever it took to ensure their safety and security.

As dawn broke, Diablo led his army out of the castle gates and into the northern territories. The journey was long and arduous, but his soldiers marched on with a determination born of loyalty and courage. They knew that their king was counting on them, and they would not let him down.

As they approached Valerian's stronghold, Diablo could see the enemy forces gathering in the distance.

The werewolves were there, their eyes glowing with feral intensity, and Valerian himself stood at the front of the army, his expression one of smug satisfaction.

But Diablo was not deterred. He raised his sword high and signalled for his soldiers to charge. The battle was fierce, with both sides taking heavy losses, but Diablo's troops fought with a ferocity born of righteous anger.

And in the end, they emerged victorious.

As he stood on the battlefield, surveying the carnage around him, Diablo felt a sense of both relief and sadness.

He had won the battle, but at a great cost. Many of his soldiers had fallen, and the vampire kingdom would never be the same.

But he also knew that this was a turning point. Valerian was defeated, and his alliance with the werewolves had been broken.

The vampire kingdom was safe, at least for now.

As he made his way back to the castle, Diablo knew that there would be other challenges ahead. The game of thrones was far from over, and there were still enemies waiting in the shadows. But he was ready for whatever lay ahead. He was the rightful king, and he would do whatever it took to keep his crown.