
You Must Do It!

"You must do it! We don't have a choice! "

An angry male voice from the shadow snapped at Iris. She could not understand why he was angry at her. She didn't even know him but he had been scolding her for what seemed to be an eternity. She tried to see his face but he was standing under the shadow.

"What should I do?" She asked for the nth time.

"Just do it. You must do it. Don't think twice!"

Iris wanted to stomp her foot in annoyance. She could not understand this man. Didn't he hear her? She had no idea what he was telling her that she must do. She had been asking him but she got the same answer. She had a feeling that he didn't even hear her because he just kept on repeating the words that he had been telling her.

"Do it. Must do it. Do it!!" He screamed angrily at Iris.

"I don't know what you want!" She screamed back and woke up in a sweat.