
Blood Board

Death is usually the end the end of life. Usually. Kiro Olrae was a very successful Business owner. He was known throughout the world, and was good at almost everything he did. This was until he died. He found himself in a white void, with nothing but a black rectangular object, floating a couple feet off the ground, and a line of text at the top. 'Welcome, Entity.' It said. 'You have been selected for the ‘Blood Board Program.'

havecookies · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


In my life I had learned a lot of things. Some of them useful, some of them useless, and the rest somewhere in between.

But one thing I could never quite understand was the idea of 'Luck'.

Luck was the idea that if you were lucky enough, everything you do would go your way.

When getting a lottery ticket, if you were lucky, you would win the lottery. If you were slightly lucky, you might win a couple dollars in small prizes. But if you weren't lucky at all, you wouldn't win anything.

But was luck specific to the person, or the object?

For example, let's say someone were to buy a lottery ticket and win, and therefore be considered lucky. Now, someone else goes back in time and gets that lottery ticket instead of the other person, without knowing which ticket would win.

Is the person that originally bought the lottery ticket still lucky, even though they didn't win? Or is the person that travelled back in time lucky, just because they picked the winning lottery ticket?

And so, the object itself is lucky. Right?

But, confused as I was about Luck, I was considered lucky myself.

I was what people would call a 'prodigy'. Someone with immense innate talent, ability, or potential. Someone who clearly stood apart from the rest.

But that brings up another point.

What object was lucky in the case of me being born a prodigy?

In that case, I, the person, was lucky.

This was what confused me so much about luck.

What really was luck?

I wasn't ever able to come up with an answer.

At 14 years old, I started my own company. After years of work, it grew successful, and eventually, was one of the biggest companies worldwide. At 17, I was a worldwide celebrity.

And so, I started to live in luxury.

After that, time flew by.

I mean, I had basically achieved everything anyone could ever want.

I was 19 when something finally changed. I was getting out of my private swimming pool, when I slipped, and fell. Straight into the corner of my marble table.

Unluckily for me, it hit me in just the right spot to both paralyze me and make me slowly bleed to death.

The sun burned my eyes, but being paralyzed, I couldn't close them. I could feel a sharp shard of… something slowing sinking deeper into my side. Both of these things made the last few moments of my life more agony than I had ever experienced before. Which wasn't actually saying much.

If there was a god out there, it certainly wanted me to die in pain, for whatever reason.

As the walls of blackness crept in, I welcomed them, wanting the agony to stop.

And finally, after what felt like an eternity, it did.

But, instead of feeling at peace, I felt restless. I didn't want my existence to end here – I didn't want to die!

(And lucky for you, you won't.)

A soothing voice echoed in my head, and suddenly, I found myself in a white void, with a single black rectangular box positioned a few feet ahead of me.

I stared blankly for a few seconds, before snapping out of it.

I wildly glanced around and shouted, "What- Who's there!?"

Complete silence followed. Not even an echo could be heard.

A couple of seconds passed before I shouted again.

Yet again, no sound followed.

I glanced back at the black rectangular box hovering a few feet above the ground and realized a line of text had appeared at the top.



Welcome, Entity. You have been selected for the 'Blood Board' Program.



A second passed, before the text changed.



In your life, you were deemed to be neither good, nor bad. Due to this, you have been selected to participate in the Blood Board Program. This is not optional. The Blood Board was created to evaluate your morality and decide whether you will move on to the afterlife.

You will complete an undecided number of tasks until your morality is decided. Each task is not optional, and there is no way to skip a task. Your life will continue until the task is completed. If your death occurs before the task is completed, you will revive.

No task is impossible, no matter how hard it may be. You will receive a reward for each task you successfully complete.




Your Unique Ability will now be selected based off various attributes that you possess.



I stared at the text.

Blood Board? Afterlife? Unique Ability? What were they talking about?



--[ Luck Sense ]--

You can sense how lucky any person, or object is.

Maximum uses: 5 per day



I glanced around. Was this a prank or something?



- Your stats will now be reset.



Stats? Like in video games?



--[ Stats ]--

Strength: F

Dexterity: F

Agility: F

Intelligence: F

Toughness: F

Luck: F


--[ Skills ]--

(UNIQUE) [Luck Sense] - You can sense how lucky any person, or object is.



And suddenly, without explanation or warning, the world slowly faded to black.