
Blood's Heir

In the early 21st century, the Gods turned a deaf ear to the desperate pleas of humanity. In this bleak era, monstrous beings endowed with colossal strength and unyielding endurance emerged, plunging the world into darkness. Yet, a glimmer of hope ignited within humanity's heart as certain individuals across the globe discovered newfound powers. These extraordinary people became the heroes who stood against the encroaching monsters, fighting for the greater good. Amidst this chaos, a man named Adrian found himself blessed with supernatural abilities. However, his powers did not grant him unmatched strength; instead, he remained as strong as an ordinary adult man. Despite this, a mysterious force awakens within him, revealing his true lineage as the descendant of Dracula—the legendary vampire. With this revelation, Adrian's life takes an unforeseen turn, embarking him on a journey towards discovering the truth and unlocking his true potential. As he treads the path of his ancestors, he realizes that his destiny intertwines with the secret history of vampires and their role in shaping the world. In a world where monsters roam and humanity's hope flickers, Adrian, the unlikely descendant of Dracula, must navigate the shadows, embrace his true powers, and determine his place in a darkened world teetering on the edge of oblivion.

Djvnovel · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

The Trial of Shadows

To say that Adrian was not nervous would be a lie. It had happened numerous times that someone expelled him from the group inside the Fortress because of how weak he was, but this was the first time he left on his own accord. He knew that his chance of survival alone was much lower than if he were in a group, but he couldn't risk revealing something he shouldn't have to other people. He would first need to test his own ability, see if there were any peculiarities that could be harmful to him, and so, only after he was sure it was safe and that it would not have any repercussions for him in the future, he could show other people the blessing that he received.

As he walked, Adrian opened his hand and started to "move" his "sixth finger" so that a small shadow appeared in his hand. Looking at it, the shadow was no different from a normal shadow. Dark and elusive, Adrian saw nothing unusual about the shadow until he remembered what the skill description had said. Dracula's power over shadows was no different from normal shadows, but after absorbing the darkness and sinister energy, it would become the most powerful shadow, capable of manipulating and enveloping his enemies.

While he played with the shadow, testing its capabilities, the once deadly silent sewage tunnel suddenly began to make some noise. With the heightened senses which he had trained and developed over time, Adrian discovered that the noise came from a swarm of ants that was scurrying toward him, probably attracted by his presence. These ants had highly acute senses compared to normal creatures, able to detect human presence from a distance.

Preparing himself mentally, Adrian summoned the shadows around him, enveloping his body in an impenetrable darkness. He drew out a dark, razor-sharp dagger that materialized in his hand, a weapon he had received along with his newfound powers. With a swift and precise motion, Adrian sliced through the air, testing the sharpness of the blade.

As the swarm of ants approached, Adrian focused his power on manipulating the shadows around him, creating tendrils of darkness that extended from his body like whips. The tendrils lashed out, striking the ants and crushing them under their powerful grip. With each strike, Adrian felt the shadows absorbing the life force of the ants, feeding his own power.

The swarm of ants, sensing the threat, changed their strategy. Instead of mindlessly rushing forward, they started to disperse, trying to attack Adrian from multiple directions. But Adrian was not taken aback; he anticipated their movements and swiftly countered with his shadowy tendrils, ensnaring and crushing the ants one by one.

Adrian's control over the shadows was remarkable, as if an ancient darkness had awakened within him. The shadows obeyed his every command, allowing him to strike with deadly precision and efficiency. He danced through the tunnel, a blur of darkness and death, leaving a trail of crushed ant carcasses in his wake.

As the last ant fell, Adrian released his hold on the shadows, and the darkness receded. He took a moment to catch his breath and assess the situation. The trial against the ants had proven successful, showcasing the true potential of his power. However, he knew that this was only the beginning of his journey.

Examining the fallen ants, Adrian realized that their life force had fed his power, making it stronger. Each ant he had defeated had granted him a small fraction of experience, a step closer to unlocking the full extent of his abilities.

Adrian opened his status interface, eager to see the progress he had made.

[System Status]

[User: Adrian Van Helsing]

[Level: 01, 7/100 EXP]

[HP: 10/10]


Strength: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Stamina: 10]


(Dracula's Power Lv 01, EXP 7/100: A dark inheritance that grants control over shadows. The power of Dracula's bloodline empowers the user to manipulate and envelop enemies in shadows, draining their life force. To increase the potency of Dracula's power, the user must vanquish creatures of darkness.)

Adrian pondered the progress he had made. With each victory, he had gained experience and inched closer to unlocking the true potential of Dracula's power. He marveled at the possibilities and wondered what new abilities and strength awaited him as he continued his journey.

Filled with determination, Adrian knew that he needed to keep pushing forward, honing his control over shadows, and facing even greater challenges. The fortress was vast, filled with dangerous creatures and mysteries waiting to be unraveled. Adrian would not falter; he would embrace his newfound power and strive to become a formidable force within the Fortress.

With renewed confidence, Adrian set off, ready to face whatever awaited him in the depths of the Ant Queen's fortress, his shadowy powers guiding him through the darkness. The trial of shadows had only just begun.