
Blocked By Destiny

Belle is a famous writer and a vlogger and then unexpectedly in online world she will met this guy named Justine. Is it possible to fall in love with someone that you just met online? (Taglish)

itsjustme13 · Hiện thực
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
2 Chs


"I don't know him personally but I fall really hard huh? They are right, this world is full of unexpected things..."


Justine Kurt Gomez sent you a friend request

Hi! New story again! This story is in my mind since September 2019 and I really wanted to write it but I am too busy with my studies and with my on going stories. But one night, I just found myself writing it while rewriting the whole plot again. So I hope that you will support this and my other stories just check it on my profile and love you all! <3

To be more updated follow me on Twitter: @thisheartlessgurl

Thank you and God bless us all!


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