
When we meet

It was a cold winter walking with my grandma, with this darkness I see i feel miserable. when my grandma went to get things for her self, I was walking feeling the coldness touch me as I walk down the side walk "bum" as I bump in to someone. We both fell on the ground, as I hear a male say "excuse me sorry" and then a few minutes later he look at me and that was the time when he knew she was blind, then the boy started to apologize again and again, I said " it's ok we just bumped in to each other", "am glad" he said in an relieved voice then we both got up and stood up. In one minute of silence I told him that I needed to go to my grandma then he said he wanted to help and that's when I new he was a nice gay. Meanwhile, when I saw my grandma by the clothes store I introduced him but didn't now His name, I asked "what's your name" she said "Martin my name is Martin". Then grandma grabbed me and ran with me to the house saying that I couldn't talk to stranger. That's day was the days I feeling in love with a kind and care man and hoping for the other day to meet.