

Many people ask why you are not getting married, why don't you want to have a boyfriend, you just work, you don't have time for yourself, you don't have time for your love life. Those are just some of the questions Yuri's acquaintances always ask. She always says that she doesn't have time for such things, she will prioritize her family and others. Yes, she really doesn't have time for such things because she spends all her time working to make her family proud and get their attention. She doesn't want a boyfriend because she doesn't want to share time with her family. She doesn't want her family to be disappointed even more. But it's destiny, it's inevitable that no man will try to court Yuri because she's beautiful and hardworking. But she tries to avoid Carlo because she doesn't want to be attached to him. But at times when she wanted to give up on life, Carlo was there to support her, to tell someone about a problem, he was there for Yuri, so Yuri's heart fell immediately. Carlo is his life, for Yuri if Carlo doesn't exist, she might not exist in this world anymore. Carlo was the reason why Yuri became happy again. But Carlo doesn't know Yuri's true feelings. Yuri thought that if she didn't give Carlo a motive, it would last longer in his life. SHe thought there was a right time for her to say her feelings. She just thought... Because it happens... "Life sucks" in Yuri's mind. "Why it is happening to me? Did I do something?" No matter what Yuri complains about her life, she can't bring back what happened. All she needs to do is to accept the fact. And besides, maybe God has a plan that's why everything is happening. Everything happens for a reason. But even though Yuri tried, it was still very painful to accept what happened. Yuri has a lot of what if's. What if she said what she felt. What if she made him feel her love when there was still time. Before it's too late Yuri felt so much pain and regret that she wished she could go back to the time when she was happy with Carlo. But when she returned to the past she discovered a lot. Many questions have been answered. A lot of self-regret. What happened then that Yuri regretted so much? To be continued ....

maria_mae10 · Lịch sử
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Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving you happier. -Mother Teresa

We have no other goal in life but to spread love to each other. No matter how big the person's fault is, you should forgive and love that person more. Don't let someone who comes to your life leave without being happy. Don't focus on why he left instead be thankful that there is someone who comes to you and makes you happy During the times when he hasn't left.

"I should tell him to make him happy" Yuri thought

Do not do unto others, what you don't want others do unto you--

If you don't want people to treat you badly, don't treat your fellow human beings badly. Everything you do has karma attached to it. It's either a good karma or a bad one. In order to receive the good karma you should be good at all times.

"Flight attendants, prepare for landing please."

"Cabin crew, please take your seats for landing."

I fell back in my seat hearing the captain's announcement. I didn't realize that my thoughts were so deep that I didn't notice that the person next to me had been standing before. So I stood up to prepare Myself.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been cleared to land at the Denver International airport. Please make sure one last time your seat belt is securely fastened. The flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to make a final compliance check and pick up any remaining cups and glasses. Thank you."

The other flight attendants came out and singled out the seats to check and pick up the trash. I tried to hide my inhaling when I saw the passenger secretly throw the leftover coffee to the side.

"Spread love everywhere you go" Yuri reminded Self. Instead of scolding the passenger, he let his fellow flight attendants do their duty

After touchdown, and as the aircraft is turning off the active runway and taxiing to the gate.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Denver International Airport. Local time is 9:00.

For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. This will indicate that we have parked at the gate and that it is safe for you to move about.

Please check around your seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight.

If you require deplaning assistance, please remain in your seat until all other passengers have deplaned. One of our crew members will then be pleased to assist you.

I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice day/evening/night/stay!"

I happily announces the landing announcement. Aside from loving my job, I'm excited to go home.

After the seats were empty, we were the flight attendants who got out of the airplane.

While I was walking like a model carrying my luggage, I couldn't help but think of HIS reaction to what I would say. He will surely be happy.

Excitedly, I flagged down the taxi that passed by and immediately boarded it before someone grabbed it. I couldn't lose the smile on my lips while riding in the taxi

"Man, please speed up" I said to him, even though I knew in myself that he was driving fast. I'm just excited. I also spent 1 week in the Philippines for what they say is a "crew vacation". And just now came back to America so I'm a little homesick

*Phone vibrating* I answered the phone with a smile because of the name in the phone book here. But the feeling of being so excited disappeared suddenly. What I was going to say suddenly disappeared from my mind. I immediately got a meme. My heart is beating fast. No one answered on the other line either

"Ahh....Carlo" no one answered so I continued

"I have something to tell you, meet me at ****" I said

I heard someone wailing on the other line.


"Teresa? It's you. Why do you have Carlo's cell phone? Where is Carlo?" I asked him at the same time. There is still a smile on my lips.

"Yuri ..*

"Carlo is gone, Carlo is dead"

The smile on my lips gradually disappears at the same time as the phone gradually falls from my hand and my tears fall. I can't explain what I feel. It's like a part of my heart has been lost that will never be restored.


Gradually I felt my body weaken. It seems that even One turn is not possible due to weakness. No matter how hard I try to open my eyes, but I can't. But even if I'm too weak, I still feel the pain of my heart.

"Please take me back to the start" were the words that came out of my lips before I saw a blinding light.

*passed out*