

"And you are not easy! - that man continued to dig. - Are you eighteen by now? Are you satisfied with this work in the outback and you do not want more?"

Sean openly flirted and was not going to give up. His sensuous, sculpted lips were curved into a seductive smile, revealing pearls of nice even teeth.

"Do you have any idea how handsome you are? Your income will be six-figure after each photo shooting, when you become famous. And if you also know how to sing, you will live like a sheikh. Choose yourself with whom and where to sleep ..."

"Well… you're not the first person to say that. I have long known about such prospects and if I needed it, I would have started such a career as early as fifteen years old."

"I'm curious, what are you interested in?" - Sean seemed seriously offended by the inaccessibility of the handsome teen.

"M-mm… well, we are not friends. I have my own personal life, which I have no desire to share with strangers."

"Ow! So you're already taken someone! - the owner of the agency slapped his forehead. - How did I not guess right away? May I meet your partner?"

"For what?"

"It must be an interesting person. What if he agrees to talk to me?"

"He? I didn't say it's a man!"

"Come on ... I can see perfectly well that you are gay. And your partner - he is also young and not rich, if he made you work, right?"

"Don't distract me please!" - Eliot hurriedly blurted out, grabbing the dirty dishes as Stan stepped closer, noticing the client's excessive interest.

"Any problem, sir?"

"No, no, it's all right!" - Sean waved him off and left the crowded bar, hiding in a nearby car.

Some of the agents had already told him about this guy and the owner of the agency, leaving everything, went on a long trip in his car to recruit him. Who could have imagined that Ethan would be so stubborn and turn down a flattering offer to make money? Usually teenagers quickly agree to any deals!

The young tall lad was really so flawlessly handsome and Sean, who had seen plenty male models, was ready to support him for his own pleasure. And where do such boys come from? Are they falling from the sky? He also has magical charisma! A true deity, nothing else! Alive Idol! And he was already taken! Damn it!

Curiosity was too bursting Sean and he had to wait until late at night when the bar closes. A moped with a man rolled up to the entrance and Ethan, sat down behind him, clung to him with tenderness, wrapping his arms around his waist.

They have strong feelings, - it was clear even in the dim light of a street lamp, but Sean decided to follow the moped with the headlights off so that the guys would not notice his hunting.

Soon he quietly drove up to a bungalow on a deserted street where a moped stopped, and seizing the moment after the couple entered, he settled under the window to peer through a narrow gap in tightly drawn curtains. Ethan's partner stood with his back and passionately kissed his lover, pressing him against the wall.

"Dani… - Ethan moaned, barely audible, clinging to him. - I am very tired! I want to sleep!"

"I missed you! It would be better if you worked less and waited for me at home in bed. Everyone is staring at you there, it's unbearable."

"Are you jealous again?"

"El, I love you so much..."

"Let me sleep! Please…"

The light in the room suddenly went out and Sean heard to the muffled moans of lovers for a while in his thoughts:

"Dani? Daniel! … I heard this name in media… someone who went missing recently. The son of magnate Stile? Is that really him? Or just a coincidence? Ran away from his father and his obligations because of this teen? It may be so! Larko Stile is an older man with traditional values and is unlikely to approve of same-sex relationships. Now Ethan's stubbornness is clear: the guy is already living with the heir to a huge fortune and completely enslaved his heart. Therefore he is not interested in other delicious offers."

Sean cheered up realizing how it could be used and went to bed at the booked motel.