

He drove him to a certain square, not far from the house, so that Seleya could not find out that the young rich guy was still courting for her son, who was not easy to hide this vicious affair, but could no longer refuse the imposed affection that made him dependent on passionate embraces and hot kisses, because of which the lips and tongue sometimes swelled, so frantic was the tempter. The mother suspected that Eliot was hiding something and she tried many times to call her son to talk:

"Your father will find out someday about this and be angry. Do you want this?"

"Are you thinking of this again?" - Eliot shook his head crossly as he returned home.

"What's wrong with your lips?"

"The cold sore is out!"

"My friend saw you with this athlete: you climbed into the car and stuck out there for a long time in the back seat. Do you like it? Making out with a guy?"

"What a gossiper! There is nothing like it! I can't quit my friendship with Dani, no matter how hard you insist. I want to communicate with him and the fact that I attract him sexually does not bother me at all! My appearance is to blame, mom! Not him, so someone else will pester me. What looks I get from other men! If you could see! I have to cover my face behind glasses and a hat on the street! They think I'm an Idol at least! But I shouldn't be locked up at home! This is how Daniel protects me from others..."

"OK, OK! - Saleya was worried, stunned by her son's hysteria. - Calm down! We'll come up with something!"

She informed her husband Ben with desperate weeping, shocking him with the untidy news.

"And the most disgusting thing is that Eliot is not gay at all, but submitted to this rich lecher."

"This Daniel's father is the famous magnate Larco Stile. It is not easy to resolve with such an unattainable status."


"What is the purpose of your visit?" - a stern looking assistant asked behind a solid desk at the reception of the gigantic trading corporation "L_Stile".

"For family reasons. We need to resolve a very personal matter and this is urgent," - the man answered, introducing himself.

"Are you personally acquainted with the president?"

"No! Our sons know each other too closely and it causes me stress."

The assistant tensed, slightly arching her eyebrows in surprise, and in a low voice conveyed the message to her superiors.

"Mr. Larco will see you, Ben, within an hour, wait there," - she use a nice soft voice, pointing to the side.

Soon Ben was ushered into a spacious hall, where an imposing elderly man in an expensive outfit sat at the end of a long table, pointing him to a seat next to him.

"I'm surprised, Ben, that you took so long to visit me. Our kids have been closely communicating for about a year now ... I have to constantly monitor my young prankster so that he does not commit a serious offense that has a bad effect on public opinion."

"My wife hid Eliot's strange infatuation from me so as not to disturb me. I am very busy with my work and it did not occur to me that this was possible."

"You should be worried! Your boy has a very extraordinary appearance: not a guy, not a girl, too handsome. Like a porcelain doll! Such type is always under special attack of modeling agencies, production centers and suspicious groups trafficking people ..."

"What!?" - Ben snapped, wide-eyed.

"I mean, my son is not capable of harming yours as much as others would."

"So I should be glad that your offspring is interested in mine in an unhealthy way?"

"So you really don't know what's going on between them?"

"Eliot does not answer questions and withdraws into himself. I didn't manage to find out anything," - Ben blurted out woefully, rubbing his forehead nervously.

"So nothing terrible has happened so far, according to Daniel's words, because your son values himself very highly and is not submit him."

"Yes? But how to check it?"

"It remains to believe in the word that they have just friendship. But first of all, as a father, it upsets me that now Daniel refuses to marry the girl engaged to him, but insists on his wild whim - to formalize the marriage with your son. It is understandable - Eliot is more exotic for my spoiled son, unfortunately. They could have been lovers, since it's so impatient, but no, that's not enough for Daniel. Imagine the blow to my reputation. The president's son does not obey his father and is going to disgrace the family by marriage with the guy. And your boy stubbornly rejects the marriage proposal, not taking advantage of the position, so it turns out that the main problem is with my son, and not with yours."

"Mmm… - Ben smiled in relief, shaking his head. - So what to do?"

"Talk to Eliot! Find a common language and convince him to break off relations with Dani. If he does not love him, why does he keep him on a leash, like a faithful dog. Let him reject my son, send him away, otherwise I cannot guarantee that your son will one day not be kidnapped for their nasty purposes by some terrible personalities."

"But this is blackmail! Dirty manipulation! - Ben yelled out indignantly. - I will complain! This is my son - the victim of yours, and not vice versa."

"I don't see any solution other than to rein in your boy. Do not let him out of the house or move to another city. You just need to not let them meet, easy peasy!"