

During the break Daniel seized the moment for a private conversation with Eliot, dragging him with him into the empty hallway of the school.

"Your mom won't let me see you! What the heck? I came yesterday and she threw out the window: do not come here again, and slammed it in front of my nose without any explanation!"

"She guessed your intentions and now forbids us to meet."

"What!? - The athlete's face darkened. - Did I do something bad to you?"

"Mom is against gay relationships, so ..."

Dani grabbed his arm excitedly.

"Let's go to my house after school. I will introduce you to my parents. I have serious intentions, you know."

"Uh, just for a little while, - Eliot drawled absently. - Mom will start looking for me..."

A decent car with a driver, in which Dani invited a classmate on the street a block after school, quickly delivered them to a large country mansion, surrounded by a well-groomed flowering garden and a high openwork fence.

"How gorgeous! You are rich, it turns out! - the aesthete looking around could not restrain himself from enthusiastic epithets. - So… do you live in paradise?"

"Like it? You will live here with me…"

"What will your parents say to that?"

Eliot turned around hearing a melodious voice behind him. A slender, spectacular brunette in a cherry dress met them at the entrance.

"Mom, this is Eliot ... my chosen one!" - Daniel blurted out excitedly, grabbing the arm of classmate.

Her well-shaped eyebrows arched slightly in surprise.

"This is… quite unexpected, my son!"

The guest cringed at her sharp piercing gaze.

"I am Ellora! Let's in!"

They entered a spacious hall with a wide vintage staircase leading to the second floor. Behind the glass doors of the hall in the courtyard one could see a vast pool, lit with sun and cheerful girlish voices were heard.

"My sister and her friends are frolicking ...- Dani explained mockingly, escorting his friend to the luxuriously furnished bedroom. - Sit here for a while. I'll be right back."

He left closing the door behind him, and Elliot, fascinated by the new environment, began to examine the interior and the views outside the window.

"What does all this mean, Daniel? - Ellora asked her son sternly in the hallway. - Are you going to marry a guy? What a whim? Do you want to upset your father?"

"I love Eliot!" - she heard a confident answer.

"Such a bold statement about loving a guy? Are you out of your mind? I spoiled you too much, allowed a lot of excesses in your young life. In addition, you already have a beautiful bride from a noble family!"

"Yes, but I don't have any feelings for her, mother! Eliot is special to me ... I myself did not imagine that this was possible. He make me so high!"

"What is it? Such wonderful sex with him?"

"El is a virgin and has noble nature. There was no intimacy between us. He does not allow!"

Ellora rolled her eyes in bewilderment.

"He is undoubtedly a very nice boy, but he is not capable of giving you offspring. What are you thinking about? You will bring disgrace to our family with such an act."

"What's the bloated problem with my offspring? This is easy to solve with our wealth. Surrogate mothers for example! If you want happiness for me - do not interfere with us!"

"Dad will be furious if he finds out. Let's not be in a hurry to inform him. We do not need a tense situation in home! In two years, your feelings will fade out and you will remain just friends. As for the heir, it's not my whim. Larko wants a grandson after your mandatory marriage to Miora. It's not even discussed."

"Okay… I won't rush…" - Daniel agreed reluctantly and hurried over to his friend to entertain him with a splash in the pool.

"I don't have swimming trunks!"- Elliot exclaimed.

"I bought it to you, go take a shower."

He pushed him into the luxuriously finished bathroom, slapping him on the bottom.

 "What the heck? - Eliot protested. - Are you going to shower with me?"

"Yeah! - Dani said cheekily, slamming the door behind. - Scared? A-ha-ha... I'll rub your back and a little lower. Well what is your look?"

"Are you harassing me again? Stop it!"

"Sorry… can't wait to see you naked."

Daniel walked out grinning, leaving Eliot trembling with indignation. After taking a shower, the guest was introduced to the girlfriends of his younger sister Royce, who all admired the slender handsome guys.

"Your new friend?" - she asked her brother coquettishly.

"My fiancé! Eliot!" - Daniel sneered and jumped into the pool sparkling in the sun, dragging his friend.

"What!?" - two girls chimed in.

"He's joking like that! - Royce waved. - You know him!"

"So adorable! - the girls winked at each other, watching the cheerful bathing of the guys. - He looks like a gay ... And if in fact? That is so cute!"

"Are you crazy about that bullshit? - Roicy fidgeted on the pink sun lounger. - Dad is against such tricks!"

"Look, Dani put his arm around his waist…"

"Your bro hasn't brought any of the girls for a long time…"

"Switched to boys... Sweet!"

"Stop both of you," - Roicy said angrily noticed Dani kissed his friend on the cheek. - It's not funny anymore."