

"Then am I a burden to you?" — Sean was saddened.

"No! You expressed a desire to sleep with me, take care of me, gave me work, shelter. I don't mind pleasing you in return. Isn't that how things happen in the modern world? A great start into adulthood… to use my image."

"Right… What are you going to do if Daniel shows up? It's unlikely he'll leave you alone."

"This is hard to say. I think he will be forced to marry an engaged girl and he will have to step away from me."

"Eliot... - Sean pulled the young man towards himself. - This has never happened to me before... You conquered me... my heart..."

"Sean... are you talking about your feelings again? - Eliot was embarrassed, accepting kisses under the excited sighs. - I got it…"

"Stay with me always. I would like to…"

"Don't propose please! I am against such strange actions. You will also meet a girl for a full-fledged family."

"Are you talking about kids? I already have them, they live with their mothers."

"I mean true love..."

"You are my true love! Believe me!"

"I believe, but people have often admitted this to me, - Eliot noted. - Reaction to my appearance!"

"No, something inside you... I don't know what it is... I'm bursting with unusual sensations. I want you all!"

"We agreed - once a week!" — Elliot was indignant, crushed by the body of the excited Sean.

"Oh, how petty you are, - Sean said jokingly, squeezing and kissing him. - Do you count every day? And if passion surges, what should I do? I love you, sweetheart, l can't hold back…"


Daniel screamed and punched the walls in a frenzy.

"What hysteria! All because you can't fuck your lover anymore? - the father's harsh voice came from behind the door. - Unworthy and disgusting!"

"What did you do with him?" - Daniel began to cry heart-rendingly, leaning against the solid locked door.

"I gave him to someone! Say thanks for keeping his alive. I had to pay his parents a decent amount of money to shut up. And all because of your stupid whim."

"Where is he now?"

"I will not say!"

"I will do whatever you ask. Tell me where is he?" — was a load scream.

"Marry Miora, then you'll find out!"

His suffering from the loss of his beloved did not allow him to sleep for almost two days. He refused to eat, cursing, trying to break glass windows and knock down the door. Now he knew that Eliot was in someone's hands and in how bad situation he could be … you only guess. Was it really Sean who set everything up and took away his love?

Damn blond! Because of him they were separated! Daniel was ready to kill him because of his rage. But first… he has to fulfil his father's conditions to start looking for Eliot.

Two days later, Larko, waiting for his son's anger to subside, opened the heavy door with the words:

"You've noticeably calmed down, stopped yelling and started eating. Have you finally come to terms with it?"

Daniel said nothing, ignoring his father and staring dejectedly at the floor.

"Depression? — the question hung in the air. - It would be because of what! According to my information, your pet has settled in well and is not at all worried about. He needs comfort and universal adoration, which is what he received at the moment. And you sit here and suffer because of a thing that is not worth even your tear."

"Someone named Sean cleaned it up? I'll kill him later... - Daniel growled dully, throwing an angry look at his father. - ...as soon as I get to him!"

"What kind of nonsense? You don't dare get your hands dirty to defame me! I don't understand you, my son. Just fulfill my conditions and quietly enjoy what you find difficult to do without. At least meet different people every day. How many of these sweet boys can you buy for little money? There are thousands of them around! In any nightclub! Why get into same-sex marriage? Useless and pointless!"

"It's not because Eliot is a guy. I don't need any boys at all! I'm not that primitive! You really didn't understand anything. Although why should I explain this? Each of us lives in own world..."

"You have always been special, Daniel. Strength and beauty in one person is something you don't see very often. I was proud of my talented and capable child, investing in your education. But now you upset me and I have to limit your vices that harm my status."

"I'll get Eliot back and don't you dare hurt him! Otherwise you will never see me again. If he dies, I will be gone too."

"Crazy!"- Larko spat bitterly and left the room, leaving the door open.