

"I can't say that. I accepted his feelings almost immediately. He said that he would not annoy me with intimacy, only kisses ... I agreed… This went on for about a year. I refused and rejected such a deep relationship. Then it happened and happened almost every day. Dani was insatiable."

"I see… - Sean said thoughtfully becoming serious. - So I pulled you out of slavery?"

"Well, you can't call it that ... I myself was curious where everything would lead. I submitted to him ... He was too carried away by me… and I dissuaded him from escaping ..."

"Why did he have to hide from his parents?"

"Marriage with a girl… who was prepared for him by his elderly father for the urgent birth of a grandson… Dani got angry and ran away, taking me …"

"Why did you agree to this?"

"My parents locked me at home ... And I like how he adores me. Passionate and hot… His greedy kisses… I drowned in his arms. And I was sure that soon we would be discovered. His father is very powerful."

"Oh, I know, he is! You got into trouble!"

"Yes, threats have already rained down from him, but I am not afraid of death or violence. I don't hold on to life. If someone torture me, I'll just leave my body and never come back, what's the matter!"

"You are amazing, Eliot! - Sean murmured languidly, gently touching the boy's leg in the water. - With such a fascinating point of view! Are you an alien?"

"You are touching me..."

"Yes… I am seducing you… Although it's not easy… - a velvety voice spread in the steamy air. - But considering how much do you like a sweet treatment, I dare to pester..."

He pulled Eliot's leg out of the water and pressed the lips to his toes, licking them.

"Did Daniel do this?"

"He did a lot of things ... Everywhere he licked and kissed me… deeply…"

"Oh, are you teasing me? - Sean got excited. - Do you know what will happen next after such revelations?"

Eliot did not answer, calmly and meekly accepting caresses and soon found himself in the arms of an excited seducer between his thighs.

"Mmm, sweetie, - Sean whispered hotly, kissing the lad on the neck and pinching his tiny nipples. - You have already been taught to have fun. Do you want this?"

He slid his hand into teen's crotch, thrusting his fingers inside, and after a few strokes Eliot twisted in ecstasy from the flood of pleasure, loudly screaming.

"Wow! How fast! Your sensitivity is amazing..."

The young man continued to moan, shaking his legs and sensually opening his mouth, into which Sean could not help but clutch his lips. Eliot jerked his face away from him, splashed the seducer with water.

"I didn't ask you to do this!"

He grabbed the edge of the tub, slipping out of the embrace and climbing out of the tub, spitting out:

"Too hot!"

His dainty pink body, with broad shoulders and thin waist, covered with droplets, got wrapped in a large terry towel, causing a surge of intense excitement. The lad quickly slipped out of the bathroom without looking back.

"Isn't he gay!? - stunned Sean whispered under his breath as he hurriedly climbed out of the water. - Who are you, sweetheart? Does this mean that you like me?"

Looking innocent, Eliot was laying on the bed under dim lamp light, covered with a towel on the knees, that agitated Sean more, who followed him naked. Reveling in the pleasant show, he was unable to take his eyes off the young man who so openly seducing him and murmured softly:

"Will you let me then?"

Eliot ran his hands in silence over his thin thighs, slowly exposing them. Such behaviour drives even a sophisticated seducer crazy and Sean, having torn off a towel from him, immediately took advantage of a young body.

Wet eyes and gentle sobs of Eliot bending under him completed the discharge too quickly and Sean passed out in a couple of minutes, clinging to him.

At dawn, he woke up from unusual stirrings nearby.

"Are you leaving for work today? - Eliot asked quietly. - I am going with you…"

"Don't you want to go back to your parents?"

"For what? I'll stay with you, do you mind?"

"Sure! - Sean was delighted, squeezing boy in his arms. - Do you like me, El?"

"You are handsome, gentle… of course, I like you."

"What about Daniel? I think you love him."

"Yeah… So what? And his parents are ready to kill me so as not to interfere with their family plans. They did not accept our relationship and now it is useless to fight for it. Now they won't even let us see each other. Everyone will live their own life on their level."

"Oh! Wow! And you are very practical! Can you forget him so easily?"

"No, just as him… he is stubborn and never gives up… Dani will find me anyway."

Least of all, Sean wanted the son of the tycoon to continue to fight for his relationship with Eliot and he aimed to win the heart of a young man, whose beauty and charisma excited an experienced lover at first sight to the depths of the soul, which has not happened for a long time. Sean was covered by a wave of happiness that Eliot decided to stay with him in his apartment... in fact, it was so easy to seduce this graceful boy, whom he wanted to caress and pamper endlessly. Just not to impose too much so that Eliot doesn't run away from him in an unknown direction.