

In the world of Ewiotia,once blessed to great height of prosperity by its governed goddess. The clock of calamity rang,signaling the birth of the 7 archdemon,harbingers of annihilation for the entire civilization of mankind. Frightened and determind to not perish like their predecessors,the central nations of the world's each brought forth their greatest asset,the heros blessed with great sigils and divine armaments. At the same time in another world,Lucas's life ended unexpectedly,filled with unfulfilled wishes and regrets from his sickness that made him bedridden for life. Waking up in the world he read so much about,Lucas found himself summoned to not be a dreamy,shining hero but one of the seven calamity destined to cause the downfall of mankind. Struggling between the threat of perishing if he refused to do these dirty of work and dealing with the bands raiding heros. Lucas slowly try to find his place in this new world and the ability to control his fate in this chaotic world.

Volvo_62 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

second chance

A stale and heavy atmosphere accumulate in the living room,where Lucas is seated opposite of the first two 'person' he had met since coming to this world he once thought was completely fictional.

"Did you by any chance have heard of a saying in your old world that goes,a mage that got killed by his own spell is the same as a person punching himself to death?"

The crow who is named fel stared intently at lucas,while waves of telepathic message were sent crashing into his mind.

And of course,he can feel a very malicing attitude in more than one way from this speaking four winged giant crow.

"Sorry…my world didn't invent magic but I now know that was foolish,so please forgive me miss cyna and Mr crow…I meant fel"Lucas qulped as he spoke that last word,there was a distinct feeling that Fel didn't have much patience with him left.

"It is okay my lord…and sir fel,we need to proceed to our plans with haste,please do not act so childish."Though no sound came out of his sharp beak,fel sighs in defeat and soften his gaze.

"Anyway,kid how did you learn the procedures for casting when no one in your old world knows about it?"Fel tilt his avian head and stared at lucas with curiousity.

"I…I learnt about a few spells in my old world from a book my friend gave me."

Lucas wasn't exactly sure if telling them he have read about this world in a novel to these people would be the wisest idea,so he try to phrase it in a way that will hopefully avoid cyna's mind reading like ability.

"A friend ey…?"Fel looked at cyna for a moment and saw her nods softly,before turning back to face lucas in contemplation.

Afterwards,they taught Liam a few things about himself and his abilities as it was their duty as they said.

He as one of the archdemon who has the enormous mana of at least 15 times that of a court mage which will grown even more as he absorbed the power from other powerful people's sigils or monster's cores.

His physical parameters is also very high for human standard,but not as impressive compared to other archdemons or people's like the national heros of the world's whose sigil specialized in physical poweress or even other trained high class fighters due to him being a castor.

The cane he saw in the large decorated box next to bed was his own tailored armaments.It was supposed to boost the power of the spells he casted effectively by 3 times as long as he has held it in the past hour or so.

Hearing that lucas smiled wryly,understanding why that tier one spells he casted was so destructive.Despite the normal setting his incantation have,he must have put too much mana into the spells,thinking that it was still within normal range.

"By the way,lucas... why are you so...…friendly?"Lucas frown in confusion at the equally confused looking Fel.

"Huh…?Was I suppose… to be unfriendly?"

He asked carefully while thinking of the whole event that transpired,he understood the part where he died so his soul and psyche can be transfer to this body.

But why him?He was unremarkable in many ways,mostly because of his illness he didn't develop any hobbies other than sketching.

Other than maybe a tragic backstory of a dark sad character,he is just your average 19 years old guy who laid in bed all day…

"wait…"Lucas widen his eyes as he realized one possible reason he was chosen for this dirty job.

"Yes lord lucas…the archdemons,one of the main reasons they were chosen in the past approximately 1426 years were …because they are mostly people that have heavily twisted view of morality and Harbour great amount of hatred towards people and the world in general."

Cyna explained the situation softly,while lucas slowly remembered that episode of intensely amplified feeling of hate,frustration and bitterness before he died.

"Was that why these people are supposedly quite psychopathic?"Now that he thought about it,those feeling were very unnatural even for him in his dying moments.

On top of that,he don't think Leah's possible betrayal would affect him that much or even have him arriving on that horrible conclusion on his own.

"Ah… I see a peculiar case it is…prehaps….…Anyway Let me introduce ourself again.We were chosen as your attendants for your campaign,so to be honest we don't really care what you do in this life…but let it be warned that you have definitely gathered the goddess's suspicion by now...."

Lucas can feel his heart thumps faster and faster as the truth were unveiled at a rapid pace.He try his best to calmly and accurately contemplate his options while massaging his temple.

"Is there no way to not …hmm…incur her majesty 's wreath somehow?maybe I can talk with her?."

Lucas asked with little hope,since cyna already said the goddess would erase those that did not served her purpose when summoned,there isnt much he could do to prevent that.

"Unfortunately,unless the goddess decided to spare you which has never happened before…she would most likely not talk with you even then."

After 5 minutes of being stared at by a bored looking raven and the expressionless cyna who seemed to frown slightly in remorse at his situation.He have arrived at one definite answer to his situation.

"Well!! If I am gonna die again anyway,let's make the best of it while it lasted."Lucas sighed and smiles,he haven't been really focusing on this because of the amount of things going on.

"But…"somehow he manage to smiles brighter as he moves his legs in a circular motion and grasp his fists that is now filled with strength previous unfounded.

"I want to live for once." That was his thoughts as he stood up and looked at his suppose attendants who is even more confused at his attitude towards his soon to be sealed fate.

"Please don't look at me like that,to be honest I haven't been able to experience much things in my past life because of my illness.So if it is possible…could you be here for me until I had my fill of fun?"

Fel and cyna both seems to be stunned for a moment,before cyna put on a faint smiles and nodded softly.But somehow lucas felt like there was a complex feeling in that tiny smiles.

"Understood,so lord Lucas what do you want to do first…?"Cyna bowed in a courteous manner and asked.

"...Do whatever you want then kiddo,you have some guts at least."Fel took flight and seated his bottom on the sofa much like a person and sighed.

"Great! Also please called me lucas from now on and no lord before that …it sounds really really awkward."


Since lucas was going to enjoy his limited life that might expired the next very second,so he decided to just go sight seeing around the house.

*Stay safe lord lucas,and please take good care to not bully him too much,sir fel."

Cyna had told him that she would stay behind to looked after the house,so she assigned fel to travel with him as his guard and attendants regardless of how reluctant the raven felt.

"Ugh...a once great archmage reduced to a lowly bodyguard."Fel mumbled but made sure lucas heard him loud and clear in his head.

"Sorry about that…anyway is there any other…people or buildings around here?"Lucas marveled at the natural beauty of wide planes of grass field and the azure sky above him as they walked.

"Hahaha!you must jest.Like there is anyway we would have lived in a place near any people when our mission is to wipe them off this planet.The closest of them is at least a week on horse back away from us."

Although he figured that might be the case,this was still a bit disappointing.He would have liked to at least visit a civilization of this world and talk to them,try the food there and things that he couldn't have tried in his past life.

"By the way,if it isnt a sensitive topic.Mr fel,why were you and cyna turned into a attendants of the archdemons in the first place?"

Out of curiousity,Lucas carefully asked the question that he had been thinking of.He could understood if they were made the same way he was made,but their manner of act and speech seems quite different despite being able to understand their language.

"...well it is nothing major,we are practically made the same way as you but instead of being chosen.We are made that choice on our own."Flying ahead to look out for danger,Fel explained their situation simply.

"Tch,don't get the wrong idea.We were never informed of this missions before we were contracted.And lady cyna would have never agreed to something like this…"

Annoyed by the stunned and horrified look lucas gave him,Fel clicked his tongue and clarified the misunderstanding for them.

"I see…I would have been very surprised otherwise."Lucas smiles faintly,he felt their situation must be more complex than fel let him know but the fact that they were tricked into this leave a really bitter taste in his mouth.

"...…what do you mean?"Fel slowed down and stopped in his flight,which made lucas stopped as well.

"huh?…I meant that …you don't seem like bad people to me…?At least I don't think so"Frowning,Lucas grown confused and wary as he thought he might have said something that offended fel.

After listening to his response,fel slowly took flight ahead again but didn't commented any further on this topic,and so they kept on traveling in this silence that somehow didn't felt too awkward.

After 15 minutes of walking or so,They found a small clearing near a small Grove to rest by.

Looking at the towering,board tree that cover the sky in flush green leaf,Lucas felt amazed but buttered that he couldn't took a photo of these surreal scence.

"Mr fel,what is this plant?"Lucas also spent sometimes to ask fel some questions about the different plants and small creature he had seen in their surroundings.

"That is a cailo leaf,help you relaxed and treat minor stomach ache if brewed as tea."Surprisingly, despite what lucas originally thought,fel answered his every question with only a little annoyance in his voice.

"Ohh..."Lucas gently held the jagged leafs in his hand,the texture was smooth and soft.And the smell was quite refreshing.Smiling,he gave thanks to the plant and picked a few of them off.

"What are you…nevermind…"Fel stared dumbfoundedly at his apologetic gesture at a mere plants,he is sure whether that lucas have a brain filled with rainbows or he is just an idiot.

Humming while he continued to observe and search for different plants and small animals.Lucas suddenly turned around, having picked up a faint voice in the woods.

"Mr fel,did you heard that?"Liam slowly approached closer to the wood as he tried to pick up more sound.The woods are loosely packed together but the echo of a voice was slowly becoming easier to be heard.

"hmm...wait what…?!A villager this close to our base?"Sounding surprised,fel took flight and stared into the looming the darkness.

"Ohh…what are they doing?"Lucas grown excited and was curious about them and took note that Fel have an excellent night vision at his disposal without using any spells.

"...Hmm…seems like a few barbed tail mountain cat is trying to get their lunch I guess...wait what you doing!??"Fel was alerted as lucas rushed into the forested area towards the source of the noise.

"Intaieule Beneioaba(feather steps)"Casting one of the very few spells he had seen and manage to memorized in the book when he was fooling around in bed.

Along with his greater body physical poweress and the spell's support to enchance his speed, Lucas rushed into the forest leaving great gust of wind in his wake.

"tch this idiot…!"Fel followed after him with haste,thinking that he should have trapped him in his room if he was going to be this reckless.