
Blessings From the Sun and Moon

Updates: idk at this point, its whenever i remember to lol The Blessings of the Sun and Moon follows Luan Akay, the strongest Demon Lord to ever exist. Or at least he used to be, until five Demon prodigies rose up against him and the other Demon Lords in order to create a new system of leadership for the new generation of Demons. After a tiresome battle, Luan Akay was left battered and drained and … forced to make his appearance that of an eight-year-old to conserve his powers?! The Blessings of the Sun and Moon also follows Nai Soari, known throughout the world as the Blessing of the Sun, a strong fighter for the poor and long retired war hero. Whilst travelling through towns, Nai Soari stumbles upon a ten-year-old who seems to have run away from a village massacre, whom he adopts and names Noah. But what Nai Soari doesn’t realise is that this sweet, illiterate child is actually the world’s former stronger Demon Lord! Feelings for this former mercenary hit Luan Akay hard, and he soon wishes to never reveal his true self, as he knows it would mean leaving Nai’s side. As several years pass, a strong bond between the two of them form, and soon, they become inseparable. They will have to face formidable opponents on the battlefield, navigate the tough journey that is falling in love, and uncovering mysteries that unravel as the two fated partners travel side by side. What’s better than a sweet slow burn romance to make you feel warm and fluffy inside? A fucking horrible tragedy that will leave everyone heartbroken. (There's also a side couple that'll get some r18+ scenes and be introduced at some point theyre called Althe and Leto and they're very cute) Fyi there’s a LOT of uncensored swearing in this story, I do apologise if that is not your cup of tea Prolly go 18+ at some point idk, but their romance is kinda slow burn. Idk, Luan falls for Nai pretty quick, but he’s stuck as a ten-year-old, so….. nothing actually happens between the two of them for quiet some time. A small 18+ scene at around chapter 25 or so, but its not reeeeeaalllly anythhing spicy. not yet at least ;)

Mxtxisagod · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs


Marshaal leads Nai and Luan through an overgrown path covered in tree roots and vines and leaves and bushes, a rough track for two people who had just spent days on end walking. A small cliff edge lines one side of the path at one point, the endless blue ocean sparkling in the soft afternoon sun.

"So where are you two coming from?" Marshall asks after some time of walking along the path.

"I used to be a soldier in Kirksten," Nai says, eyes on the vast ocean.

Marshaal looks over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow at Nai. "What brings you all the way down here from the North? You're still so young, how come ya left the army?"

Nai pauses for a brief moment before saying, "I had been there for as long as I can remember. I decided not too long ago that it was time for a bit of a change."

Luan raises a brow but stays silent. From the way Nai has spoken about his time in the army, it doesn't sound like it was a very good experience for him. But the sound of it, Nai doesn't want to go back. Does that mean his want for a year-long 'holiday' was a ruse? Will he go back once the year is up?

"Well, young man, if you ever need a job, don't hesitate to ask. I'll look around for you and see if anyone needs a hand."

Nai smiles kindly. "Thank you for your help. And with showing us to the house. I know how late it is getting, and you must be worried about your own safety..."

"No need to worry about it, I know these parts like the back of my hand," Marshaal says with a smile.

Before long, the sky has grown a deep red, and the ocean has disappeared behind a thicket of trees. A tiny house pokes out of the near darkness, at the very end of the trail. The house is run-down and caved in on one side - although, one wouldn't necessarily call this a house, it's more like a small hut.

Nai's eyes widen and he gasps. "It's so beautiful..."

Immediately, Nai reaches into one of his pockets, revealing his fat coin pouch which jingles when he moves it. He unties the pouch, takes out five shiny gold coins, and places them on his palm, gesturing for Marshaal to take them.

Marshaal's eyes widen, too. "No, no, young man, I cannot take this much! Even one gold coin would be too much!"

"But don't I get a lot of land with this house? Surely it is worth this much. In fact, I feel like even this is not enough." Nai places another two gold coins in his hand.

"Young man, if you keep flaunting your wealth like this, it'll be taken off you very quickly. I warned you about these parts of the forest, so make sure you keep your coins in a safe place," Marshaal has gone white as if he is about to faint. "My, however did you get so much?"

"I was a soldier in the war," Nai says, still shoving the money in Marshaal's face.

Marshaal sighs and takes five coins from Nai's hand, leaving the last two. "This much is more than enough, thank you, young master."

Nai raises a brow at the man's sudden change of demeanor. "I am no young master, you do not have to address me like that. Just call me Nai."

The old man shakes his head and shoves the coins in his pocket. "No one who has this much money can't be a lord or of high status. I feel 'young master' isn't formal enough..."

"If you insist..." Nai takes a few steps forward, grasping Luan's hand and beaming like a child. "Noah ... How do you like the look of it? It'll need some - a lot - of work, but I think it will look great once we're finished! What do you say? Wanna live here with me?"

'Forever,' is the first word that comes to Luan's mind. He shakes it away and instead says, "Yes." How odd, Luan's little heart starts thumping again, the sound almost deafening in his ears.

Nai's grin widens. "Great! Let us go check it out!"

"Marshaal! Hey!"

Nai and Luan turn simultaneously, confused looks on their faces at the strange voice. A small, fiery red-haired man stands next to Marshaal, clasping their hands together in greeting.

"I heard Althe and I have some new neighbors, so I've come to see who actually wanted to buy this shithole, haha!" The red-haired man says, waving towards the pair. "Hey, you two! My name's Leto, I live in the property next door. It's great to finally have neighbors!"

The young man who calls himself Leto rushes over to the pair's side, a big smile across his face. "If you head North from here, it's about a ten-minute walk to my place. If you two ever need anything, you can come straight over! My housemate is a doctor, so if there are ever any medical issues, don't hesitate to put in an inquiry! You can even have the special neighbors discount!"

Nai smiles warmly and extends a hand. Leto takes it and they shake hands in greeting. "Thank you very much, you are much too kind. My name is Nai, and this is my little brother, Noah. Noah, say hello."

But Luan doesn't say hello; he stares at Leto with a skeptical curiosity. There's something off about this man, he just couldn't put his finger on it.

Leto chuckles. "Are you shy, buddy? That's alright, that's alright. I don't really like talking to strangers either, haha!"

'Yet here you are," Luan mutters to himself.

Nai notices Luan's unease and tries to wrap up the conversation. "Well, you and your housemate are welcome any time, as well. Although I am not too sure what I can give you, just a reliable helping hand is enough, don't you think?"

The red-haired man nods and starts walking backward, leaving the vicinity. "It was a pleasure meeting you both. Have a lovely night. You too, Marshaal, say hi to Mirium and the kids for me!"

And with that, the neighbor leaves. Soon after, Marshaal mutters something to himself, gives Luan and Nai a single wave, and walks off.

The sky grows darker, and soon, there is almost no light left in the sky. A cold breeze nips at Nai's cheeks and he slowly turns around, Luan's hand in his, and walks toward the 'house'.

hey yall. i only got like 5 weeks of school left then im done! which means a shitton of exams and study :( heres another chapter hehe. yall finally get to meet leto, my babygurl

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