
Chapter 5

Niall awoke in a loud room, filled with chattering and groaning. He sat up in a wool cot, not ideal for comfort; far too warm. Niall recognised the room as one in the Hospice, he had cared for soldiers that had contracted the Blue Fever here. By the entrance, Saia stood, talking with a monk and physician. Suddenly, a cool cloth was placed on Niall's forehead. A monk pushed him down gently.

"Rest, child." he whispered. Niall leaned back on his pillow and watched as Saia walked over to him.

"You were going a little crazy back there." Saia chuckled. She pulled a the wet cloth from Niall's forehead and dipped it back in the bowl of water. "Your eyes were really wide, and blank."

The Hospice echoed with the loud clanging of the doors being opened. Niall's mother ran in towards Niall.

"Thank Yen you are safe! What happened? Are you hurt?" Niall's Mother choked.

"I am fine, I just took… a fall, I guess." Niall muttered, looking down at the sheets.

Niall's Mother wrapped herself around him and squeezed Niall tightly.

"Let me take you home." Niall's Mother said, as she started to lift him up.

Suddenly, the doors of the Hospice flew open. Soldiers flooded the room.

"There he is!" hollered a voice among the soldiers. The soldiers turned to Niall's cot and began marching towards him. Niall's Mother stepped in front of the cot.

"What do you want?" spat Niall's Mother. The soldiers shoved her aside and grabbed Niall's arms, lifting him up out of the cot. The soldiers dragged Niall towards the door and out of the Hospice with his Mother's screams and wails trailing behind them.

Niall, dreary, watched as he was dragged towards the Keep. The large, wooden doors opened for the soldiers. The stone of the ground was rough and cold. Another door was opened and Niall was tossed through it. The room smelled of wet and mold, the walls were smooth with moss and the ground course of dirt and hay. The only light came from the small chips in the door. Niall looked around but could only see darkness. Sleep would be his friend for now, keeping him away from the pain of reality until he awoke.

Niall awoke to the sound of hooves and wheels. The door made a quiet clicking sound before swinging open, letting the light of day pour into Niall's cell. Niall had counted three nights while in captivity.

"Get up!" shouted the soldier, grabbing Niall and shoving him out of the cell. Niall squinted at the blinding morning sun. It had gotten colder since Niall had been out last, winter must be fast approaching. Niall was picked up and dragged towards the main hall. Niall was covered in dirt and his hair was matted with sweat. The doors of the hall opened with a thud and Niall was dragged inside. The hall was dim and long. A throne sat and the end with tables surrounding it. In the throne sat Laeche, he was smirking at Niall, mocking him for his helplessness. At the tables sat nine elves, all in black robes with a white collar. They all wore wide, dark headdresses with the sigil of House Barv, Laeche's house, the keep's name.

"Who are they?" asked Niall, gesturing towards the elves at the table. Niall was tossed onto a small square with a red diamond in the middle.

"These are my brothers, the Courtsmen." Laeche said, eyeing Niall.

"Why are the courtsmen here?" queried Niall.

Laeche shifted in his seat and took a sip of his wine. "They are here to judge you for your crimes."