
Chapter 3: Joe Mzalendo

By the time he was turning back to try to save the game, it was too late for him. He did not lose his job though, no. He was forced to play this new game. This is what flipped everything and how his story began. Just a few years in power as the Cabinet Minister of Finance, it was time to renew his subscription.

One day, as he was busy in his office working building the Nation, he got a call from one of the very few Cabinet Members they had initiated for office together. It was just a harmless call notifying him of a meeting he was to attend and later a ceremony.

The meeting was scheduled for the afternoon of that day. Since he had a tight schedule for that afternoon, all he did was to request for postponement to evening. He was kept on hold for a while and then, the caller confirmed the postponement. Still, nothing was out of place according to him.

He just assumed that the meeting was very important for all involved to be present. What he never knew was that, that call was a mark for a beginning to the end, but not for his job. He also did not know that the meeting was entirely his. He was just being informed of the game change and his role in the game.

He went on with his schedule for the day as usual and finally, the evening came and they gathered as agreed. It was time for what he thought as a briefing from the president, or, a very important meeting. To his surprise, there was only a hand full of them in the room. Out of the Twenty Two Cabinet Ministers in Credonia, there were only twelve of them.

He thought that others were still coming for the meeting until he saw the meeting start without them. One of them stood and started addressing the rest of them. From the look on their faces, majority seemed to know the agenda of the meeting except but a few. It was about time the majority filled them in. After all, they, the few, were newbies in politics and power.

First things first. Since they all knew each other, there was no need for an introduction. It was straight to the point and the main agenda of the meeting. As we all know, the best way to trap and catch a chicken is to feed it first. He had no clue it is what they were doing praising him for all the good work he was doing for the country and the people until, some months later.

They; even had a name for him, the president’s favorite son. Hearing them talk so good of him was his best moment and greatest achievement. The naming was not over yet. He had to know the name to what he realized later was some form of a group, or maybe, a Union…I guess. He had earned himself a seat at this so important Union, just like that! In fact, the most important seat of them all except, for that of Jesus of course. The Union, it was called the Chosen Twelve just like those of Jesus.

To add icing to the cake, they had names like those of the twelve disciples of Jesus. Yet again, he earned himself another name. He was baptized Peter, and to be sincere, he seemed so much relieved they did not think to call him Jesus. Well, since it was only twelve of them, he assumed Jesus had ascended to heaven. He thought of asking why them but then remembered, even Jesus chose from a much larger multitude.

He also came to realize that, the names were not just given at random. It came time for the roles as per each name and that is when he knew, each came with a responsibility among the Chosen Twelve. Even with his much success, power, money, fame, a good name, no time with the Bible because of this power, he had not lost complete touch with Christ. The fact that everything in the group revolved around the Bible so far, got him happy and completely fulfilled. In fact, this was a chance for his come back to Christ. He was also happy that he could mentor fellow men in power to do as God wishes for humanity.

All the roles were given to the others. It was time for him to receive his. In school, he had learnt that, we save best for last. In did he was the best and the role model as he came last at all times. Since he was now Peter, he knew, he would have the greatest role. Indeed, it was true. He was the man to ensure that any project by the Chosen Twelve went through flawlessly. He thought they gave him the position due to his efforts to make his country a better place until, he later learnt otherwise.

Finally, it was time for the main event. It was time to know the purpose of the Chosen Twelve and their role in building the Nation. This part, he was waiting for very eagerly. Whatever they said would determine his stay as Chosen, so principled he was. From what he heard that day, the sharks in the sea had noticed a few people that drove the country down the drain and were willing to help stop them. It was a way to help him to make his country a better place but, this time, it was by exterminating the moles.

What a wonderful idea, he thought. After he heard the mention of making his country great, he accepted everything that came later. Most part of the remaining session, he spent nodding in acceptance until, it was time for his speech. With his pride and need to realize his vision, he supported the mission and even added a few of his own. He promised to allocate funds for all the Chosen Twelve projects. He; for sure put on the shoes of Peter and offered to let ‘Jesus’ know about it.

They disagreed with the thought and advised him against it in the name of, Jesus already knew about it. Being the first day of the meeting and the official formation day of the Chosen Twelve, that was all there was to do.

He was then tasked with allocating funds for their first project that was to be discussed in the coming meeting. They claimed to know him as a very intelligent man and therefore, he could figure it out. Indeed, he was intelligent and anything that meant a better Country was worth investing in. With his high intelligence, he got himself in deep. Too deep to resurface.

With the availability of funds, the Chosen was a plane headed for the skies with nothing on its way. It was time to wrap things up and part ways. Just like in any covenant making, there is always a seal. The Chosen Twelve was just a covenant they had made among themselves and there had to be a seal for them to remain secret, as they had agreed and swore.

It was time for what could be best described as the mark of the Messiah, in context with the amalgamation and the mission. They all received the mark and, he seemed to be proud of it. Later, he realized; the Mark of the Messiah was more than just a mare mark.