
Bleach: I'm Hanataro Yamada

After a series of bizarre events, a soul ends up getting reincarnated in his favorite anime, in the body of one of the supporting characters and one of the weakest. The world is now bound to change in some way, whether that change is positive or not, only time will tell. (Obs: English is not my native language so excuse me if there are any language errors.)

Ymir67 · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs


Soul Society, Seireitei.

Months before the Ryoka Invasion

1:30 AM

"There, that was the last one."

I say as a green aura emanated from the palms of my hands, and then immediately disappeared like the wind. I stand up and take off the medical kit that I was carrying on my back, open it, and search through it, trying to find a pill with a skull symbol on it. I find it and pick it up, taking it towards the mouth of the lying shinigami. On his shoulder was a scar from a cut, it wasn't deep, but it was certainly wide. I open his mouth gently and place the pill inside it.

"This pill will help you recover your stamina more quickly." I say, helping him swallow the pill.

I leave the fourteenth aid team to take care of the rest, while I start walking through the streets of Seireitei. Along the way, I see some destroyed walls and streets. I sigh, knowing that this was caused by the eleventh division. Apparently, a certain group of shinigami from that division got into a fight to find out who in the group was the strongest, and the result was a large part of the east area being destroyed. It took the other divisions to intervene to stop all this confusion, and it wasn't very good, since many were injured and had to call the aid team.

"Frankly, Captain Zaraki needs to control his staff better." I say before laughing at my own sentence.

What am I saying? If the eleventh weren't uncontrolled and fierce, they wouldn't be the eleventh. Besides, if they weren't like that, they wouldn't be worthy of being led by that man.

I keep walking for a long time, looking at the blue sky that ran through the entire Seireitei, while several things went through my head, and sometimes I sang softly, enjoying the peace that seemed lasting. What a joke! I know very well what is to come, something that I thought several things to get away or at least stay safe, something that after thinking a lot, I came to the decision that it would be impossible for me to stay away from it.

Why do I think that? Simple: I'm not from this universe, in fact, not even the body I'm in really belongs to me.

It's been two weeks since I came to this universe. The first time I opened my eyes, it felt like I had woken up from a long sleep. In the seconds that I opened my eyes, memories invaded my mind, memories that did not belong to me. Wandering for a few minutes that in my mind seemed like years, I had finally understood my situation.

I had stopped in Bleach, a world infested by various races and powerful swords capable of doing anything, and it was also my favorite anime, even though I hadn't finished watching the anime or reading the manga. Even so, it had a special place in my heart.

I can't lie that when I discovered my situation I was extremely happy. Who wouldn't be happy to have the chance to meet their favorite characters? But then reality finally dawned on me: the chances of me being killed here are now a thousand times greater, like me running into a hollow or something worse.

But that wasn't all. Another truth had also dawned on me: I had been transmigrated into the body of a character. Looking at the memories I received, trying to figure out which body I was in, to my dismay I had been transmigrated into the body of Hanataro Yamada.

One of the most secondary characters and also one of the weakest in the series. From what I remember of him in the series, he helped Ichigo and Ganju, and he was also part of the fourth division. That's all I remember about him in the series, of course I'm only counting my memories of the series, but looking at the memories that I think belonged to the original Hanataro, there wasn't much interesting stuff. The ones that caught my attention the most were when he was in the shinigami academy, and I realized how horrible he was at three of the four main forms of Shinigami combat. The only area he was good at was Kidō, especially Kaidō, which are healing spells.

But after two weeks in this body, I finally accepted the situation I was in. I can follow my life as Hanataro and follow in his footsteps since I know he survives until the end of the series, but as I said before, that would certainly be impossible, because I'm here, a soul that is not from this universe now inhabiting a body, that's enough to change everything. I just hope that my presence doesn't completely change the story.

I always wanted to create a fanfic about the world of Bleach, so I created my own.

The chapters will be large, much larger than this one, one per week or two.

And why did I make a fanfic about someone in Hanataro's body? Because after he first appeared, I wanted him to have a highlight, so with that idea I made this fanfic. Of course, I could also make him gain a system, but I'm not a big fan.

Anyway, excuse me if there are any spelling errors and I hope you like it.

Ymir67creators' thoughts