
Bleach! The world of Fang and blade!

So you died, only to find yourself being chased by hollows! Does that mean that the world of Bleach is real? And who the hell is this guy with glasses? Follow Greyson as he finds himself entering into the world of Bleach! After a fateful encounter, he wakes up in the Rukon district with a new system to help him on his journey! Enter the world of bleach with a system! If you love Bleach and want more, check out my Patreon page! https://www.patreon.com/lavalord115

Lavalord115 · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

Chapter 16: A decisive victory!

"Grayson, please come to the front." One of the many instructors who was standing to score them said, holding his clipboard as he looked over at him.

"Yes sensei," Grayson said, quickly closing his display screen and walking over to the front.

"Alright, it says here you are only a first year, so I expect you to know at least know Hadō 31, Shakkahō, correct?" The examiner asked.

"Yes, sensei," Grayson said, getting a nod from the man.

"Very well, you will be scored on how well you can perform the Kidō spell, and how accurately you can hit each target." He said, pointing over towards the range.

Grayson looked at the range, seeing a 10-meter target, a 25-meter target, A 50-meter target and finally a 100-meter target.

"You may begin when you are ready." The instructor said, taking a step back, and allowing Grayson to take his position.

He could already feel the knowledge of the Hadō spell Shō running through his mind.

"I guess I should see how effective it really is." He thought, extending his index finger as he pointed at the first sign.

"Hadō 1, Shō." He said, watching as an invisible force suddenly blasted through the first target with impressive force.

The instructor was impressed, taking notes on his clipboard.

Everyone watched as Grayson easily took out the first target with the basic Hadō, not being impressed due to it only being a level one spell.

"It seemed to reach the 10-meter target without much trouble, I guess I will try the 25 next," Grayson said to himself.

"Hadō 1, Shō!" He said again, watching as the blast hit the target, this time only just doing enough to knock it over.

"Hmm... I guess since it's only at level 1/10, it's not strong enough for that distance yet." Grayson said.

"Next quest! Hit the 100-meter target! Reward, 1000 exp and one skill point!" The system suddenly said in his mind.

"That sounds easy enough." Grayson suddenly said, opening his stat menu and placing his last skill point into the Shakkahō ability, raising it to level 3.

"Alright, only two targets left," Grayson said as he extended his hand.

"Hadō, 31, Shakkahō!" Grayson said, skipping the incantation again to see how powerful it would be without it.

The blast was a decent size and easily hit the 50-meter target with perfect aim, destroying the target completely.

"Not bad..." The instructor said, noting that he had even skipped the incantation.

Grayson took a quick look around to see how some of the other students were doing. Most had hit the 10 and 25-meter targets without issue, however, not many had hit the 50 and so far, none had even come close to the 100-meter target.

"Alright, just one target left, give it your best shot." The instructor said, waiting to see what he would do next.

Grayson nodded, knowing that everyone was watching him now, feeling the pressure.

"Well, I guess I had better give everyone a good show!" He thought, extending his arm and holding his wrist.

"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hadō 31, Shakkahō!" Grayson yelled, focusing as much of his spiritual energy into the kidō spell as he could, watching the small indicator that appeared next to it so he could see the limit, pushing it to the red line and overloading it.

Everyone watched as Grayson unleashed his spell, feeling the burning energy that came off of it as it flew through the air towards the target.

"No way, how the hell can a first-year create such a powerful kidō spell!" Someone shouted, causing everyone else to start whispering about it too.

Grayson watched as his attack smashed into the centre of the target, even from 100-meters away, he had still managed to maintain perfect aim, watching as his spell exploded against the target, causing a small shock wave.

"Alright!" Grayson said as he gained 1000 exp and another skill point, hearing the system ping in his mind.

"Excellent work, you may now take your seat." The instructor said after a moment, taking more notes.

"Yes, sensei," Grayson said, turning back towards the other students and returning to his seat, feeling the other stair daggers at him.

Once all of the students were done with the exam in kidō, they were moved on to a large outdoor battle area for the final exam.

"Alright everyone, listen up!" The head instructor said, making sure that everyone was listening.

"This will be your final exam. A one-on-one battle against a random opponent using your own strength. Both your zanpakuto and hand-to-hand combat are allowed, however, no kidō shall be used in this fight." He said, causing every to start whispering among themselves.

"However, lethal force is strictly forbidden!" He then added, making sure that everyone could hear him.

"If I or any of the other instructors tell you to stop, then you stop. If and when we decide the fight is over, that means it's over!" He shouted, making sure he made himself clear.

"Alright then, make sure you listen out for your names to be called, once they are, proceed to the ring." He then said before he slowly walked off of the large ring they would be fighting on.

Grayson was a little excited knowing he would be able to test his skills against older students to see where he fit with their strengths.

"Hey system, run a level check of everyone in the area for me, will you?" He asked.

"Scanning as many people in the area as I can now." The system spoke, taking a moment to do so.

"I wonder what everyone's level will be..." Grayson thought, looking at his own stats once more.

Name: Grayson.

Level 23. (3600/8000).

Class: Student of the Shinōreijutsuin.

Health: 225/225

Stamina: 225/225

Reiatsu: 235/235

Skills- Hadō 31 Shakkahō level 3/10.

Hadō 1 Shō level 1/10.

Flash step 1/10

Strength: 25/100 (1/10)

Speed: 15/100 (1/10)

Intelligence: 15/100 (1/10)

Enhanced skills -

Zanjutsu: 1/10 (1/10)

Zanpakuto name: Jūryoku no Megami.

Hakuda: 5/10 (0/10)

Kidō: 3/10 (0/10)

Skill points available: 1.

"So, if I am level 23, then surely there must be someone here with a higher level than me." Grayson thought as he waited for the system to work its magic.

Grayson watched as the first two combatants were called up, watching as they both walked over to the arena and took their stance, drawing their swords.

"You may now begin!" The instructor shouted, watching as both of them charged at one another, clashing their swords together, entering a power struggle of steel upon steel.

"Finished estimating the levels of as many people in the area as I can. For ease, you will be able to see the level above an individual's head." The system suddenly said.

Grayson smiled as he grew excited to get a look at everyone's level, watching carefully as numbers started to appear above everyone's head.

"W-Wait a minute! That can't be right..." Grayson said as he looked at the two men fighting in the ring, seeing that their levels were only 10 and 12.

Grayson did a double take and started to look around at everyone else, seeing that the highest level of the students was an average of level 13, with only one or two having a level of 14 and 15.

"That can't be..." He said again, looking over to the instructors, hoping to see their level.

Again, to his surprise, he could see the number above their heads, seeing that the instructor's levels were between levels 16 and 25, with only the head instructor having a level of 30.

"No... So that Hollow was stronger than everyone here." Grayson thought, not realising how powerful it really was being at level 40.

The fight between the two in the ring quickly came to an end, with the one having the higher-level winning the fight by landing a blow to the other arm, leaving him unable to fight.

"Next!" One of the instructors said, calling out the names of two more fighters.

"System, can you explain what is going on here? Why are everyone's levels so low?" He asked.

The system didn't answer for a moment, taking its sweet time.

"Answer. An average soul reaper's level is calculated to be between level 10 and level 15. Anyone holding a seated position from 20 to a 5th seat position in a squad had an average of level 15 to 25. However, the jump from the 5th seat to the 3rd seat can be anywhere between level 25 to level 35." The system said.

Grayson knew how the seated positions in a squad worked, having been taught them here at the academy.

"So, I am almost at a 5th-seat level already?" He asked, feeling confused but amazed at the same time.

"It is hard to say, as it all depends on an individual level and ability." The system then said, trying to explain it to him as best it could.

Grayson had been so caught up in his whole little world that he had failed to see that five more fights had taken place, and now his name had been called by the instructor.

"Grayson, report to the area!" The instructor called again, shouting this time as he was losing his patience.

"Eh?" Grayson said looking up.

"Me?" He said, getting a confused look from the others around him.

"Dude, your name has been called, you had better get moving." Someone said, causing Grayson to quickly stand up.

"YES! SORRY!!" He shouted, quickly running through the crowd and onto the stage.

The instructor sighed as he watched Grayson, seeming to let it slide as he was more intrigued to see his fighting ability, knowing the story of what had happened with the Hollow.

Grayson looked over to his opponent, having missed his name due to his own daydreaming. However, he could see the level above his head read 16, knowing that he was probably the strongest student here, apart from himself.

That and the other students seemed to be chattering about how strong he was, giving Grayson a good idea that they were also scared of him.

His opponent in question was tall and had short black hair in a buzz cut, with sharp eyes and a scar down his right eye.

"New quest. Win the dual! Reward, 1000 exp and one skill point!" The system suddenly said.

"Very well, you both know the rules. You may draw your blades." The instructor then said, cutting the system's voice from Grayson's mind.

Grayson watched as the other man slowly drew his sword, taking a high guard stance with his sword over his head to conceal the blade's length.

Grayson drew his own sword, holding it with one hand pointing towards the ground while he rested his other hand on his sash.

Grayson could feel the tension building between them, knowing that this was the first time he had clashed live blades with another person, feeling his heart beating faster and faster as his excitement grew, forming a lump in his throat.

"You may begin!" The instructor shouted, giving the signal for the fight to start after what had seemed like forever.

"You're mine!" The man shouted, quickly charging towards Grayson with his sword raised, slashing down with a quick overhead attack using all of his strength.

Grayson watched him with care and easily sidestepped his attack, letting the blade sail right past him harmlessly as he avoided the attack with basic footwork, seeing that his neck was wide open.

With one swift motion, Grayson flicked his wrist, slashing his blade towards the man's neck that would deliver a finishing blow with a single motion, quickly stopping his attack only a centimetre away from his throat, causing a small shock wave of air to blast into the man's face, causing his eyes to open wide in fear that he was about to die.

"STOP!!!" The instructor yelled, fearing that Grayson's attack would have killed him because it was so fast, not seeing that he had already stopped it.

"F-F-Fight over!" The instructor suddenly yelled, seeing that Grayson had indeed stopped his attack from delivering a finishing blow, watching as his opponent dropped back onto his butt, still shocked at what had happened.

"Well, that was easy," Grayson said as he rubbed the back of his head, giving an awaked laugh, thinking that maybe he shouldn't have ended it so fast.

"Quest complete, 1000 exp and 1 skill point gained!"


Alright thats the end of that chapter!

I hope you enjoyed it.