
Bleach! The world of Fang and blade!

So you died, only to find yourself being chased by hollows! Does that mean that the world of Bleach is real? And who the hell is this guy with glasses? Follow Greyson as he finds himself entering into the world of Bleach! After a fateful encounter, he wakes up in the Rukon district with a new system to help him on his journey! Enter the world of bleach with a system! If you love Bleach and want more, check out my Patreon page! https://www.patreon.com/lavalord115

Lavalord115 · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

Chapter 10: Heated exchange between rivals!

Grayson had taken Izumi to see the medic, who saw that her ankle had been strained. Saying it was no big deal and that he would have her back on her feet in no time.

Grayson was asked to wait outside while he checked her over to make sure nothing else was damaged before he tended to her ankle.

-Quest complete, you have gained 600 exp points. You have levelled up!- The system said.

Grayson opened his stats while he waited, seeing what was going on.

Name: Grayson.

Level 10. (0/2800).

Class: Student of the Shinōreijutsuin.

Health: 155/155

Stamina: 135/155

Reiatsu: 140/155

Skills- Hadō 31 Shakkahō level 1/10.

Strength: 65/100 (0/10)

Speed: 45/100 (0/10)

Intelligence: 55/100 (0/10)

Enhanced skills -

Zanjutsu: 5/10 (0/10)

Hakuda: 2/10 (0/10)

Kidō: 1/10 (0/10)

Skill points available: 1.

He could see that his skills had increased again and he had another skill point to play with, deciding to save it for now.

His next class was in Hakuda, meaning they would all be practising hand to hand combat, something he was excited about.

Still, he couldn't help wonder about this whole game-like system he had. He had played many RPG's in his time, knowing that once the numbers reached a certain level it always broke the game.

"I wonder if that will be the case with me..." He said to himself.

Suddenly the door opened and Izumi walked out feeling good as new.

"That was fast," Grayson said, impressed.

"Yeah... He said not to try and make a habit of it though." Izumi replied.

"Alright, let's head to class," Grayson said, smiling at her.

Izumi returned his smile and the two of them started to walk down the hall together. It was silent for the most part, Izumi feeling too awkward to speak while Grayson simply enjoyed the afternoon sunshine.

"Grayson." She said softly getting his attention.

"Yeah, Izumi?" He asked looking at her.

Izumi looked into his eyes for a moment before she closed hers and looked away.

"It's nothing, let's give it our all in class!" She suddenly said, feeling fired up.

Grayson could tell something was bothering her but decided to leave her be.

"Yeah, let's do that!" He said also excited.

The two of them soon arrived back at the training hall, making it in time for the lesson. The instructor welcomed them back and they took a seat.

Kimiko wasn't pleased to see them together, but she turned her head acting as if she wasn't bothered.

"Alright, class. This will be your final lesson for the day. Hakuda is a soul reapers hand to hand fighting style that has been passed down for thousands of years." He explained.

Everyone listened as he explained the fundamentals before he asked for Jaku to step to the front, choosing him for a demonstration.

The instructor went over some basic strikes and blocks, only showing them slowly as he used Jaku, not wanting to hurt him.

"Now partner up and go over these basic strikes and blocks, remember to only use 50% of your power at max." He then said emphasising the 50%.

Everyone partnered up, with Jaku paring with Rocko and Izumi going with Grayson, leaving Kimiko to have to go with someone else, not happy at all.

"That bitch. I'll show her." She thought as she paired with another guy.

Everyone started to go over the moves while their partner used the blocks to get a feeling for them.

Kimiko was so annoyed as she watched Izumi and Grayson that she soon went over 50% and punched her partner in the stomach, dropping him.

"I said 50%!" The instructor shouted as he watched.

Kimiko realised what she had done and apologised, helping him up.

"Hiya!" Izumi said as she threw a straight punch followed by a left chop and then a front snap kick.

Grayson blocked all of the attacks as he had been shown, stopping all of them with ease before it was his turn to attack and Izumi defend.

Everyone repeated this drill for at least ten minutes before the instructor was happy that everyone had a good feel for it.

"Alright, gather around." He said getting them all to watch.

"Next will be a counter technique that you can use on a bigger and strong opponent." He said as he chose Rocko to come to the front this time, seeing as he was the largest person there.

"I want you to attack me with everything you have, do you understand?" The instructor said, getting serious.

Rocko nodded, feeling a little nervous for some reason.

"Now pay close attention." He said as he gave Rocko the nod.

Rocko rushed in and started to throw punches and kicks at the instructor. However, none of his attacks landed as the instructor moved back and shuffled around him too fast using his footwork.

"Now, see how Hōho can be used while fighting?" He said giving them a demonstration.

Everyone was impressed as the giant couldn't even get near him.

"However, we sometimes find ourselves unable to move around or get away from our opponent." The instructor then said as he stopped.

Rocko saw his chance and swung a huge punch aimed at his head.

Everyone watched in suspense, thinking that Rockos huge fist was going to knock their sensei's head off.

Suddenly the sensei stepped to the side, using his hand to let his punch sail past him. He didn't stop it or block the attack, he simply redirected it, using Rockos own strength against him.

The instructor suddenly grabbed his wrist and twisted it, causing Rockos huge body to flip through the air and hit the wooden floor with a huge crash.

Everyone was amazed as they watched, not believing their eyes. Rocko included as he lay on the ground confused as to how he got there.

"This is called Aikido and is one of many aspects of Hakuda." The instructor said as he turned to face the rest of the class.

"Now. It's time for some sparring. After all, you will never become adept in live combat if you never experience training with a resisting opponent." He said while readjusting his glasses.

Everyone nodded in understanding before the instructor told them to partner up. Saying they would be sparring for two minutes before they switched partners.

Everyone started with their original partner and the instructor waved his hand for them to begin.

Soon everyone was throwing punches and kicks at their opponents each trying their best to land a strike.

"Remember this is not a sport, this is not play fighting. This is Hakuda. This is real, and could one day save your life!" The instructor shouted as he walked through the class watching as they spared.

Izumi was attacking Grayson using the moves she had learnt, alone with a few kicks of her own. But Grayson either blocked them or evaded them, not counter-attacking at all.

Izumi wasn't impressed, and was in fact a little angry that he wouldn't hit her back.

"Hiya!" She shouted as she suddenly jumped into the air and tried to kick him in the head.

Grayson could tell she was getting frustrated and decided he should probably do something other than block.

Stepping forward he stepped under her kick and hit her with a palm strike to her stomach, knocking her back to the ground with a thud.

"Time! Change partners!" The instructor said.

"Here, are you ok Izumi," Grayson said as he offered her his hand.

Izumi was fine, she was just a little surprised he had beaten her so easily.

"Thanks." She said taking it, helping her to her feet.

"Good practice Izumi, next time you'll get me for sure." He said smiling at her.

Izumi nodded and watched as he walked off to switch partners.

Jaku instantly ran over to him, challenging him to a battle.

"This time I won't lose! Grayson." He said as he punched his hand.

Grayson had already seen this coming and sighed.

"Alright, but I won't hold back." He said taking a stance.

Izumi paired up with another girl, smiling as she asked if she wanted to practice with her.

"Out of my way." Kimiko suddenly said as she pushed the girl away, standing face to face with Izumi.

"She's mine." She said, staring her down.

Izumi refused to back down this time, also wanting payback for the flag race.

"Bring it on." She said, giving her a mean look.

"Begin!" The instructor shouted.

Jaku rushed at Grayson, throwing a combination of strikes with his hands. Grayson blocked all of them and quickly stepped back, evading the spinning back kick the Jaku had been setting up.

"You saw that eh?" He said, expecting nothing less from Grayson.

"Too slow," Grayson said as he smiled, deciding he should have some fun, going on the attack.

Leading with a knife hand, slashing down going to the top of Jakus head. Jaku quickly sidestepped, dodging, but Grayson quickly let his attacking hand follow through to the floor, and planted it as he allowed his body to spin and attacked with a spinning heel kick.

Jaku crossed his arms over his head and blocked the kick, the force of it pushing him back, allowing Grayson to take a defensive stance again.

"That was a good counter," Jaku said as he lowered his arms.

Grayson smiled.

"You didn't think I would be so easy did you?"

The two smiled at each other getting ready to attack again before they heard a loud yell coming from the other side of the hall.

They could see that all of the other students around the area had even stopped to watch, making sure to stay clear of what was going on.


"Kimiko!" Grayson and Jaku both shouted as they realised who it was.

Both girls had started duking it out and before they knew it, the practice match had turned into a full-on death battle.

Izumi yelled as she punched Kimiko in the face with a clean right cross.

However, Kimiko bounced back and slammed her own fist into Izumi's face, each of them trading blow for blow.

Blood had even started to splat onto the wooden floor from their faces and everyone watched in shock as the instructor let it happen.

"Sensei shouldn't we stop them!" Someone shouted to him.

But the instructor simple shrugged his shoulder as he continued to watch.

"They clearly have some kind of rivalry. It will do them good to settle it now rather than later." He said as he took an old school approach to their madness.

Grayson didn't like his response and was about to step in, but was suddenly grabbed by Jaku.

"No don't." He said

"What the hell Jaku, we can't let this carry on," Grayson said.

"Let's do as sensei said. It's better this way, otherwise, their hate for each other will only grow." He said, not pleased about it himself.

Grayson grit his teeth as he turned back to watch as both of them beat and wailing on each other.

"You stupid bitch!" Kimiko yelled as she suddenly kicked Izumi in the chest.

Izumi fell back onto the ground, slapping her back off the wooden floor, having the breath knocked out of her.

Kimiko smiled before slowly walking over to her, thinking she had the advantage.

Izumi suddenly looked up and kicked her leg, hitting Kimikos knee with her foot. Kimiko's leg gave way as she fell forwards before Izumi grabbed her by her hair and slammed her head onto the ground.

"You're the bitch!" She yelled as she banged it off the ground again.

Kimiko's eyes were wide in rage as she grabbed Izumi's hair in response, each of them now pulling on the others in a catfight as they screamed.

They both stood to their feet and entered a kind of clinch, wrestling while they held onto the other's hair.

Kimiko slammed her knee into Izumi's gut, getting her to gasp. Izumi didn't hang about and returned the blow, causing Kimiko to gasp just as much.

"You bitch! Let go of my hair!" Kimiko shouted as she pulled back hard enough for her hair to rip, pulling free of Izumi's hold.

Izumi fell back, not realizing she had ripped Kimiko's hair out and lost her hold on her.

Kimiko quickly used this to her advantage and used a spinning back kick, slamming her foot into her stomach, knocking her back.

"Now you're going to pay!" She said as she raised her hand in front of her face.

Everyone had a shocked expression on their face as Kimiko started to chant. However, Izumi wasn't going done so easily and she started to do the same.

"Everyone get back!' The instructor suddenly shouted.

"pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hadō number 31, shakkahō!" They both shouted as they finished the incarnation and fired their kidō attack at each other.

Both of the kidō attacks clashed midair and exploded, giving off a huge blast that sent a strong enough shock wave to cause the training hall to shake.

Both of the girls could still be seen as the smoke cleared, still standing, each of them out of breath.

They stared at each other, neither of them willing to give up before they charged in again, ready to finish the other off with everything they had left.

"That is enough!" Grayson shouted as he suddenly appeared and stopped both of their attacks, getting in the middle of them.

Both Izumi and Kimiko were shocked he had stopped them, both of them slowly pulling away as they looked at him.

"That's enough, both of you!" He said again clearly angry.

"You are supposed to be on the same said, both in the same class. Friends." He said, calming down a little as he looked into their eyes.

"Why are you going too far to hurt each other?" He then said, not understanding.

Izumi looked down to the floor, feeling his words hit deep.

"You're right." She said, ashamed of her behaviour.

Kimiko did the same, realising he was right.

"I-im sorry, Grayson." She said.

"It's not me you should say sorry to." He then said, looking at each of them.

Izumi and Kimiko looked at each other, their eyes locking, both having a stubborn look on their face.

"I'm sorry." They both said at the same time before they looked down at the ground again.

Izumi was holding her arm, clearly not able to move it. While Kimikos legs were badly bruised and she had to use her good one just to stand.

"I think it's time we got you both to the medical bay." He then said as he finally relaxed, smiling at each of them.

The instructor walked forwards clearing his throat as he did to get their attention.

"I hope you know girls, that you will be punished for your actions here." He said, causing them both to sweatdrop.

"Y-Yes sensei..." They both said.

"Get them to the medical bay." The instructor then said, turning his back.

"Class dismissed."

Grayson caught Izumi as she suddenly collapsed while Jaku and Rocko headed over to Kimiko who remained standing.

"I just wanted to prove I was better than her." She said, disappointed in herself.

They both understood and helped her to the medical bay as she sobbed to herself.

Izumi felt the same way and looked Grayson in the eyes.

"Are you mad at us?" She asked.

He smiled in response.

"I'm not mad, im just glad you are both ok." He said.

"We are all friends now, and like it or not, we're stuck here in this Academy until we graduate. So we should try to get along." He said.

Izumi only half-smiled as she nodded.

"I know... I just."

"Don't worry," Grayson said cutting her off.

"Now let's get you back to the medical bay." He said.

Izumi couldn't help but laugh a little.

"What's so funny?" Grayson asked.

"That's twice in the same day you've had to take me to the medical bay." She said.

Grayson smiled.

"If you make it a third, I'll start to think you're doing it just to be alone with me."

Izumi blushed a little, giving a fake laugh.

"Y-yeah right!" She responded as he helped her up.

Both Izumi and Kimiko were escorted to the medical bay and had their injuries patched up, taking a day or two to fully recover.

Once they had, the instructor had made them polish all of the training hall floors as punishment for their fight, saying that spending some time together would do them good.

The two of them had hammered out most of their differences now, and even become friends, finding it silly they had even fought in the first place as the first few weeks passed.

Soon the months started to roll on as the students continued to train and practice the same lessons over and over, slowly becoming more and more advanced as they went.

Winter passed and most of them could now wield a wooden bokken with confidence, as well as shoot a shakkahō on target. Of course, Grayson and the others had improved far more than the others, seeming to enter a class of their own as they showed great skill.

Grayson especially had shown excellent promise at everything he did. Of course, his system was to thank, and the more time he spent training and completing quests, the more exp he gained.

He had quickly discovered he could earn exp for simply training skills for a period of time. The more and harder he trained the exp he would earn.

His quick growth had not gone unnoticed by his classmates or his instructors either, all of them finding it strange how he had improved at such a dramatic rate in such a short time.

The average time it took students to graduate was six years. However, it was not unheard of for some to graduate faster, with the record being held by captain Gin Ichimaru, who graduated after only one year.

Grayson and the others had spent 8 months training at the academy now. Their head instructor had finally told them he felt that they were ready to take the test to see if they would be allowed to wild an asauchi.

Of course, the entire class had tried to take the exam in order to get their hands on an asauchi. However, only half of the class had been successful in passing while the others failed.

Grayson of course had passed with flying colours and was allowed to use his own, while the others had all been given a new one.

Those who had passed and been given an asauchi would be entered into a more advanced sword class, while the others would be forced to keep practising the basics until ready to take the exam again.

It was the middle of summer now and those who were now allowed to wield an asauchi found themselves in a special classroom with one of the instructors.

"Good afternoon class, and congratulations on passing your basic intro to zanjutsu and gaining an asauchi." He started off with.

"For those of you here today, I would like to inform you of a special lesson you will now be taking part in. Once a month starting tomorrow, you will be allowed on a field trip to the human world, where you will fight low-level hollows in a controlled manner." He said, getting an excited reaction from the others, especially Jaku.

"That's right, now settle down." He said, speaking over them.

"You will assemble here in the morning, where myself and one of the other instructors will lead you into the human world where we will lead the exercise. Be here sharp and ready to go in the morning. Dismissed." He finished, waiting for them to bow to him before he left.

Jaku almost punched the air he was so excited.

"Man I can't wait!" He said, acting like a child.

Izumi and Kimiko were also excited as both of them looked to Grayson, still fighting over him even after all this time.

"I agree, I'm looking forwards to testing myself against real hollows," Rocko said with a smile.

"Well, Grayson here is the only one of us who has ever fought a hollow before," Kimiko said.

The others nodded, remembering he had told them the tail.

"I can't wait to get a crack at them myself," Kimko also said getting excited as she jumped onto Grayson's arm.

Izumi wasn't impressed and quickly grabbed his other arm.

"I'm going to kill more of them than you." She said, sticking her tongue out at Kimiko.

"Alright girls, I think that's enough," Grayson said, laughing awkwardly.

He couldn't deny that their affection towards him had grown over the time they had been here together. Not that he mind being surrounded by cute girls.

However, his memory of how strong the hollow he battled was entered his mind, reminding him of how easily it had killed the others that day.

"I only hope everything works out tomorrow." He then said to himself.


Thank you for reading, Also please check out my new story. Kobold's ascension to dragon lord!