
Blasphemous transmigration

When I opened my eyes after concluded taking my 100th life and taking a nap, i found myself in front of a faceless man in a secluded place. “ I’m your world’s God and as your evil deeds have gone out of control I’m going to reborn you into a world of magic and fantasy with tragedy as it’s only ending” at this words of the so called “God” only smile could be evident on my face. Thus marked the beginning of my journey to overwrite the fate.

Louverton · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

The Strongest

'Okay let's finish this goblins as fast as possible.'

I was currently going to kill the archer demons whom will kill the main heroine. They would be hiding until the baron leveled demon makes their appearance on the ceremony.

"Hey, who would you like to eat today."

"I would say that rich girl Ava Rotschild was it? I'm going to rape her first before making her meat into dumpling." One demon said licking their lips

"Yeah rich girls are always the tastiest especially the thighs." The other demon said doing the same

"Excuse me, could I ask something."

A man with crimson eyes and black hair appeared in front of them smiling

"Who are you!? How did you break the barrier." Demons couldn't understand how this man was here. The more they looked at him eerier it felt.

"That doesn't matter. What's the most delicious part of a demon body?"

"How da-"

Just as one of the demons was about to charge Lucian killed it in an instant. The other demons fled screaming as loud as they could.

"Now now don't run off, your life's are lower than animals."

One by one every demon there fell. As they were just for shooting arrows at the best possible time, they didn't even have basics of fighting.

'This feels good.'

I ripped their stomach open to look at their structure and strangely enough they weren't that much different from humans. Expect they had really big heart. Their eyes were most prominent among them because they were shining without light on them.

"This will look good on me won't it? It's even red."

I took the eyes and skull from demon's body to make ring for me.

"Let's head to the ceremony."


"Saviour of this doomed world, answer to the all living things that cried out for peace, greatest genius in the history, Lucian Astelhart has arrived."

'What kind of bastard is making a introduction for me, well let's focus on the main thing now.'

Standing before me was 8ft tall ugly looking demon with no senses whatsoever because he had been drugged. If a normal baron level demon had appeared atleast one star agent from ADA(anti demon agency) would be needed and I wouldn't be confident like I'm now.

"Anyway let's start the animal show."

As I slashed my sword with Astelhart's lighting at the demon, it bounced back and caused me to get hit by it's hands. Even though I've blocked the hit with my sword it broke and I still felt the pain all over my body.I just wanted to lie there but I had things to achieve.

"Fuck!, you touched my clothes with your dirty hands."

I knew that the Astelhart's lighting wasn't going to work so I had no choice but to activate Micheal's swordsmanship.

"Micheal's swordsmanship!"

The corpses crawled to my body from the void and even though it's a sword art since I don't have my sword anymore I just decided to use my fists.

'Feels like it's going to be very fun.'

Bam Bam Bam

Me and the demon begun punching each other and it hurt like hell. Blood spilled everywhere and it wasn't the demons but mine.

'Even while being drugged it's still this strong. It shouldn't be if the novel is correct?'


Even though I knew that I would lose if this continued, I kept smiling as hard as I could to show that we humans have a hope.

After fighting for some time I found myself below the baron demon getting beat. I looked around to find something and at last I found a glass shard. Putting all my mana into the tip I got ready to slash.

"G'night you animal."

With a wide deep shade of black slash I cut the demon's head off. And as I stood up no one said a word but I couldn't careless anymore. My clothes have been completely ripped and I was completely soaked in blood.

Soon the professors and ADA arrived. Because of the sound canceling barrier they couldn't hear the commotion and they all had a dumbfounded expression. Instead of helping the other kids they all came to me with proud looks on their face.

"Are you alright? We will talk to headmaster about this and you will for sure get a medal. Your name will spread throughout the empire"One professor said without a hint of worry on his face

As all kinds of people applauded without helping the kids as they thought i will be the main powerhouse of the nation they love so much, I felt like I was in gilded cage with no escape.

"Shut the fuck up! You incompetent and disgusting beings should just die! So now leave me alone." I shouted with all my strength left

'Father, your son is coming don't die just yet.'

I slowly walked to my home while holding my left arm which was completely broken. Each step I took reminded me of the bad things I've done and my father's memories whom I didn't have much time but felt more connected than anyone else.

Finally after walking for hour or two I arrived at the mansion in midnight. As I quickly made my way to father's room Ronald came rushing in.

"Young master what happened!?"

"Ronald give me a moment with my father wouldn't you?"

"But young mast-"

"Ronald please."

"As you say."

I opened the door slowly and saw my father lying on his bed with his eyes closed. I didn't want to admit it but it really seemed like he died.

"What a selfish person you are father. How could you just leave the two of us alone. But I promise I'll take good care of Alice so be rest assured and be happy with Mom in heaven."

"Goodnight dad, I love you."