
Blasphemous transmigration

When I opened my eyes after concluded taking my 100th life and taking a nap, i found myself in front of a faceless man in a secluded place. “ I’m your world’s God and as your evil deeds have gone out of control I’m going to reborn you into a world of magic and fantasy with tragedy as it’s only ending” at this words of the so called “God” only smile could be evident on my face. Thus marked the beginning of my journey to overwrite the fate.

Louverton · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Shallow dream

"You will revive me no matter what happens right?"

"You promised me that, yet you're having fun with your so called family."

"But I know you will revive me because I will always be here reminding you of the sin you've committed"



"Ah!" A loud scream resounded throughout the mansion

I woke up drenched in sweat after dreaming about the one who I loved the most.

"Don't be impatient Anastasia, first step is done now I'll just have to find the necromancer of the hell and we could be together forever." I said as I slowly made my way to the bathroom.


After I ate the breakfast with my family I began to make my way to the Astelhart ancestors tomb.

'It's been seven days, I think it's about the time I get that thing.' I thought with a slight smile

Today I'm going to go get war hero Micheal Astelhart's sword arts. He was one of the strongest heroes in history so it's a given his sword arts would be immensely powerful. In the future Lucian would be chosen as the next user of this sword arts after accidentally getting to the tomb.

But his sword arts had one flaw. If he used it for too long he would see things he didn't want to see and hear things he didn't want to hear. But I'm not worried about it because I know what will appear.

"Privileged one aren't I?" I said while laughing

"You seem to be in a good mood, Young master." Ronald said looking at the road ahead

"You'll see why when we arrive there, Ronald"

I said with a grin and slept.

"We're here Young master"

"Hmm…" As i looked through the window I knew it was the place

A luxurious looking white palace with red engravings on it presented itself before my eyes. After staring at the palace for quite some time, I made my way to the gate.

"What? How heavy is this fucking door."

"Young master, you have to drop your blood to the orb in the middle." Ronald said with a head palm


After saying all the excuses I could think of I was at Micheal's tomb. And I waited.

'What the fuck! I waited for nearly 30 minutes yet this fucking thing is still not doing anything

I waited again until I lost patience and I tried hugging it like a cringe kid who mourns over someone who died almost 100 years ago. It even got to the point of hitting the stone statue of Micheal until finally a bright light engulfed me from above.

"Embarrassing one aren't you my child. But the blade chose you so I couldn't do anything" a man said from above with a annoyed face

"Go to hel-" as i was just about to curse at him

I began to fall from sky. Yeah literally


While i was screaming like a baby and falling, i finally fell to the ground and I woke up in the tomb.

"What… happened?"

As I looked around everyone seems to be looking at me like I'm a madman.


A faint laugh could be heard from the sky with brilliant light.