
Blasphemous transmigration

When I opened my eyes after concluded taking my 100th life and taking a nap, i found myself in front of a faceless man in a secluded place. “ I’m your world’s God and as your evil deeds have gone out of control I’m going to reborn you into a world of magic and fantasy with tragedy as it’s only ending” at this words of the so called “God” only smile could be evident on my face. Thus marked the beginning of my journey to overwrite the fate.

Louverton · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


In the streets of Britain, a man adorned in a impeccably tailored suit strolled about, engaging in a peculiar dance and song.

"London's bridge is falling down, falling down, my fair lady," the man sang.

His attention abruptly shifted to a captivating woman in her thirties. Grinning, he approached her with a smile.

After an hour or so, the man could be observed dancing with the woman, continuing his song. However, the woman remained devoid of expression or movement. The man was dancing with a corpse, a life extinguished just moments prior.


Having concluded the taking of my one hundredth life and retiring to sleep in contentment, I awoke in a conspicuously secluded, dimly lit environment. Abruptly, the torches flanking an unusually extended hallway ignited, revealing the presence of a peculiar, faceless figure seated upon a throne at the distant end of the corridor.

"Who are you?" I inquired, deliberately extracting a medical knife from my pocket.

The man promptly rose from his seat, advancing towards me with astonishing speed, exposing a countenance resembling an empty void.

"You could say God, I suppose," he declared.

Following his proclamation, I approached him, and with a distinctive sound (Clink), I unsheathed the knife, prepared to dispatch him.

"Brave one, aren't you, my child," he remarked.

The knife traversed his neck without eliciting any discernible reaction.

"Scammers abound these days; one can never be too sure," I nervously asserted while scratching my neck.

"Observing you presently, one would never have guessed that you were the most nefarious individual in history, Viktor Bundy," he uttered calmly, though a discernible undertone of disgust permeated his voice.

"You flatter me. May I inquire about the purpose of my summons, dear God?" I inquired, wearing a smile.

"Every action has consequences, Viktor. You callously took the lives of my 100 children, crafted with utmost love and care, without a hint of remorse. I am here to place you in a world befitting your deeds."

"Am I not also a creation formed with your care and love? If so, why do you desire my suffering?" I questioned, a slight hint of annoyance evident in my voice.

"You were, but circumstances led you to lose the smallest vestige of humanity you possessed. For that, I apologize. However, the actions have transpired, and I cannot interfere with fate. At the very least, I shall provide you with a book detailing the fate of this world," he conveyed, his voice void of any emotion.

"Finally, Anastasia I could embrace you now." I said, accepting my fate.

Upon uttering those words, my vision blurred, the world began to spin and wobble, until finally, it was enveloped in an abyss of black.