
Blasphemous transmigration

When I opened my eyes after concluded taking my 100th life and taking a nap, i found myself in front of a faceless man in a secluded place. “ I’m your world’s God and as your evil deeds have gone out of control I’m going to reborn you into a world of magic and fantasy with tragedy as it’s only ending” at this words of the so called “God” only smile could be evident on my face. Thus marked the beginning of my journey to overwrite the fate.

Louverton · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Micheal’s swordsmanship


While I was cussing at Micheal with all my strength, I felt a very strong embrace.

"That's my son for you! Getting chosen as the next heir of our family's strongest warrior Micheal's swordsmanship. I'm proud of you" my father said with the brightest smile

"Dont spoil me too much father, I still have a long way to go."

After what seemed like forever he finally let go and I quickly headed to the training grounds to test my new sword arts.

"Let's take a look at my ascension first"



{Lucian Astelhart} {15}

{1st ascension}



{Astelhart's lighting-2nd ring}

{War god's swordsmanship-1st ring}


"Still 1st ascension… well I have 2 weeks until academy I shouldn't worry."

"Alright let's try it."

I didn't understand at first but after some time I felt that sword itself was guiding me on how to use it.

"It appears that I would need to harbor feelings of care and love for humanity as a whole. What a troublesome requirement, considering I already grapple with enough challenges in this regard." I said as I looked at my feet

My feet had black hands gripping it with absolute resilience. It had been doing this since I came into this world but it seems they are here to seek their lives from me.

"Don't you worry i'll revive you all alongside Anastasia."

"And we'll be all together forever." He said with a peculiar smile.

I just couldn't understand how to have a feeling of care and love for the people of this whole world but after thinking of the feeling I feel for the people who's always beside me I sensed something merging inside me.

[Merging (War god's swordsmanship) with (???)]

"Fuck it hurts! Please stop it." I said as the pain was too unbearable

[Merging complete. New sword arts (Dreadforged wrath) has been made.]

"The name is defined sinister I hope it isn't too demonic though. Alright let's try it"

I began to coat my blade in mana while thinking of the 100 hundred people whom I truly admire. The moment I thought of them the blade turned black and the hands which had been holding my feet began to climb up with their whole body. Their faces had no skin and their muscles had holes in them.

With a slight slash of my sword I tore the floor of the training ground.

"Young master are yo- (blergh)" Ronald came in rushing but seeing the site he suddenly threw up.

"Don't worry Ronald, this is the sword arts of Micheal I just made some changes but it's completely fine."

'Pretty strong isn't this? If this is just the first ring's power I wonder what would it be like when it gets 10 rings. I just hoped it would've be something less demonic so I could use it everywhere but i'm not complaining though'

"Youn-g ma-ster please s-top" a weak sound came out

"Oh sorry." I said as i quickly returned my mana.

"Ahem, please be mindful while using that sword arts and try not to use it too much."

"Yeah I wouldn't use it every fight but I wouldn't hold back from using it if it's necessary though."

"Yeah… but anyway it's time for dinner and your highness is requesting your arrival at the table." He said with a defeated look

"Oh right, I'll be there in 15 minutes."


In Dominique Astelhart's room

"So what did you want to talk about Ronald."

"It's about young masters newfound sword arts your highness" ronald said with a worried look

"Hmm, so what's wrong with it?"

"I'm uncertain if it's meant to be this way, but he appeared more like a demonic incarnation of evil. Literal corpses amassed around him, clinging to his presence."

"What? Micheal's swordsmanship was supposed to be bright as a sun shining down on those around him. That's strange for sure. But I trust him. Just leave him be."

'I have no choice but to trust him anyway.'

"Noted your highness."


"Would you guys please go away, ah I shouldn't have merged it"

I couldn't sleep now due to the new swordsmanship they would become active at nights and when i usethe swordsmanship.

"You promised right?"

"You will not leave us right?"

"You are having fun it seems in this world why don't you come down here with us and share your stories?"

I would always talk to them while being unfazed and almost playful but in truth, I'm scared. Im scared to the point that even their breath causes me to shiver in fear. But to not be devoured by them I always put on this facade.

'Someone, anyone please save me…'

"I won't endanger you."

'Help me to get out of this hell'

"I wouldn't escape or leave you so don't worry."

'Their voices are horrifying please no more.'

"I love your voices so talk to me more."