
Blasphemous transmigration

When I opened my eyes after concluded taking my 100th life and taking a nap, i found myself in front of a faceless man in a secluded place. “ I’m your world’s God and as your evil deeds have gone out of control I’m going to reborn you into a world of magic and fantasy with tragedy as it’s only ending” at this words of the so called “God” only smile could be evident on my face. Thus marked the beginning of my journey to overwrite the fate.

Louverton · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Max Windsor

Since my birth, I have been considered a prodigy, bringing immense joy to my parents. "I love you," my mother would express, followed by my father's proud affirmation. Initially enamored by their affection, over time, I grew weary of it. Now, I actively avoid them to escape my mother's constant kisses and prevent being engulfed by my father's tight hugs.

From a tender age, I sensed mana and skillfully manipulated it with unparalleled mastery. At the age of nine, I earned the title of "Miracle Born," alongside three prodigies from other empires. Allegedly, it's the term used for children who, if united, possess the potential to defeat the demon king. However, I scoff at the notion of needing their assistance; I'll vanquish the demon king on my own terms.

With each passing day, my command over mana grew more potent, becoming a force to be reckoned with. The weight of the "Miracle Born" title pressed on my shoulders as whispers of destiny echoed through the halls of the empire.

Yet, amidst the expectations and prophecies, a rebellious spirit ignited within me. I yearned to forge my own path, free from the predetermined narratives and the looming shadow of the demon king. The solitude I sought from my parents allowed me to delve deeper into the mysteries of mana, and finally I got the grasp of stellar mana which my family was known throughout the empire for. It was beautiful and so elegant.

"I'm going to save everyone with this power." I said with a big smile

The entire castle fell into a hushed silence as they witnessed me wielding stellar mana, a feat that took my father seven years to master but mere three years for me.

"Now, am I the youngest mana wielder?" I inquired, a proud smile gracing my face.

"Yes, young master!" came the butler's proud response.

"If we doesn't count the deadbeat of the Astelhart that is" some other butler whispered.

"Who?" I asked, my curiosity now fueled by the unexpected revelation.

The butlers reassured me, describing the Astelhart boy as a shut-in who hadn't left his room since the age of ten. Despite the dismissal, my interest piqued, and I pressed my mother until she finally relented.

"Don't be disheartened after hearing this, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, just tell me," I urged, excitement gleaming in my eyes.

"There was a prodigious boy, no a monster named Lucian Astelhart. He learned to wield mana at just four years old and mastered his family's sword arts at six. People hailed him as the 'Strongest human in history,' but the sudden death of his mother turned him into a shut-in."

'What!? Mana at age 4? Here I was happy about learning to wield mana at 7. He could've been the strongest, what a shame isn't it?'

'In any case, let's not think about him.'


"Max, I heard you've reached 3rd ascension?"

"That's right, Father."

I was presently dining with my family. All seemed well, and in two weeks, I would be heading to Babylon Academy. I hoped nothing untoward would occur until the—

(Knock, Knock)

"You may enter."

Our head butler, Wayne, rushed in, holding a newspaper.

"Your Highness, you must see this news," he said, handing over the paper to Father.

"What's with the urgency?" He said as he slowly picked up the newspaper

My father's jaw almost dropped to the floor as he uttered, "Lucian Astelhart is joining the Babylon Academy..."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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