
Blasphemous transmigration

When I opened my eyes after concluded taking my 100th life and taking a nap, i found myself in front of a faceless man in a secluded place. “ I’m your world’s God and as your evil deeds have gone out of control I’m going to reborn you into a world of magic and fantasy with tragedy as it’s only ending” at this words of the so called “God” only smile could be evident on my face. Thus marked the beginning of my journey to overwrite the fate.

Louverton · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Lucian Astelhart

Waking up after my encounter with the god, I found myself in the epitome of comfort—a lavish bed in a luxurious room. Upon turning to my side, I discovered a mirror and a red book titled "Arcane Odyssey" which I immediately knew was the book God was talking about.The boy reflected in the mirror had black hair, striking red eyes, and appeared to be around 15 or 16 years old—a visage of unparalleled handsomeness.

Reaching for the book, I opened its first page, and a square blue screen suddenly materialized before me.

[Synchrozation starting]

A mysterious and unexplainable pain surged through me as a myriad of information flooded my mind. Emotions, too, flowed into me in a strange manner.

As the emotions flowed into me I suddenly experienced an unfamiliar sensation of discomfort in the vicinity of my heart, unlike any I had previously encountered. This distress, bereft of any visible signs such as blood or fractured bones, surpassed the dread associated with physical injuries. It manifested when contemplating my dearly departed mother, whose demise resulted from illness. The absence of emotional response in my prior life rendered this affliction a novel and newly revelation.

"Mother…" Tears fell down my cheeks for the first time since I was born.

It seems emotions of this body merged with mine seeing i cried and this feeling of sadness which i couldn't feel for a very long time. After calming down myself i tried to make sense of the information that i took in.

I was in Eldoria, a world adorned with magic and fantastical beings such as elves and dwarves. Inhabiting the body of Lucian Astelhart, heir to the powerful Astelhart family, I discovered that despite their status as one of the seven great Duke families, Lucian had become feeble and easily manipulated after his mother's demise.

The book indicated that the protagonist was Max Windsor, and despite his endless efforts to save the world the demons were too powerful.

Truly a doomed world. Also let's take a look at my ascension.'



{Lucian Astelhart} {15}

{1st Ascension}



{Astelhart's lighting-1st ring}


"Fuck! What was I doing with 15 years of my life only 1st ascension that's not even half of Max who is at 3rd ascension! Let's see Academy is in 3 weeks time maybe I could at least get to 2nd ascension and also get more proficient at my family's strongest sword art."

As i was cursing at myself gentle knock sounded on the door which was almost 9ft tall.

(Knock, Knock)

"Young master, I trust you find yourself roused from slumber. The morning repast awaits your presence, and your father requests your esteemed company in the dining hall."

'What a noble and elegant manner of speech. As expected of the head butler, Ronald Rover.'

"Please inform Father that I shall join him shortly," I declared as I rose from my seat.

Ronald maintained his silence for nearly five minutes before responding, "Certainly, young master," with a subtle hint of happiness evident in his voice.

Since my mother's passing, I had confined myself to this room, perhaps explaining his joy.

After approximately half an hour, I descended to the family table, where my younger sister Alice Astelhart and father Dominique Astelhart were seated. As their gazes met mine, their jaws nearly touched the floor.

"Cat got your tongue?" I remarked, smiling mockingly.

"My beloved son!"

"Big brother!"

They sprang up, almost leaping with joy, and rushed to hug me. I missed the sensation of such embraces, reciprocating until they finally released me.

Upon concluding my repast, I informed my father of my intention to engage in training, a notion he initially opposed. However, after some persistence, I eventually secured his reluctant agreement.

Upon reaching our family's training grounds, my first endeavor involved an exhaustive run that left my slender physique breathless within a mere 10 minutes. Despite the physical strain, I persevered for about 20 minutes until my entire body throbbed with ache, compelling me to cease the exertion.

Yearning for the solace of my bed, I rose, and assuming a meditative posture with crossed legs, I contemplated my family's sword arts, which involved converting mana into lightning for enhanced speed or utilizing it to empower the blade. Channeling the mana within, I envisioned it transforming into lightning, resulting in the manifestation of a red bolt on my outstretched hand after a considerable duration.

In that manner, I dedicated nearly five hours to my training, concluding it as the clock approached 8 pm. I wrapped up and made my way back to the mansion.

"Son, I understand the Academy is approaching, but do not exhaust yourself excessively. Your father will always be here for you," my father remarked with a smile.

It had been quite a while since I heard such words, and I must admit, it brought a sense of joy.

"I appreciate your concern, Father, but this training is solely for my personal growth. You need not worry," I reassured him, reciprocating the smile.

Upon shifting my gaze to my father, he rushed forward to embrace me.

"When did my son become so mature..."

Since arriving in this world, nothing could match the comfort of my family's embrace. It felt as if the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders.

After spending some quality time with Alice, I retired to my bed.

"Suddenly finding myself in this world, embraced by the most caring family... I wonder if someone like me, a ruthless and repulsive individual, truly deserves this. I may be flawed, but I am committed to change."

Lost in these contemplations, my eyelids grew heavy, and I drifted into slumber.

sorry for the info dumps, but I’m not going to do this often.

Louvertoncreators' thoughts