
Blasphemous transmigration

When I opened my eyes after concluded taking my 100th life and taking a nap, i found myself in front of a faceless man in a secluded place. “ I’m your world’s God and as your evil deeds have gone out of control I’m going to reborn you into a world of magic and fantasy with tragedy as it’s only ending” at this words of the so called “God” only smile could be evident on my face. Thus marked the beginning of my journey to overwrite the fate.

Louverton · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Academy Ceremony

"Young master it's time for us to leave."

"Yeah yeah, let's just get going."

It was the day of the academy. Not sure what I was feeling like but I was neither excited nor nervous just kind of tired i think. To get to Avalon academy It would take around 3 hours which is not so long and I would just get there in time for the ceremony.

"I'll sleep now, wake me up when we're there Ronald."

"As you wish, young master"


"Hey Max wait for me!" A beautiful girl around 15 years of age with brown hair and emerald eyes shouted

"Oh, hello Ava."

"You look kind of nervous, what is it?"

"Oh do I? Don't mind it let's go inside."

As they entered through the door a loud voice declared.

"Great Rotschild Duke family's heir Ava Rotschild and Great Windsor Duke family's heir Max Windsor makes their appearance!"

Their eyes met the smiles filled with envy towards them. They ignored them as they were used to these kinds of stares.

"Took you guys long enough." A handsome man with white hair and yellow eyes exclaimed

After gracefully walking through the crowd they finally ran into people they know. They were also one of the great 7 duke families heir Ivan Romanov, Beatrice Tudor and lastly Prince of Ashtar empire Leo Augustine.

"We kindly greet his highness." Max and Ava said bowing

"Oh come on guys, you are the last people I want to see bowing to me."

"It's for the eyes of the people, you see my father would kill me If he heard I didn't bow to you." Ava exclaimed wearing an annoyed look

"Then I guess i'll play along, anyway It's been long since we gathered like this hasn't it?"

"Yeah, It's been whole 2 years I suppose? Anyway when do you think the so called "Greatest deadbeat in history" will come?"

Max said laughing

"Such a pitiful guy he is, he couldn't even defeat a goblin now I suppose?" Ivan said with a worried face

"But because of his family's relationship with our family we all have to act goody two shoes with that creep." Ava said with a disgusted face


"Young master we're here."


We arrived at the york's forest which resides just beside the Academy.

"You all go back now It's an order. I want to have some peace before I go to the academy."

"Bu-t young master you know we can't do that. It will end in either we getting executed or our family being slaves."

"You won't I already told Father so I won't say this for the third time. Leave this instant!" I said with an almost distressed look

"We have comprehended your request, Long live the Young master."they all said while bowing

After they went back I quickly activated my Astelhart's lighting to run to the east side of the forest opposite of where i was residing in. As Astelhart's lighting doesn't use mana to work rather takes toll on the body it's quite efficient compared to micheal's swordsmanship which eats one hell of a mana just to activate.

After half a hour I finally arrived at the camp of the demons. These goblin archers are all the demons who will assist Baron level demon Uryk in raiding the ceremony causing the death of one heroine and one teacher.

"Today we're going to have one hell of a feast. Baron Uryk will finish off that brats in no time."

'Like I would let you.'

The Baron leveled demon is on the 7th ascension which is around the Anti demon agency's(ADA in short) 1-star agent. ADA is a place that all the kids dream of getting into. You can be on the same page as nobles if you're upper ranking than a sixth-level agent which is just below 1-star agent. So I have no chance to kill them all if the baron levelled demon was here, but he's busy pretending to be a human in the capital.

"How did I even remember all of this? Nevermind let's just focus on killing this goblin archers."


"The so called greatest isn't even coming it seems." Max exclaimed clearly relieved

"Yeah, there isn't a reason for me to be here anymore then."

Just as Ivan was leaving


The door to the ceremony hall was broken into pieces. As the smokes cleared it became evident that a demon on the whole another level compared to them was slowly walking towards them.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

As every steps the demon took everyone felt their heart beating more faster. What broke the silence was the scream of waitress girl.

"Aaahhh!!! My face!"

Her face was completely shredded to pieces in a second. Power wasn't the only thing that was scary about this demon. It was a monster standing at 8ft and had an deformed humanoid face.

"Fire spear!"

Just as it was about to hit the next person Ivan used one of his skills to pierce through the arm but it just pushed it back. And at the next moment Max quickly appeared before the demon to slash it with his stellar mana.

"What come on!"

The slash didn't even go through the skin. Just as the demon was about to hit Max Beatrix came and deflected the attack while Ava shot the demon in the eye to make it off balance. But beatrix's arm was dislocated because of this.

"I can't continue fighting it seems. Sorry even though defence is easiest for air elementals."

"It's my bad, and I don't think we have any other choice than to hold off until the professors or agents come."

"Weak, you humans are weak. I'd like more stronger meats but I don't mind as long as it's nobility's."

"Prince we need your help here. Stop being a wuss and get over here already." Max said glaring at Leo who was about to escape through the window

"Well you see Max, there's more than just honor to the word "Prince" and also even if I fought you know there's a zero chance of holding until the proffesors. I'll personally tell father about you all so, Good luck" Leo said and dipped through the window.

"You fucking wuss, yeah we don't even need you."


Just as Max was cursing at the prince he got hit by the demon. The pain felt so excruciating that he couldn't move his body anymore.

"Fire wall!"

Just as the demon was about to hit Max again, Ivan made a fire wall seperating the demon from the rest.

"I'll take care of him, don't worry our savior is on his way." A teenager with white hair and yellow eyes said

"Who are you?" Ivan asked dumbfounded

"I'm 12th saint candidate, John of humility pleased to meet you."

"Oh sorry for not recognizing you, so Servant of God John what do you mean by our savior."

"No problem, you'll soon find out."

Thud Thud Thud

The demons walks resounded through the mansion getting closer by each second to the students. Finally it arrived in front of the students looking at them as if they're all bugs.


A bright red and black light appeared in front of every students. As he turned around it revealing a handsome young boy around their age with black hair and red eyes.

"Savior of this doomed world, answer to the all living things that cried out for peace, Greatest genius in the history, Lucian Astelhart has arrived."

As the white haired man with yellow and crossed pupil eyes yelled out, everyone in the room shouted. The ones who were frightened, cried with joy and the ones who fought, felt relief wash over them.