

omnes satus - is the heart of reality itself

BlitzKrieG_K · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Lumea Mortii - Demon Beast of the Labyrinth

Igzeal sat there dazed, as his vision slowly returned to him. He looked around and saw cave like walls 'W-What is this?' he thought to himself confusion, now setting in he looked around frantically to assess his surroundings 'cave like walls, dripstone overhead some torches on some walls some lit some not, my vision seems off i can only see in black an white as well as a variation of the two in other words shades of gray, as well as a red slime, wait slime?' igzeal tried to stretch out his hand and a little red nub was seen instead ' w-what? what am i' he stretched his slime arm to test his limits and it got sent flying to the wall infront of him 'atleast 20 meters' he thought to himself, igzeal then tried to move and only slowly started moving like a snail, then he tried jumping he reached the other side of the cave in a few jumps. 'hhhhmmm i see, since my body is elastic i can jump high and far so it appears jumping is the optimal way of moving, too knowing stuff about my own body is useful but it will be difficult to come to terms with it' igzeal let out a long sigh ' while im unaware of how i came to be in this new body it would do me nothing trying to understand this phenomenon so it would be in my best interest to ignore it for now '.

' well first order of business i must explore and get a better understanding of my situation, i also must observe if there are any hostiles entities and if so i must leave quickly' Igzeal then began to jump around and look for anything with signs of life then as he walked he saw red outlines in his vision he approached it slowly and realized rather quickly it was probably a skeleton soldier 'mmm lets check its stats shall we {TRAIT APPRAISAL} huh?' as igzeal said the name of his skill nothing happened no information was implanted into his mind or was there any notifications that it failed it just wasn't there. 'Wait that doesn't make sense Traits are a part of the soul so if my soul is here then that must mean my skills should work' igzeal said to himself in confusion ' alright {STATUS} ' as igzeal said these words an unfamiliar status screen appeared infront of him 'huh?' igzeal was stupified by the changes in the status window not only his stats but the status window itself also changed'.


• Name: None (Previous Name: Igzeal ___)


• Age: 0


• Race: Crimson Blood Slime (King Type)


• Title(s): "He Born From Chaos" "First of His Kind" "Reincarnation" "Demon King of Chaos" "Hated By True Gods" "He With Many Secrets" "He Who Possesses Knowledge Even The Gods Don't Understand" "Master Of His Own Craft" "First Son Of Chaos" "Bringer Of Calamity"

"Monster From the Greater Labyrinth"


• Job: None


• Level: 1


•Exp 0/100


• Job History: None


○ Attributes:


• HP: 8000

• MP: 15,456


• Strength: 55


• Agility: 85


• Stamina: 40


•Defence: 15


• Intelligence: 800


• Will Power : 250


○ Skills:


• Area Scan Level 1


• Absorption Level 1


• Dissolve Level 1


• Nerve Puppet Level 1


• Blood Consumption Level 1


• ???


○Passive Skills:


• Low Physical Attack Resistance Level 1


• Low Magical Attack Resistance Level 1


• Increased intellect Level 1


• Blood Beserker Level Max


• Greater Instincts lvl 1


• Natrual Understanding lvl 1


○ Evolution : Non Evolved monster


'ok lets think of this logically igzeal stop and think, ive been reincarnated in some known world by some god I've been born with some titles this can only mean I've fully integrated with this worlds system so the chances of me leaving this dimension are close to none, i have titles, additonal Attributes, the system here is more organized then the one from my previous world, i have a few passive skills, and i am the first [Crimson Blood Slime] and a king vareint' Igzeals Surprised face changed into a sinister grin as he realized something 'no more how i look at this im in a win-win situation, i get a second chance at life and a new world to experiment on and instead of using my findings for others i can use for myself, now then before i get cared away lets check my skill descriptions'.


[Skill : Nerve Puppet Level 1

Description : The Owner of this skill will Alter from a soild state into a liquid state then enter the body of a victim, the host will then temporarily fuse with the target and the target will gain the [controlled] status effect.

{Restrictions} : liquid state can only last 5 seconds outside of a body, Nerve Puppet Level 1 can fully control beings with a will power 50% lower then the host or individuals who the host has taught off guard [however it comes with risks].

{Time Limit} : 1 hour

{Cool Down} : 7 Days]

[Status effect : Controlled

{Description} : targets affected by this status effect are under the bedding of the caster, the effectiveness of this skill changes depending on the will power of the victim and the [MP] used to cast this status effect]

[Risks with Control effects: If the Target successfully breaks free from the Skill or spell the caster will suffer damage and receive the [Broken] status effect]

[Status effect Broken : anyone suffering from this effect can not use [MP], the broken status effect also decrease the overall power of the victim by 50%. This effect will remain until the time limit of the skill or spell passes or the target is blessed with holy magic]

Igzeals eyes moved back and forth while be read his skills and all of there effects and when he finished igzeal looked up and pondered his next move, while in his own little world igzeal didn't notice the skeleton knight approaching him until he was next to igzeal this made him jump back in fright however the skeleton only stared at him. ' Holy shit that was close!! ' igzeal watched as the skeleton knight only stared at him its sword touching the ground it slowly turned around and walked away. Igzeal sighed in relief and stared at the skeleton knight until it disappeared from view, he then jumped the opposite direction until he left the cavern he was in. Igzeal looked up but only saw a light sealing that was emitting light, as he began to question himself on its chemical compounds he heard voices of men and women coming from a forest ' this place has a lot of vegetation which means there's quite a bit of life here i guess this will be a good opportunity to Assess the natives of this word , ooh i wonder what other kind of flora and fauna are present in this word'. Igzeal then began to slowly and quietly jump in the direction of the voices was he jumped closer and closer the voices got louder and clearer intrested igzeal jumped into a near by bush and listened.

"Bewege es! das müssen wir hier einrichten! Vergiss Richards Gruppe nicht, du jagst alle Monster auf dieser Etage, Edfrit, vergiss nicht, diese Barriere zu errichten, damit die Leute fertig werden, bevor die Prinzessin den Eintopf macht, wenn du in einer Stunde nicht fertig bist, gehst du Rest des Tages ohne Essen!(Move it! we have to set this up here! don't forget richards group you are hunting all the monsters on this floor, edfrit don't forget to set up that barrier move it people get this finished before the princess makes the stew if your not finished in 1 hour you'll go the rest of the day without eating!)", 'wait a minute germen? they're speaking in one of the old tongues? how?? not many know it only the guardians studied the old tongues , wait calm down Igzeal don't go nuts analyze things first' igzeal studied the armor of the guards, the clothing of the servants, the knights, and the tents that they were setting up ' i see so this is Pre - Spatial Covent, i believe there tech is medieval and the maintenance of there gear is ok at best, individual this force is weak however over all i have a problem over 40 guards, 10 knights, 36 women in maid attire, 6 woman with armor sets made up of a rainbow alloy, wait rainbow aloy wait thats kaleidoscopic crystallography Compact alloy!, igzeal moved to a different bush closer to the 6 women when he approched he heard them talking to a girl in a beautiful combat dress, she had beautiful silver hair and wolf hears on her head as well as a bushy tall that was waving back and forth 'a wolf kin? no this one is different its more human with some slight animal differences whats the name of such a species? whats makes them different? how dence is there bone structure? what are all the magic items she is wearing? what are there attributes for magic?? i must know more!!' igzeal snapped himself out of his excitement 'curses this is the curse of knowledge you always want more heheh' igzeal watched was they began to cook something in a big pot as igzeal watched the women in armor help the girl with wolf ears make something 'from the pot and the ingredients they are using u can guess its some sort of soup but this one seems like it will be a meat stew instead of a soup like i thought eariler' minuetes went by and i watched them trying to wait until something happened until.

"Ouch" said the wolf girl

one of the girl near her and began to speak "Alice you need to be more careful come let me heal you" she said

"ok" responded the wolf girl i now know to be alice she walked over and face the other girl from there angle i could clearly see the cut and blood, my version shifted to red and without thinking i jumped at them there eyes shifted from eachother to me instead.

[Skill Activated : Nerve Puppet Level 1]