
Blades of magic and destiny

Embark on a thrilling adventure with "Blades of Magic and Destiny," Join Jacob Mallory, an ordinary engineer turned hero, as he is transported to a world of swords and sorcery. With the aid of Nova, an AI chip embedded in his mind, Jacob must navigate treacherous battles and unravel dark conspiracies to save this war-torn realm. From epic sword fights to jaw-dropping magical encounters, "Blades of Magic and Destiny" immerses readers in a captivating tale of courage, friendship, and self-discovery. With each twist and turn, Jacob's journey will keep you on the edge of your seat, eager to uncover the secrets of this enchanting world. Prepare to be spellbound by the perfect blend of action, mystery, and technology in this unforgettable saga. Don't miss out on the adventure of a lifetime – pick up "Blades of Magic and Destiny" today and experience the magic for yourself!

SeniorTycoon · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Sword ki

Six months had passed since Jacob began his grueling training under Master Nashea's tutelage. Each day had been a relentless pursuit of physical and mental endurance, pushing Jacob to his limits and beyond. As the sun set over the tranquil forest clearing where they trained, Nashea's demeanor suddenly shifted from stern taskmaster to something more contemplative.

"Jacob," Nashea said, his voice carrying an unusual hint of solemnity. "I haven't been training you just in body and swordsmanship."

Jacob looked up, surprised by Nashea's statement. "What do you mean, Master?" he asked, curiosity mingled with exhaustion in his voice.

Nashea reached for his wooden practice sword, its surface worn smooth from countless hours of training. He held it up, and Jacob noticed a faint, almost imperceptible glow emanating from the blade. It was a subtle luminescence, like the reflection of moonlight on polished steel.

Without a word, Nashea approached a nearby tree, its trunk sturdy and weathered. With a swift, fluid motion, he swung his sword. The air crackled with energy, and Jacob's eyes widened in disbelief as the tree split cleanly in half, the severed sections crashing to the ground with a thunderous impact.

"What… what was that?" Jacob stammered, his voice filled with awe and disbelief.

Jacob's AI companion, Nova, activated within his mind, analyzing the phenomenon. "Insufficient data," Nova responded after a moment. "The closest match is a form of energy, similar to mana but distinct."

"Mana?" Jacob looked to Nashea for confirmation.

Nashea shook his head. "Not mana," he explained, a rare smile playing on his lips. "This is Sword Ki. It comes from the energy core refined in your Dantian."

"Dantian?" Jacob repeated, his mind racing to grasp the concept.

Nashea nodded, his demeanor now that of a teacher imparting ancient wisdom. "To wield Sword Ki, you must first refine your Dantian into a core—a reservoir of energy within your body. Then, you must clear the Ki pathways throughout your body, channeling and focusing your energy with extreme precision."

Jacob listened intently, the gravity of Nashea's words sinking in. This was no ordinary swordsmanship; it was a profound mastery of internal energy, a path to unlocking abilities beyond physical strength alone.

"I will teach you," Nashea continued, his voice resonating with pride. "But know this, Jacob: mastering Sword Ki requires not only strength and skill but also discipline and unwavering focus. Are you ready to learn?"

Jacob's heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. He nodded firmly. "Yes, Master Nashea. I'm ready."

Master Nashea observed Jacob with a rare, approving nod. " Now, sit down on the ground and take a break."

Jacob complied, sitting cross-legged and letting out a deep breath. "Breathe out and empty your mind," Nashea instructed. "Relax."

As Jacob closed his eyes, he felt Nashea's presence move behind him. "I'm going to channel Ki into your pathways," Nashea said. "Focus on the feeling and remember it."

Jacob took slow, deliberate breaths, trying to clear his mind. Nashea's hands hovered just above Jacob's back, and Jacob felt a warm, gentle energy begin to flow through him. It was as if a soft breeze caressed his skin, seeping into his muscles and bones, relaxing and invigorating him simultaneously. The sensation was comforting, like drinking cool water on a hot day, each part of his body eagerly absorbing the energy.

"This is the Nature Breath technique," Nashea explained. "It draws elements from nature—sunlight, moonlight, wind—and transforms them into Ki energy that circulates through your body. Feel it, understand it."

Jacob felt the energy circulating within him, a rhythmic pulse that aligned with his breathing. In his mind, he commanded Nova, "Save these sensations and the pattern of this breathing technique into memory."

"Affirmative," Nova responded, storing the intricate details of the energy flow and breathing rhythm.

Jacob continued to focus on the gentle, flowing power. The energy coursing through him was calming, each breath he took drawing in more of the natural elements around him, enhancing the Ki that Nashea had introduced.

Suddenly, Jacob felt a sharp pain as Nashea slapped the back of his head with the wooden sword. "Stop dazing and focus on my technique, you brat!"

Jacob winced, his hand flying to the back of his head. "Yes, Master! I'll do it!"

"Good," Nashea said, his stern demeanor back in place. "Remember, mastering Ki requires absolute focus and discipline. Now, let's continue."

Jacob redoubled his efforts, concentrating intently on the Nature Breath technique. Despite the throbbing pain in his head, he could feel the energy within him beginning to align, the pathways clearing and the Ki circulating more smoothly with each breath.

Master Nashea stood up and scrutinized Jacob with a keen eye. "You have good pathways and a strong foundation," he remarked. "Now, begin to gather the Ki in your Dantian and build it without breaking focus." Nashea then stepped away, leaving Jacob to complete the task alone.

In his mind, Jacob commanded Nova, "Channel the energy to my Dantian using the same technique Master Nashea used."

To Jacob's surprise, Nova imitated Nashea's technique effortlessly. Within three minutes, the energy was channeled to his Dantian—a process that would have taken Jacob ten hours on his own. He was shocked by the efficiency and precision of Nova's assistance.

When Jacob opened his eyes, he saw Master Nashea preparing firewood for the night. Before Jacob could say anything, Nashea's face contorted with anger. He seemed ready to fly at Jacob and deliver a hundred slaps with the wooden sword. "You brat! What have you done, breaking your focus like that and wasting all the energy and my effort? Do you want to be beaten? Didn't I tell you not to break focus except when you finish building your Dantian?"

"Actually, Master, I have already built it," Jacob replied.

Nashea's anger turned to disbelief. "Are you fooling with me? Do you know how many years I've lived, how many geniuses I've seen with Ki affinity, and how much ti—WHAT?" His tirade cut off as he placed his hands on Jacob to feel his energy. He was shocked to find that it was stable within Jacob's newly formed Dantian, filled with energy despite its small size.

Nashea's eyes widened in amazement. "You... you... you..."

"Do you believe me now, Master?" Jacob asked, a hint of pride in his voice.

Nashea, still in shock, exclaimed, "You are a genius—no, a monster! A monstrously gifted genius!" As realization dawned, he laughed so hard he began to cough. "I'm teaching a genius! Thank you, Serath, for recommending this monstrous brat to me."

Nashea began to mutter to himself, fantasizing about bragging to the old fools in the Paladin Temple, a wide grin spreading across his face. Jacob interrupted with a cough. "Master, what should I do now?"

Nashea looked at Jacob as if he were a treasure trove. "Hehehe, of course, I will double your training and give you a Ki training befitting your talent."

Jacob felt a chill run down his spine at Master Nashea's words. A bad feeling settled in the pit of his stomach, warning him that whatever came next would be even more grueling than anything he had faced before.

Nashea's eyes gleamed with a mischievous light as he laughed evilly, his voice echoing through the clearing. "Oh, the things you will go through now, Jacob," he said, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. "Your training is about to become legendary."

As Jacob watched his master, he couldn't help but wonder what new tortures awaited him.