
Blades of magic and destiny

Embark on a thrilling adventure with "Blades of Magic and Destiny," Join Jacob Mallory, an ordinary engineer turned hero, as he is transported to a world of swords and sorcery. With the aid of Nova, an AI chip embedded in his mind, Jacob must navigate treacherous battles and unravel dark conspiracies to save this war-torn realm. From epic sword fights to jaw-dropping magical encounters, "Blades of Magic and Destiny" immerses readers in a captivating tale of courage, friendship, and self-discovery. With each twist and turn, Jacob's journey will keep you on the edge of your seat, eager to uncover the secrets of this enchanting world. Prepare to be spellbound by the perfect blend of action, mystery, and technology in this unforgettable saga. Don't miss out on the adventure of a lifetime – pick up "Blades of Magic and Destiny" today and experience the magic for yourself!

SeniorTycoon · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs


Jacob took a deep breath, steadying himself on the training field. The soldiers around him watched with curiosity as he squared off against his first opponent. The man was taller and more muscular, his face marked by the hard lines of battle experience.

"Alright, newcomer, let's see what you've got," the soldier taunted, twirling his practice sword. Jacob nodded, gripping his own sword tighter.

"Ready," Jacob said, feeling Nova's guidance in his mind.

The soldier lunged, and Jacob sidestepped, barely avoiding the strike. He countered with a swift attack, his sword meeting the soldier's in a sharp clang. They traded blows, the seasoned soldier's strikes powerful but predictable. Jacob focused on technique, using Nova's corrections to exploit openings.

The battle seemed to last an eternity, but gradually, Jacob's movements became more fluid, more precise. With a final deft parry, he disarmed the soldier, his sword clattering to the ground.

"Well done," the soldier panted, offering Jacob a nod of respect.

The gathered soldiers murmured in surprise, their interest piqued by Jacob's unexpected skill.

"I want to challenge more," Jacob declared, his voice steady but his body trembling with exertion.

A tall figure stepped forward, his presence commanding immediate attention. This was Serath, the squad leader, known for his stern demeanor and keen eye for talent. Serath was a seasoned warrior with a face weathered by countless battles, and a reputation for being both fair and formidable. He had a way of instilling both respect and fear in his men, ensuring discipline in the chaotic environment of war.

"Alright, five of you, step forward," Serath ordered, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Five soldiers stepped up, forming a loose circle around Jacob. This time, there were no taunts, only the grim determination of men preparing for a serious test.

Jacob felt a surge of adrenaline. He couldn't afford to lose, not with his life depending on it.

The first soldier attacked, and Jacob parried, only to be immediately engaged by another. It was a whirlwind of strikes and blocks, his body moving almost on its own under Nova's guidance. His sword felt like an extension of his arm, each movement precise, each strike deliberate.

One by one, the soldiers fell back, disarmed and panting. The final soldier came at him with a flurry of attacks, but Jacob managed to parry and counter with a swift blow to the man's shoulder, sending him sprawling.

Jacob stood in the center, panting heavily, sweat dripping from his brow. The soldiers around him were on their knees, defeated but not humiliated. They knew they had faced someone extraordinary.

"Jacob, that was incredible," one of the soldiers said, struggling to his feet.

But Jacob's vision blurred, and his legs gave way. He collapsed, his body utterly spent. Serath rushed forward, calling for medics.

"Get him to the infirmary, now!"


Jacob woke to the smell of antiseptic and the muted chatter of the infirmary tent. His body ached all over, every muscle screaming in protest.

"You pushed yourself too hard," a gentle voice said. A medic was tending to him, applying a salve to his bruises.

"I had to," Jacob muttered, wincing as the salve stung.

The tent flap rustled, and Serath entered. He was a tall man with a stern face, softened now by a rare smile.

"Jacob," Serath began, his voice carrying a mix of awe and approval, "I've never seen anything like that. Your improvement is remarkable."

"Thank you," Jacob said, trying to sit up. The medic gently pushed him back down.

"You need to rest," the medic insisted.

"I'll be brief," Serath said, stepping closer. "You've earned the respect of the men and myself. From now on, you'll have access to the meals reserved for squad leaders. That means you'll get meat and vegetables, the nourishment you need to grow stronger."

Jacob's eyes widened in gratitude. "Thank you, sir. I won't let you down."

Serath nodded. "I believe you. Rest now, recover. We'll have need of your skills soon enough."

As Serath left, Jacob settled into the thin mattress, his thoughts wandered to Serath. Unlike many leaders he had heard about, Serath wasn't corrupted. He genuinely cared for his soldiers, showing fairness and respect. The fact that he had taken the time to recognize Jacob's efforts and offered better meals showed his commitment to his men's well-being.

a sense of hope filling his heart. He had survived another day, and with Nova's guidance, he was becoming stronger.

The path ahead was still fraught with danger, but for the first time since he had arrived in this strange world, Jacob felt a flicker of confidence. He would not only survive; he would find a way to thrive.

As he rested his head against the pillow, Jacob whispered to Nova, "Show me my stats."

'Showing host stats...'

[Name: Jacob Mallory

Status: Exhaustion

- Strength: 2.7

- Agility: 1.4

- Endurance: 0.7

- Mana: ???

Skills: Basic Swordsmanship Lv2]

"My stats have increased a bit, and even my sword skills improved by a level," he mused, his hand on his chin in deep thought. "Nova, what is the best training method right now?"

'The best training for the host is to train sword skills by doing mock battles. After meals, focus on strength training until exhaustion, and increase endurance by running,' Nova advised.

"Alright, I'll begin this training tomorrow. Thank you, Nova," Jacob said, shutting his eyes and allowing a small smile.

'Nova is forever in your service,' Nova replied, her voice steady and unwavering.

Jacob drifted into a deep, restful sleep. His body began to heal, his mind focused on the challenges ahead.