
Blades of magic and destiny

Embark on a thrilling adventure with "Blades of Magic and Destiny," Join Jacob Mallory, an ordinary engineer turned hero, as he is transported to a world of swords and sorcery. With the aid of Nova, an AI chip embedded in his mind, Jacob must navigate treacherous battles and unravel dark conspiracies to save this war-torn realm. From epic sword fights to jaw-dropping magical encounters, "Blades of Magic and Destiny" immerses readers in a captivating tale of courage, friendship, and self-discovery. With each twist and turn, Jacob's journey will keep you on the edge of your seat, eager to uncover the secrets of this enchanting world. Prepare to be spellbound by the perfect blend of action, mystery, and technology in this unforgettable saga. Don't miss out on the adventure of a lifetime – pick up "Blades of Magic and Destiny" today and experience the magic for yourself!

SeniorTycoon · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Nova's shocking claim

The morning sun cast long shadows across the forest clearing, illuminating the sweat and determination on Jacob's face. Master Nashea's voice rang out with authority.

"Jacob, grab your wooden sword and channel your Ki energy into it. I want you to cut down that tree."

Jacob nodded, picking up the familiar practice sword. He focused inward, feeling the Ki within his Dantian, and began to channel it into the blade. As the energy flowed through him, the sword began to emit a faint glow, similar to the one he had seen in Nashea's sword the previous day.

With a deep breath, Jacob approached the tree. He swung the sword with precision, and the air crackled with energy. The blade sliced cleanly through the trunk, causing the tree to fall with a resounding crash. Jacob stood back, amazed at his own power.

Master Nashea's eyes widened in disbelief, though he quickly composed himself. "Well, well," he muttered. "This monstrous genius never ceases to amaze me. I suppose I should stop being shocked by you."

Jacob looked at his master, curiosity and pride mingling in his expression. "Master, what exactly is Ki?"

Nashea settled into a more instructional tone. "Ki is formless energy. The wider your Dantian and the more storage it has, the more Ki you can harness. As your Ki grows in strength, it will start to take on color and form. When it turns yellow, that's the first form. The darker the color, the more powerful the Ki. The progression goes like this: yellow for the first form, orange for the second, blue for the third, purple for the fourth, green for the fifth, grey for the sixth, and finally, black for the last form."

Nashea paused, his eyes reflecting years of hard-earned wisdom. "I've trained my whole life and reached the fifth grade, which is green. It took immense effort, and yet, even I am one of the strongest swordsmen on this continent."

Jacob's mind raced with questions. "Has anyone ever reached the last form?"

Nashea's expression turned serious. "In the entire history of this continent, only three people have achieved the black form. The first was the ancestor of the Paladin Temple and the founder of the Holy Kingdom of Paladina. The second was the ancestor of the Chaos Clan, known as the first 'Hell Bringer.' The last one is..." Nashea hesitated. "You don't need to know about him."

"Only three in all of history?" Jacob asked, his eyes wide with awe.

Nashea slapped Jacob's head while shouting. "Do you know how hard it is to even reach the first form? Now, enough talk. Let's get back to your training."

The day passed in a blur of intense physical and mental challenges. By nightfall, Jacob felt his entire body was exhausted but exhilarated he guessed that Master Nashea was venting his anger on him today more than usual.

Master Nashea retired to the wooden shack and loud snoring came from his shack, Jacob shook his head and smiled bitterly as he sat cross-legged, ready to gather Ki. With Nova's help, he channeled the energy with lightning speed, feeling it pool in his Dantian.

"Nova, show status," Jacob commanded.

A holographic screen appeared in his mind.

**Name:** Jacob Mallory

**Status:** Healthy

- **Strength:** 4.8

- **Agility:** 3.9

- **Endurance:** 3.3

- **Dantian:** Lv1

- **Mana:** ???

**Skills:** Basic Swordsmanship LvMax, Sword Ki Lv1(formless), Fireball Lv.???

Jacob reflected on his progress. "Mana gathers beside my heart when I rest, but I lack a technique to harness it and spells to use it. Nova can't calculate my mana power reserve without a proper technique."

His stats window now included his Dantian level, which reflected his progress with the Nature Breath technique and Sword Ki training which also believd that when it reach level 3 it will have a yellow colour.

His body had transformed through months of grueling training, resembling that of a Kung Fu master from his previous life—chiseled abs and firm muscles capable of explosive power. Despite his newfound strength, he knew he lacked the experience of a seasoned martial artist, but he was confident he could take down a person like the black bear commander of Norlik empire with his bare hands.

Suddenly, Nova's emotionless voice echoed in his mind. "Analysis complete. It is possible to fuse Ki and Mana into a vortex, which can expand the Dantian faster and more effectively."

Jacob's eyes widened. "If that's true, I'll become incredibly strong in a short time. Nova, initiate the fusion."

As Jacob closed his eyes, he felt the energies of Ki and Mana intertwine, forming a powerful vortex. The energy drilled into his Dantian and meridians, expanding them and expelling impurities. The sensation was intense, but Jacob endured it, focusing on the transformation.

When he opened his eyes, he saw black, sticky impurities on his skin. He pinched his nose and commanded, "Nova, show status."

**Name:** Jacob Mallory

**Status:** Healthy

- **Strength:** 4.8

- **Agility:** 3.9

- **Endurance:** 3.3

- **Dantian:** Lv2

- **Mana:** ???

**Skills:** Basic Swordsmanship LvMax, Sword Ki Lv2 (formless), Fireball Lv.???

Jacob was shocked by his rapid progress. He decided to keep this a secret from Master Nashea, fearing the old man might have a heart attack if he knew about Jacob's unrealistic increase in strength. As he lay down to rest, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the future

Suddenly his stomach growled, reminding him of his need for sustenance. He made his way to the fire pit where the leftover deer meat lay.

The memory of hunting the deer brought a wry smile to his face.

He skewered a piece of meat and set it over the fire to grill, the aroma soon wafting through the air.

Jacob's thoughts drifted back to that morning when Master Nashea had given him an unusual command. "Jacob, today you will hunt with only your fists and speed. No weapons."

Jacob had been taken aback but didn't question his master's orders.

He had spent half the day sneaking through the forest, his senses heightened and every muscle in his body coiled like a spring. He had spotted the deer, graceful and alert, and had launched himself into the pursuit. The chase was grueling, his legs burning as he sprinted and dodged through the underbrush. His fists struck out, landing blows that gradually wore the deer down.Eventually, his persistence paid off, and he managed to bring the deer down with a final, well-placed punch. As he thought about the experience, Jacob couldn't help but sigh, feeling the lingering bruises on his legs. The hunt had been a test of endurance and strategy, pushing him to the edge of his physical limits.

With the meat ready, Jacob took a bite, savoring the rich, smoky flavor. It was a small reward for the day's efforts