
BlackWolf Origin

Title: **BlackWolf Origin ** In the realm of Eldoria, where dreams intertwine with destiny, Synoh's journey unfolds. At the tender age of 7, he forms an unbreakable bond with a wolf named Fel, only to discover his legendary father, Fenrir. Inspired by his father's legacy as a royal guard who defied conventions for love, Synoh aspires to become a general and carve his own path. The narrative weaves through Synoh's years at the knight academy, where he encounters Lux, his best friend and rival with dreams mirroring his own. As they graduate and embark on separate paths, their destinies converge once again in the prestigious Division 12. Synoh, now a captain, leads a formidable team of knights, including the skilled Yuta, Kenny, and Nisa. As Synoh and Lux rise through the ranks, their achievements capture the hearts of villagers and earn admiration from nobles and royalty alike. Little do they know, their fates become entwined with the spirited Princess Akane. The story takes an unexpected turn as Synoh and Akane, initially perceived as adversaries, find common ground after an incident during escorts.Their connection deepens during a mission to escort Akane to the Cran Empire, leading to shared laughter and unexpected camaraderie. Meanwhile, Lux, harboring unrequited feelings for Akane, feels a sense of betrayal as he watches Synoh and Akane grow closer. Tensions rise as their intertwined destinies unfold, and the bonds beyond blades are tested in the face of love, loyalty, and the challenges that Eldoria presents. "BlackWolf: Origin" is an epic tale of friendship, love, and the pursuit of dreams against a backdrop of magic and medieval intrigue. Hi this is the author,I hope you guys likes this story and thanks.

Synoh04 · Kỳ huyễn
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49 Chs

5: Guardians of the Village

Chapter 5: **Guardians of the Village**

As Synoh and Lux settled into their respective divisions, their first mission arrived swiftly, setting the stage for their inaugural test as knights. Their task: to protect a remote village nestled on the outskirts of the kingdom, a place plagued by constant bandit attacks and yet fiercely resistant to relocation.

**Division 7 Captain (Captain Alistair Grayson):** "Lux, Synoh, your first mission awaits. This village may seem humble, but its resilience has caught the attention of the king. It's our duty to ensure its safety."

**Division 10 Captain (Captain Elara Nightshade):** "Remember, humility extends beyond the battlefield. We're not just protectors; we're stewards of trust and guardians of hope. Let this mission be a testament to our commitment."

As Synoh and Lux embarked on their journey, the weight of their responsibility settled upon their shoulders. The remote village, stubbornly clinging to its roots, refused the king's offer to relocate to safer grounds within the city walls. Instead, they chose to stand their ground, a decision met with both admiration and concern by the kingdom's leadership.

**Synoh:** "It's admirable, isn't it? Their determination to preserve their way of life, even in the face of danger."

**Lux:** "Indeed. But it's also a heavy burden. We must ensure their safety while respecting their wishes."

Upon arriving at the village, Synoh and Lux were greeted by wary but grateful villagers, their resilience evident in the way they carried themselves amidst the looming threat of bandit raids. The knights wasted no time in fortifying the village's defenses, setting up patrols and implementing strategies to thwart any potential attacks.

**Villager:** "We appreciate your presence, knights. Though we may be few in number, our spirits are unyielding. Together, we shall withstand whatever challenges come our way."

**Synoh:** "We're here to ensure just that. Your courage inspires us, and we'll do everything in our power to protect you."

**Lux:** "Indeed. Let us stand together, united against adversity. The bonds forged in times of trial are the strongest of all."

As the days passed, Synoh and Lux worked tirelessly alongside the villagers, forging a sense of camaraderie rooted in mutual trust and respect. Their presence brought hope to the village, a beacon of light in the midst of darkness.

**Narrator:** "In the remote village on the outskirts of the kingdom, Synoh and Lux embarked on a journey that would test not only their skills as knights but also their resolve as protectors of the realm. Amidst the tranquil serenity of the countryside, the shadows of bandit threats loomed large, casting a pall over the villagers' daily lives."

**Narrator:** "Yet, in the face of adversity, Synoh and Lux stood firm, their determination unwavering as they upheld their oath to defend the innocent. Together, they would become the guardians of the village, their bond forged in the crucible of duty and honor."

**Narrator:** "As the sun set over the horizon, casting a golden hue upon the tranquil landscape, Synoh and Lux stood vigilant, their watchful eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. In the heart of the village, amidst the whispers of the wind and the rustling of leaves, a new chapter unfolded—a chapter of bravery, resilience, and unwavering resolve."