
Blacksmith's Descent Through Dungeons

Dungeons is a place where danger lurks everywhere, a place where mana would gather and birth monsters where brave people can test their strength and braveness. Adventurers are people who dedicate their life to knowing the dangers of the world and the Dungeons itself. With fame, gold, and cheers from the people who would not want to be an adventurer. These two things are something that can't be separated no matter what you do. Now how can a simple blacksmith fit into this. In this world full of magic and swordsmen.  Watch how Yuuto, a blacksmith, will discover the world he is not able to see while stuck in his town. Can he survive or die before he even managed to see the wonders that have been secret to him.  I will be also posting this work in RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/252289/fictions

RCDC · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Prey and Predator

It has been a while since Yuuto has begun walking. However to be said as a "while" is an understatement. The time he spent wandering throughout the dim passage of the dungeon could be hours, minutes, and even seconds. The never-changing structure and walls made his journey seem to be endless. Even himself doesn't know if he is making progress. Just like a bunny trap in a hole, The only thing keeping him from falling through despair of death and anxiety is his drive to survive.

As he traversed the endless dungeon, the walls began to shake and dust began to fall, suddenly a large explosion was heard. Normally for any adventurer and especially for someone like Yuuto who has no experience in exploring a dungeon, these explosions raise many flags and can only lead to danger. However, the option of taking a shelter is not his major concern right now.

If there's an explosion then that means there is an adventurer nearby. He thought to himself.

Though the chances of really encountering adventurers there are slim Yuuto has no choice.

"This is really stupid idea, isn't it? " he contemplated, and so he ran towards the source of the fiery explosion.

Luck certainly is not on his side today. Whatever Yuuto chooses he will still end up in a very precarious situation. After arriving at the scene, a cloud of smoke hinders his sight, probably from the explosion earlier. He could hear screams of people inside the smoke. Yuuto tried to move forward however as he took his first step. He saw a large silhouette standing inside of it. His movements suddenly stopped and cold sweat began to fall from his forehead.

The cloud of smoke slowly dissipates and what emerges is something that Yuuto should not encounter whatever maybe the situation is, especially on his level. He met an "A-rank" monster. Snake like body, scales that shone like a rainbow, gigantic feet that could stomp anyone. It was a monster that has been feared by many adventurers from rookies and even the veterans. They called this monster "Behemoth". Even for a party this monster is a troublesome opponent and for Yuuto who is just a blacksmith and not officially an adventurer. This monster really means death for him.

Yuuto mustered all his will, moving his stiff body to the side. Peeking on the side of the large crystal he is hiding, Yuuto watched a party fighting the fearsome monster.

"Don't Yield, focus on the enemy!"

The one shouted is the person in the middle of the group. He has a shield on his left and a long sword on his right. Judging by his equipment it can be said that it was near high quality. Sporting a large size and by his aura of commanding, the person is probably the leader of the party.

"Yes! "

Replied by the girl on his side. She was much smaller and slender compared to the leader. She wore a blue covering her full figure. From her demeanor and the staff she is carrying, she could be probably the mage.

The person on his left could only nod, seeing his figure it was the easiest option. From the behind, though Yuuto could only see them from afar, he is sure that this party is somewhat strong.


Even though they are truly based on his own assessment, Yuuto could clearly see that what they are fighting is much stronger than them.

The Behemoths reputation is certainly not for just show. He thought to himself.

The party that Yuuto is watching is already beaten to pulp, the ground they are standing is full of blood, and the slight glint of hope visible in their eyes is slowly losing its shine. As for the members, the person on the left of the leader already lost his arm, the mage in her knees, panting and the leader he could only use his confidence as a front. Their state is truly pitiable.

Yuuto could just avoid his sight away from them. This is already the end for them. Compared to their state the behemoth remains unscathed. It looks at them with its piercing eyes. If it could just talk it would probably say "Is that all you can do?"

The behemoth silently watches them for their next attack, it probably knows that whatever their attacks may be it would mean nothing against its indestructible scales. In his sights they are just insects.

Oh great fire

Guardian of the Sun

I need for your power

Light began to form in the tip of the mage staff, the humid atmosphere around her began to dry and within the small area the temperature slowly increased.

"FIREBALL!!!" She shouted.

In her command a large fireball emerged, it was 2 meters in size and possessed a large amount of energy. Though with considerable distance Yuuto could still feel the heat coming from the spell conjured by the mage. The fireball directly hit the snout of the behemoth, slightly even pushing it backwards. Surely, with the power that this spell held anything that it would hit would turn to crisp but of course even pushing the monster backwards, for the behemoth the spell is just a spark of light.


The behemoth roared at them, it's simple roar was able to shake the walls of the dungeon. Yuuto knows how powerful the spell is, he witnessed how it was made and even felt the power of it but for the behemoth to remain in a state where just like nothing happened. It was truly dangerous.

Once again Yuutoo's view was restricted because of the cloud of smoke surrounding the adventure and the monster.

The plan of the adventurer is not exactly to fight this monster head-on, they know for a fact and the moment that whatever they do the behemoth's scale remains clear that they don't have a choice.

Minutes before.

"We don't have chance to win this… " the leader hang on his words "use all of your energy after she throw her spell"

The mage grip her staff tighter "Yes.. "

Back to the present.

After the large explosion made by the mage, their one armed comrade swiftly throws down a smoke bomb. A small projectile not as volatile as its counterparts but still as effective. Adding to the already cloudy surrounding, they started running.

As for the behemoth, as soon as it notices that the smoke is not disappearing. It instantly lost its patience. In a quick swift motion, the behemoth grabs the one armed man, tore him in pieces and ate him. For the leader, it gulped him in one go not even giving him a chance to scream.

Left on his mind is the image of his family

Sorry, I can't go back tonight.

The last and only one, the mage. Unlike his comrade with considerable build and probably stamina she is much more fragile. It was pretty much obvious what would happen to her.

The behemoth suddenly screamed forward, with its speed nothing could escape. In one bite the mage was torn apart.

What was left from the scene of carnage was blood, a lot of blood. Walls, floor and even the ceiling are full of what was supposed to be humans and even the limbs of the party remain.

The only thing left in the middle is the menacing figure of the behemoth enjoying its meal.