
Blacksmith's Descent Through Dungeons

Dungeons is a place where danger lurks everywhere, a place where mana would gather and birth monsters where brave people can test their strength and braveness. Adventurers are people who dedicate their life to knowing the dangers of the world and the Dungeons itself. With fame, gold, and cheers from the people who would not want to be an adventurer. These two things are something that can't be separated no matter what you do. Now how can a simple blacksmith fit into this. In this world full of magic and swordsmen.  Watch how Yuuto, a blacksmith, will discover the world he is not able to see while stuck in his town. Can he survive or die before he even managed to see the wonders that have been secret to him.  I will be also posting this work in RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/252289/fictions

RCDC · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Is this Normal in a Dungeon

Sparks of light flew everywhere and the sound of metal being hit echoed throughout the surroundings amidst all of this a young man continued his work. This scene could be said as normal for someone labelled as blacksmith-in-training. However, this blacksmith is not even in his favored forge but inside a cave-type dungeon vigorously mining.

"Of all things she could 'ask' me for this is what she came up with?"

Average looks, messy hair, and slightly taller for his age, if the term "Average" would have embodied he would surely be the form of it. Back in their village he wouldn't even be recognized as a blacksmith-in-training(even though he is the only one) instead he would be recognized by what they will call his "unique" appearance being the most average person. It can even be said that his 'averageness' is what made him abnormal to a certain degree.

However, right now Yuuto is mining mana crystal due to his orders or what he called 'Favour'.

"I can't believe him, to almost empty our stock of mana crystal in one day. Just what he is doing with all of it. " he ranted.

It is not like Yuuto is having a deep grudge on his teacher, it is more like an inconvenience. In reality he has a great admiration for him , not only welcoming to his shop everyday but also giving him home.

Now that I think about it I never remembered who my parents are, maybe I will ask him later.

But due to her reckless personality of wasting any resources that they have in the shop, he is left to check and restock every material in their storage.

"If he won't change, can he instead teach me properly or tell me how he is using those mana crystals he is wasting ? "

He took a hard sigh and said "I guess there is no point in complaining if he is not here. "

Yuuto took his pickaxe and continue mining

Though his body is focused on chipping the large crystal in front of him, his mind is flying elsewhere.

just how is doing it, how he can manage to do it without breaking the weapon itself.

If you look at it, a blacksmith mining inside a cave-type dungeon is a very bizzare scene, of course it is excluding the fact that he is mining for the 'favour' that his teacher requested. But those mana crystals are a major material in forging weapons and tools in the way that his teachers make them.

Many materials can be used in making weapons like iron, platinum, copper, and the very famous mythril to name a few. The mana crystals are also a material in forging material, just not like the other materials are used for. It is more known as power source and concentrator of mana due to how it is form. Most magic and wands used mana crystals as their material.

In normal cases, joining mana crystals and blacksmithing can only lead to disaster, due to the fact that many crystals are the culmination and crystallization of atmospheric mana in the air. However, for his teacher the use of this delicate material is just like counting numbers.


Even if Yuuto knows that his teacher can do it, he can only make tools and weapons out of iron, because all of the time his teacher refuses to teach him no matter how he begged for it.

This is not the time to think about it, I just want to go home.

He continued mining.

Yuuto could just make a face that can be called 'I messed up'. Due to his own eagerness to finish early and go home, Yuuto didn't notice that he was going deeper inside the dungeon, thankfully no monster attacked him during his mining frenzy. Right now he is standing in front of a stone staircase going down the second floor.

He looks in front of him and his back.

"I think there is no problem taking a break for a while. "

He took a seat and grabbed a drink inside his bag. The cold water ran through his mouth, giving his dry throat and body energy once more. Just as he was about to enjoy his prize break and snack, Yuuto heard the wind.

"... "

He slowly put his hand on the handle of his short sword and raised his vigilance.

What is that sound?

The sound came once more, closer and clearer this time. He raised his sword and narrowed his eyes.

Of all the time why a monster would attack me this time. He looked back. I can escape through the staircase if the monster suddenly attacks me but how can I escape it if it decides to follow me?

At first the sound is static, just like broken television during a thunderstorm. But as it became closer to him the sound became clearer and more precise.

A hymn? He asked.

The hymn was relaxing and would make anyone who would hear it be at peace. There is no hint of any harm or ulterior motives, as it just wants the listener to be at ease. Yuuto would be very happy to hear this song, if only he was on the surface. However, right now he is inside a dungeon, one of the very dangerous places one human could consider dangerous. Hearing this kind of thing inside of the dungeon raised many red flags that only an idiot would let the source of this sound come closer to him.

Walls, floor, and ceilings reverberated the sound making the source of hymn sound somewhat scattered.

Then… It suddenly stopped.

"Just what is happening? " he murmured.

Even if the current pleasant and suspicious hymn stops, Yuuto did not lower his guard. In fact he raised his vigilance more than he could do.

Yuuto checks every crack and cranny of his surroundings. Ceilings, walls, corners, and even the floor. There is no place that he evades as a small mistake could prove fatal to his mortal life.

But all of this is just for naught. In an instant his ground suddenly broke plummeting him down through the abyss below.

His view seems to stop and all the things lost their color. His heart seems to stop and all left within his mind is.

I don't want to die

"ughh" he groaned "where am I?" he said, glancing around. Mana crystals in every size littered the place just like a moss. Many of the crystals lit on their own, just enough for his eyes to adapt to the darkness of the cave. If he would say it this place is just like the night sky where many stars shone.

Before he gets to mesmerize in this wonderous view, it him. HE IS STILL STUCK IN THIS DUNGEON. Swiftly he snatched his bag and a silver circular object inside of it. Yuuto taps it's screen and a large screen pops out. For adventurers and people alike, this advanced map has become life saver to them and more part of their life. Due to how popular this kind of map is, the stores and guild even add a bundle promo including map, torch, and guide book called "How to survive your first day in a dungeon and how to NOT easily die". In his opinion the last sentence of the title gives a rather dark tone.

I will thank the city who made this map when I see it.

This time this map will save his life, unlike what he expected. The goddess of luck seems to break illusions.


He tried to rotate, skew, and even soft-reboot the device but all that he tried to do, nothing happened. Nothing has changed. The map shows him a corrupted and shifted projection of the floor.

For a moment, his face became pale and the world of him fell to earth. The only thing that can help failed him. He breaks into cold sweat, from his toe to head his body begins to lose its strength, and his heart, which is just as happy as a child earlier, breaks into pieces.

"Just… just why. Will I not escape this anymore" his breathing becomes ragged and his clear vision blurs.

no… this is not the end yet

"Calm down… " he said, steadying his shaking body and taking a deep breath. He knows that in order for him to survive this unfortunate incident he need not to panic. The dungeon is a dangerous place and this place is a house full of monsters and he is just a cockroach.

He needs to move, staying means just being vulnerable to attacks. If he wants to escape he needs to find the exit or adventures to help him.

And so, he grabbed his bag and shortsword. With his new resolve he began to move.

"I wish I could escape this place."