

Zain's world was destroyed right before his eyes. Demonic beast ravaged the land as cities and nations were dominated by an organization known as Osiris. It's leader held a revolt against the four divine beast in charge of protecting their respective cities, and enslaved them to their will. Now at the end of the world, and after losing everything, Zain decides to attack in a last ditch effort to seek vengeance. However, his quest to get even goes unfulfilled, as his life is taken from him. While closing his eyes, and preparing for the end, he wakes up years in the past.

Keita_Kazuka · Kỳ huyễn
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85 Chs


Necessary sacrifice? Those words echoed within Scarlet's mind as for the first time since she met Cyril, he seemed enthusiastic about something.

"As a royal yourself, you've no doubt seen how truly pathetic mages have become as of late. Contempt with their lives and their pitiful usage of mana, they spend their days idly standing by with nothing better to do. It sickens me." Cyril's voice was laced with venom as his scowl only seemed to grow in intensity as he thought of those he deemed weaker than him.

"We were born with powers that can shape the very world around us. We can call forth seas of flames, form maelstrom's, summon lightning from our very fingertips! Yet all people do is use those abilities to make their lives less of a burden. They grow tired and lazy, preferring to hand the work off to someone else." Cyril's fist clenched tightly as he practically spewed venom from his mouth. "Especially that man who claims he can replace mages in general."