

"Glory to the Blackbloods. All hail the White Monarch."

VoidTech · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs


'Are you alright, buddy? Felt a spike there,' Mnemon inquired, evident in his tone.


'Could be better,' Boss replied with a shrug, although it was clear they weren't satisfied with his response.


Not long after being left alone, trouble seemed to find them again, prompting a weary shake of Mnemon's head. In a swift motion, the crow teleported to Boss's side, the trio now standing in silence at the tunnel's end, facing yet another vault door, this one of a distinct design, accompanied by a control panel attached to it. 


"So...," the crow began, perched on Boss's shoulder. "What did I miss?" But Boss remains silent, merely gesturing towards the defaced insignia.


"Dude, I need some context here—," Mnemon began before realization dawned on him. "Oh, shit..."


It was unmistakable; they recognized the pattern even in its damaged state. No wonder Boss reacts like he did before.


"Is this your doing?" Mnemon turned to Noira.

"Dudes," Noira sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "If Ah want tae buck ye in th' crease, Ah will buck ye in th' crease regardless ay whether ye loch it ur nae."

"Yer buddy speart me tae watch ower his haem planit," she continued, stepping forward and turning to face both of them. " Ah fulfilled mah end ay th' bargain. noo 'at yoo're haur, consider it returned tae sender. Canty noo?" Noira pouted; her annoyance was palpable.


Both Mnemon and Boss couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. Despite her extremely fucked-up mind, Noira was undeniably true and committed to her words. Boss decided he would make up for her later, for there was a more critical hand here. Stepping towards the console, it appeared rather ordinary: a power button, a keyboard, a screen, and a faded, oversized red button. The Boss swept away the dust before pressing the power button. Instantly, the screen flickered to life, displaying a solitary line of yellow text:


[Password: ?]


"Old school password. Eh? That's... kinda weird," remarked Mnemon, cocking his head inquisitively.


Indeed, it was odd. Noira confirmed that this bunker belonged to the Boss's old corp, the predecessor of his current company. The technology back then was not that primitive to resort to manual typing. Kneeling to inspect the console closely, the Boss found no microphone, card reader, or any ports—just a keyboard.


"Could you check underneath the console, buddy?" the Boss requested of his avian companion.

"Ugh..." begrudgingly complied the bird, descending to investigate. "Boss... you're not going to like this."


That foreboding statement offered little comfort.


"Well?" prompted the Boss, sensing the tension in the air.

"There's a line of text down there," the bird revealed, "It reads: 'The beloved child.'"

"Verdammt noch mal..." cursed the Boss, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Am Ah missin' somethin' haur?" Noira inquired, noticing the change in his usual expression. The mischievous grin had disappeared, replaced by a familiar parental disappointment.

"The password," the Boss pointed to the console, "it was my Captain-Commander's name."

"Yer personal caretaker? Th' a body 'at gart ye accidentally devoor a planit?" she quoted. " That's heem?"

"Yes, that's him," Mnemon confirmed with a nod.

 "An'?" Noira pressed.

"That's exactly the problem!" Boss exclaimed.

" Hoo th' heck his nam be th' problem?" Noira shot back.

"Are you certain you want to know his name?" the Boss asked solemnly, to which she nodded in affirmation. "Very well, you asked for it."




"-Master of the Blade of Gaia, Keeper of the Gate of Terrania, Wielder of Azuric Flame, Bane of Fetid Corpses, High Lord of Lucarium-"

"STOP!" Noira's scream reverberated through the space. "STOP. Stop. Just... stop," she pleaded, her arms outstretched, shuddering. She released a deep sigh.

"Ah explicitly speart fur his nam, NAE A BOORICHIE AY HORSECRAP!!" She then shouted at him.

"First," Boss raised a finger, "I was telling Scheiße, not crap. Second, you indeed requested his name, and here I am. Perhaps you've forgotten he hailed from the Old Domain Era, where names are earned through mighty and honorable deeds."

"Did you just assume he spent millennia as my glorified power-armored housemaid?" Boss arched a brow if he had one in this form.

"Well, uh...."

"Well, excuse me, I'm barely halfway through."

"Can we just bust the door like you did before? Or teleport down there?" Mnemon stated, indeed, the voice of reason and common sense.

"That door," Boss pointed behind, "is not connected to the system, but this one is. In addition, the bunker may look primitive, but this whole bunker here is clearly a replica of my past designs. Do you know how paranoid I was back then about security and secrecy thanks to someone?" Boss stressed the last part, clearly hinting at the gal beside him.

"That's one hell of a password to me," Mnemon added.

"Let's dae thes insteid," Noira proposed her idea. "Whit was he usually called back 'en?"


And he entered. A loud beep sounded, and the door slowly opened.


"Really?" Noira chuckled, glimpsing at the password. "Ay aw th' things, that's whit ye caa heem?"

"To be fair, it wasn't my idea. When his name became a mouthful, those closest to him usually called him by that calling. Others simply referred to him as Captain-Commander."

"Now, let me welcome-"



Before Boss could complete his sentence, a torrent of crimson energy surged toward him, engulfing his form entirely.


"Well, that's just rude," he remarked calmly.


Boss and Mnemon remain unscathed. Noira, too, was safe since she stood behind the giant, though it seemed unlikely any harm could befall her in the first place. She leaned aside to peer ahead. The figure before them was unnaturally skinny, almost skeletal, towering 8 feet tall. Long, dark hair cascaded down to the ground, concealing her face. Draped in a pitch-black, skin-tight suit, her lengthy hair trailed down to her feet. In addition, a big and long prehensile with the same color theme as her clothes.


"Legien," Boss called out.

"Well, that explains the skeletons outside," the crow commented.


Suddenly, the female's body began to shift and morph. In moments, the once-thin figure transformed into a formidable warrior, her slender frame now armored with sleek plates.


"Don't be rash," Boss held out one of his hands.


Legien dropped to one knee, her hands on the ground, moving like a wild predator closing in on its prey. She was upon them instantly; her movements were a blur of speed and precision; razor-sharp blades sprouted from her fingertips. But Boss countered with a right elbow to Legien's head, and a massive crater formed beneath her. She quickly morphed again, her smooth, prehensile tail transforming into a spiny appendage with a venomous sting at the end. Countless tiny tentacles and her tail emerged from her body, aiming simultaneously toward the giant. Boss quickly employs his telekinesis to throw her forward, maintaining distance. Legien somersaulted in mid-air, returning to her prowling stance. Her body continues to change, adapting with mutations to confront the intruders.


"Oooh, tentacle foreplay. Spicy," Noira playfully jested.

"Not now, Noira," Boss interjected sternly. "Legien, stand down. That's an order."


Legend heard nothing. In her mind, she only registered Boss and Noira as intruders in this sacred place. Extending both arms to the side, another pair of limbs with elongated mantis-like double-ended blades emerged from the base of her shoulders. The edges and her hand claws glowed with an deep blood red hue, heating the surrounding air with their intensity.


"Consider yourself warned, Legien," Boss concluded, settling the crow on Noira's shoulder.


And then, the bunker began to tremble. Boss advanced steadily towards Legien. With each step, his body began to emanate a powerful aura. It resembled a white flame with rainbow hues interwoven within, yet its periphery was so dark it seemed to absorb all light around it. The once-silent atmosphere of the bunker gave way to a deafening cacophony akin to the scraping of a thousand tortured souls against the glass, accompanied by their anguished screams.

A weight began to bear on Legien's frame, intensifying as Boss drew nearer. The force pressed upon her with increasing strength, collapsing her exoskeletal armor and revealing the inside of her flesh and bones. By the time Boss loomed over her, Legien seemed no more than a helpless insect crushed beneath his heel. Without a word, Boss stooped down and laid his hand on her head.


"Sleep," he uttered softly, and Legien crumpled to the ground with that command. The pressure and aura surrounding the Boss dissipated instantly.

"Ah kinda disappointed, ye ken," Noira walked up next to Boss. "Ah thooght ye woods pit up a barnie wi' 'er. it's nae every day Ah see ye use psychics fur fightin'."

"I... just don't want to make the same mistake before," Boss exclaimed. "Don't you have any... feeling her? Anything? Like parental feeling, or at least... something?" 

"Huh?" Noira tilted her head quizzically.

"What I mean is," Boss turned to face her, "Legien was your creation, wasn't she? Among all the adversaries you've thrown at me, she proved to be the most formidable nuisance," he added, reminiscing about their tumultuous history. "Despite your rejection of her due to her 'failure,' she still regards you as her 'Mother.'"


Legien, a biological weapon conceived by Noira herself, was a sub-human specimen designed to adapt to any form of attack she encountered. As such, she returns to life every time she dies and becomes nearly invulnerable to what killed her before. In addition to her remarkable resilience, Legien possessed unparalleled intelligence and cunning, even by Boss's standards. Loyal to a fault, she relentlessly pursued her mistress's bidding, making Boss's existence a living nightmare until his direct intervention.


"Are you familiar with the tale of Pinocchio?" Noira inquired as she returned the crow to his side.

"Of course, it's a classic," Boss replied.

"A children's story about a wooden puppet that wishes to be reborn as a human child. This puppet, a soulless automaton made of carved wood, yearning to possess the essence of bone and flesh," Noira retailed the tale. "Let me ask you one thing, love."

"Do you know what such creature called its creator that gave it shape and form?"


The rest of the two could feel their skin started crawling. Her message was clear.




A tense silence lingered, broken only by Noira's soft chuckle. She then knelt beside Boss, extending her hand toward Legien.


"To clarify, I didn't cast her out solely because of her failures. Let's just say there was one particular aspect of her actions I found... less than favorable," she clarified. 

"However, given her amused performance thus far, I believe some 'privileges' are in order," she said as Legien's body changed back, appearing plumper and healthier.


Legien possessed one vulnerability: her dependence on biomass. The key to subduing her lay in isolating her completely from any living organisms, essentially starving her of sustenance. Boss's earlier triumph over her was partly due to her weakened state, evidenced by her lack of psychic prowess. But predominantly because of his current state.


"One thing, though," said Noira groped Legien's boobs. "Is she aye thes big?"

"Ain't you her creator? Mnemon scoffed back.

"Weel, Ah dornt min' 'er bein'…," Noira groped a few more, "thes big."

"This's," she pointed out at Legien's chest, "Mamila Camilla. HUMONGOUS BANDAGAS—" Her outburst was promptly met with a smack to the back of her head from Boss.

"Whit did Ah dae?" Noira turned to Boss, feigning innocence.

"Stop groping her, you dingus," Boss chided.


Noira remained silent, just squinted her eyes with a wide grin on her face. Boss was about to intervene again when he felt a hand squeezing his butt.




"What did I do?!?" Noira exclaimed, holding her head.

"Everything," Mnemon bluntly stated.

"Enough, you guys," Boss interjected, clearing his throat.


Boss hoisted Legien onto his back and used his tentacles to stabilize her. As one of his tentacles took out a keycard from Legien, they proceeded to the elevator ahead.


"Sae whaur ur we aff tae noo, loove?"

"Fourth floor, the Medical Bay. That's where the Chronogenic Room is," he pressed the console as the elevator doors closed. "Are you certain you healed her properly?"


Boss couldn't shake off his concern for Legien. Despite Noira's apparent healing and the steady pulse, she remains unconscious.


"Nah, nae need tae frit. 'er min'... weel, let's jist say it's... disoriented at th' moment. jist lit 'er be," Noira reassured him.

"Honestly, ye shoods be concerned abit lae," only makes him shake his head.


As the elevator descended to the medical plane, Noira couldn't help but break the silence with an awkward question.


"Sae... Ah assume ye arenae a boob person?"

"Where did that come from?" Mnemon exclaims.

"Jist curioos, that's aw," Noira snapped. "Ah figured a big bloke loch ye woods at leest hae a reaction ur somethin'. ye ken, th' whole 'unga bunga' hin' at th' secht ay 'massife mommy milkers.'"

"Well, I can't deny that I like the feeling of the bouncy melons on my face or in my hands," Boss admitted. "But one should keep such thoughts to themselves."

"Sae... ye dae hae other kinks tay?" Noira jested.

"Will you both cut the crap already?!?" The crow groaned. "Bloody brain rot."

"Dornt fash yerse, thes is jist th' beginnin'," she aimed finger guns towards the bird. "We're in fur a lang ride, 'buddy.'"


"Hear, hear, loove," she then raised her hands in surrender.


All three have now arrived at the fourth floor. Boss felt gratitude upon discovering that all the equipment remained operational. He swiftly located a pristine bed and carefully positioned Legien before resuming his tasks. It took approximately five minutes to traverse the distance to the Chronogenic Room behind the Medical Bay.

The room resembled a vast warehouse, with six rows housing hundreds of Chronogenic Chamber machines on either side. They then directed their attention towards the room housing the central console.


"Let's see..." Boss started searching for data.

"Tak' yer time, loove."


Sitting nearby, Noira observed while Mnemon flew out to visually inspect for any issues. After a brief period, Boss let out a relieved sigh.


" Ye guid thaur. loove?" Noira asked about Boss.

"Yeah, way better than I expected. All three of my corps reside here and are still intact. There are a few that require special attention, but nothing serious."


Pulling up a chair, Boss sat beside Noira.


"I swear upon the name of my current family and my past bloodline I will slap every bitches here the moment they wake up regardless of man or woman," Boss mumbled angrily.


"The fact these dumbkopfs," he stressed angrily, "have been sleeping on their asses for 5000 years, believing I was still out there!"

"I died back then so these fuckers could have a new life, and here they are," Boss stretched out his hands and pointed to the front window looking out in disappointment. "Still stuck in the past," he then groaned loudly.


To Noira, Boss right now is no different than a father disappointed in what his children have done.


"When I was granted a new life, I did plan to look for these guys."

"Whit stopped ye?"

"I feared that they would be forever tethered to me if I returned. So I let my past fade entirely, allowing them the chance to chart their own course, free from my influence."

"Furthermore, I miss the simplicity of bygone days. A time when I could revel in life without a care. Just...being myself."

"And now, here we are. Back at square one," he concluded.

"Not everyone can escape their past, love," Noira comforted, resting her head on Boss's frame. "I understand your desire to grant them the opportunity for change. But have you ever considered their perspective? Do you really think these zealous idiots find peace after witnessing their leader's sacrifice?"


The two fell into a contemplative silence, their gazes fixed upon the window ahead.


"Believe me," she continued. "The fact that you came back for them, that's all they need."

"I, too, felt the same way when I knew you were alive."