

"Raymond, do you think this is the best way?" Ravi asked as his hand felt sore from holding Raymond's hand like this more than an hour ago. Ravi also squirmed uncomfortably when not only under Raymond's grip but when their shoulders bumped against each other in the dimly lit room as well as among the unused items.

"Yeah, Ravi. Adrian can't get through this wall and we're the ones holding on to each other," said Raymond, his voice getting smaller and smaller. Ravi was ignoring the fact that Raymond's eyes were shining right now and Ravi was repressing himself that he shouldn't care about that anymore, also because they're both boys.

"Are you happy?" asked Ravi natively.

"Yes, I can be with Ravi. I'm very happy."

Ravi's grip tightened, then for the umpteenth time tendrils of light began to emerge from Raymond's hand which constantly amazed Ravi. "Can you do it again?"

"Of course, when our hands are clasped together like this, it will appear, Ravi."