
17. Library

There was only the sound of clinking spoons and forks around Ravi, who had been shutting his lips tightly for a while, he hoped that his parents would never find out about the embarrassing incident he had just experienced, and also Ravi hoped that his brother wouldn't say anything about it.

Ravi was restless inside but he was still quiet playing with his food. His lips hadn't even touched the shapeless food on the plate, Ravi's mind was a mess and he couldn't bear to stay here. Even his room felt scary now that he had recalled the incident for the umpteenth time.

Where should he go to calm down? Adrian would do that again to Ravi, probably going beyond the limits of before and Ravi simply couldn't fight back no matter how hard he tried.

"Ravi where do you want to go?" asked Daniel suddenly after Ravi got up and started to walk out of the house.