
Black Void Book 1

Where am I? What's my name? What the hell is this creature chasing me? He knew nothing of his past, his name age. Nothing. Except for two things, he's human and why the hell does he go murder happy when he looses an arm or part of his body? This is an older story of mine that iI been writing on and other back from about end of highschool. I wanted to make it into a book series, i think I will post the whole book one, the introduction one for free on here. But no idea about the rest. I have about 4 books worth in my mind but i got no idea if i would ever finish it. I want to finish at least book 1 and 2. Now Book 1 is a bit of a confusing one as it is a set up for the two series of stories that i would love to write. Each going in two ways but both still connected in a way. One goes done a sci-fi racing series and an supernatural demon fighting series for lack of better words. I really like the idea of just releasing it as a book and only pay for the book and read it all but open to somehow being able to do it here but after a while a would have the rest be premium somehow. There is NO Cultivating and systems etc. If some appear its just a plot point and not the focus. Might have cultivating if i just write it without intentionally writing it. To put it simple this is a Sci-fi, supernatural, mature ecchi, nudity (no smut). fantasy and a true hybrid of Sci-fi Fantasy and supernatural.

xt31002 · Khoa huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Soul blue light broke through a ceiling in a hallway. Darkness inhaled the hall with the rusted pipes punctured the left wall. The pipes gave a fragile feeling. An emotion of gentleness yet age seemed to vibrate off of them. The darkness only revealed a four-foot radius on the wall, dead in the center. A set of three pipes were seeable in the very dim sole blue light. With particles visible by the naked eye, they scattered the light to be broken into small rays of light.

The pipes on the wall were a stack of three pipes that were held by shattered brackets and molded bolts were set loose from the brackets. The middle pipe was a rusted, brown six-inch thick tube, which went straight across the wall horizontally. The top pipe bent upwards at roughly a thirty-degree angle while the bottom one was shattered in the middle of the light that lay upon the west wall. Wires split out of quarter-sized holes in the pipes, with red sparks leaping through the air to another set of wires.

Old cracked tiles hung onto the ceiling for dear life with pipes peeping through the cracks in the tiles. The sole blue light drizzled through the pinhole-sized holes in the ceiling. The east wall had no pipes but it had cracks in the form of glass splintering. Pieces of steal were missing with hardly any of the wall viewable.

To the south, a pipe the size of a giant's leg broke through the ceiling and punched the floor. The rusted red seemed to be charred brown. With flakes of ancient paint that were hardly visible the blue light that ended before touching the pipe. The pipe's shape was hardly even recognizable. A hand shook and grabbed the pipe from behind.

Two white eyes seemed to glow as a leg swung over the tube that was covered in scares. The person had blue genes that were torn off from the knees.

A pound sign scare was engraved with a blood half an inch under the kneecap. While blood streamed out from the cut and ran like a line of water going down a window. When the leg landed onto the floor the left arm of the person came into the light. Red blood seemed to soak the human's skin. As the person took his left hand to grab the tube, he lifted himself over the pipe and swung his left leg over.

His left leg seemed to be worse than his right and blood constantly poured out yet he felt no pain. 'No pain, I should have died by now but…'

'There is no fucking way that I will die here!' the boy told himself. His white shirt was torn by what looked to be claw marks. Feint metallic clicking was heard in the distance behind him, 'fucking hell, it's still following me.'

His red hair seemed to gain a blue tint as he stepped into the light. Then a silver claw ripped through his heart with a force that generated such force that he coughed up blood at the time as it sprayed out of his chest. "I... found you…" as a creped voice whispered in his ear and a creature stood behind him with his claw in the red-haired boy's chest.

'I'm going to enjoy – slicing you into bits!' the creature whispered. The creature had a humanoid appearance but it appeared to have blood oozing through its visible body. Ripping off his leg from below his left knee showing bone. The boy screamed in pain as the creature ripped his right arm off spraying blood like a water fountain.

The blood started to stain the unseen walls. 'If I die I won't be able to kill that motherfucking bastard!' the boy screamed in his head. The blood stopped moving holding still in the air with the soul blue light sparkling off of the liquid. Slowly it started to dance and swirl around the boy, It started slow but gain momentum as seconds past.

"What the hell are you doing?" The creature yelled at the human.

'I'm not dying here,' the boy stated to himself again. "I'm not dying" the boy whispered, while the blood kept swirling around the two of them and by now he completely stopped bleeding. The pain seemed to seep away, no longer eating at his lost leg and arm. "I'll going to kill that bastard, but before I do." He trailed off. "I am going to rip you to pieces you prick." With that, he grinned with his pupils changing into narrow slits.

Blood started to gather around his used to be a leg, as it started to form a new leg half which had white bone blades come out of the left side of the blood leg. As it looked to be a razor-sharp boomerang that started halfway down under his knee and ended with its tip just barely touching the side of his knee. While his toes morphed into claws. Each a pure bone white as they looked to be metallic talons.

Blood seeped out of his right arm, gushing to solidify and form a new arm for him. White bone could be seen through the blood as a bone blade could be seen sticking out of his upper arm. It curved out started near above his elbow if his arm was straight the blade would curve to tough his elbow. The blade was out about an inch wide and when it was far away from his arm it was no less than half an inch away.

Thin snowy white blades went through the center of his finger and were shaped in the same shape as a medical scalpel. His fingers were made of blood which seemed to flow like tilt waves. Starting at the beginning of his finger and the waves disappeared at the tips of his fingers.

"Time to die!" the boy laughed as he tilted his head to stare the creature in the eyes. As he laughed blood started to spin around the two and a giant bone spike that impaled the creature upwards from the left hip and out the right shoulder of the creature spraying inhuman amounts of blood. While drops of blood collided with the boy's face and after a few seconds he flexed his claw out. Using his left foot as a pivot, he twirled around to slash the creature in half with his bone bladed claw.

"You mother fucking bastard!" the creature screeched as t was sliced in two. The blood focus like a water jet piercing the creature's body making is swish cheese. The boy dug his blade fingers into the right arm and he pulled his claw through the right arm. Slicing it like an octopus hot dogs before he and torn the arm off. The creature's shoulder bones shatter, pulled out from the socket of the arm of the beast. Bone shards flew out from the socket of the shoulder with blood jumping from its container. The force of the boy's arm pulled the beast's arm and as he let go it continued. Only a few mili seconds it landed in the surrounding blood vortex. The blood acted as if it devoured the arm with the sounds of hissing and white smoke escaping.

The white-eyed boy clasped the creature's face and slammed the top half to the ground. The whirling blood around the two slowed down to a crawl. "You are nothing but a damn stepping stone." He gripped the face harder. Then bone spike drove through the underside of the creature and impaled the creature. Without a notion, the bones slowly slide out of the creature. Near white eyes locked onto the beast "Fucking demon." The boy hissed with those words he twirled around on his feet to continue down the hallway.

The blood tornado that circled him stopped in place. The red liquid that hung in the darkness, hidden from the sole blue light although some blood did shine with a very light blue hue. With a twitching of his bone fingers, the blood that surrounded him jetted and twirled. The blood that lay behind his shoulder moved and acted. It stretched out and flowed out to reach his arm. Blood flowed like a roaring river as it entered his arm. The teenager closed his eyes as the red liquid entered his body. Heat, not pain, but strength as energy entered him throughout his body.

'What a rush,' the white-eyed boy thought. The red liquid of life fully seeped into his arm. 'The kill, I want more. More blood.' His eyes shook, 'It wasn't fun. Why?' Taking his hand up to his face. 'I just fucking killed something and I think its fun?' Horror crept into his mindset. Visually the claw that was his hand twitched and shook. 'What the hell am I?' Slowly not moving a finger his hand dragged to the waist.

The slits of his eyes dialed and expanded to a circle. The hallway seemed to brighten, only slightly. The blue lights dimed into the black mist that kept moving with every step that he took forward. He kept stumbling along the hall. Stopping and leaning against the wall, he felt the rustic pipes that weaving in and out of the broken wall. Gazing down to the right of where he leaned. The sparks seemed to die off and was no long longer jumping out of the sparks. Across from the teen, the three pipes split. The top went up at ninety degrees while the bottom one did the same in the opposite direction. The middle pipe folded back into the surface of the wall.

Tiles, black marble tiles laid down on the floor. White eyes gazed at the titles as they appeared to be glued onto the floor. Crack, broken and scattered around the floor they sat. His eyes gaze downwards and a side hallway exited out angle. So from a top-down view, it formed an acute angle. A single metal pipe, the middle pipe of three stacked pipes joined with a single vertical pipe. Exiting the ground the new rustic tube climbed up the corner where the two pathways connected.

A corner, the pipe bent at the ceiling to hand onto the ceiling with brackets that looked like they were about to break. As on the far side, one of the brackets did indeed shatter. The rustic tube hung down about five some feet as the wires that were in the inside, was the only thing holding onto it. The teenager gazed with his eyes. On the other side of the conjunction, ceiling tiles laid shatter on the floor. The ceiling allowed the sole blue light to seep through. A light source above was releasing the blue little with the particles in the air visible to the naked eye.

The shattered glass like a hole drew his white eyes to the break in the ceiling. Sparking wires extruded from the insides of the ceiling. Blue and white sparks jumped from the tip of one cord to the next. Yet, that wasn't the only thing that was there. Water. The blue liquid that sustains life, the water trickled from above the layer above his head. The calming sound of water drops hitting the tile, entranced the teenager.

Pushing off the wall, his fingers flattened against the rusting wall with dried rust lifting off the surface. The tips of his fingers gentle slipped off the flaking texture. Slowly he walked over the debris that painted the floor and with each step dust raised into the air hidden in the darkness. White iris gazed up into the gap in the ceiling. It was saddened blazing blue eyes fluttered into existence. Narrow slits glazed at the boy.

"Ahh!" The teen yelped as he lost his footing. Slipping on his right foot, his head fell backward. All in one motion the boy landed on the sharp ground on his rear. Quickly both hands stopped himself from falling completely on his back.

A creature, a small insect crawled out of the hole. No bigger than a foot tall. A black mechanical spider stood there on the wall. Black smooth metal shelled the creature. The head was a larger bullet shape. Its head was only about an inch round. Its head connects to the single piece of its body. Round and more oval based, with six legs sporting out of the underside of the belly. The two eyes shaped like the slit in a demons eye glows an aqua blue. White pulsed echoed through its eyes.

An unseen edge of the mouth, hidden lips cut the bullet-shaped head in half. Though it didn't cut the head in half. The sideways mouth's lower jaw was molded in a different pattern. Cut like armor, the metal was shaped like a sharks fin. At least in the way the fin looked. The lower law went back under the jaw. So if you looked from below the head it looked to be a very curved arrow.

The head went as far back as an inch, the rest of the body made the creature's full body length reach two feet. The creature's whole head was three-fourth of an inch in diameter. Metal created a point at the sharp point of the lower jaw. An edge not visible to the naked eye curved in a narrow oval. Forming a single point at the top back of the shell that covered its head. If one were to take off the shell that protected the beast, the metal casing would form a three-pronged crown.

Wires, metal cords connected the head to the main body. Clear tubes carried an aqua liquid through the veins of the cybernetic animal. The solid-like shell of a body had tubes with the same aqua liquid in the neck. Aqua pulsed in through the top of the body. Centered on the top of the creature was a pattern. The Veins formed a circle and an oversized blue dot. Then the veins crossed through the center, a cross was created with another vein connecting the two circles. The horizontal tube wrapped around the body connecting the right side to the left in a full circle.

Each of the six legs looked the exact same, shiny black metal with a single aqua blue filled vein. Its Legs bones were a metal T. The longer end of the metal was like the edge of a blade. If the spider extended its legs full out it would reach two inches long, one inch for both of the joints. Sharp, the ends of the spider legs were sharper than a needle. The blue vein attached to the underside of the point of the leg.

'A spider?' The white-eyed teen thought. Gazing at the cyber being with wonder yet shock. He didn't smile but the white eyes of his just gazed on the creature with intense focus. Flexing his fingers the young adult slowly pushed his body farther upright. All the while the spider flexed its legs, slowly as if it was about to jump or move a long distance. Sitting on his ass the teen bent his knees in. Though as he did slight dust rose in the dark tunnel and the blue light shined on the tiny particles in the dust.

The spider tilted its head clockwise right before it jumped. So sudden the boy jumped and jolted in the place he sat in. Without any time the creature blended in through the darkness of the all. It opened its arms in mid-flight and landed over the human left arms. All six arms dug and burrowed into the young adult's skin. Not evaded but inside it melted inwards. Only a slight amount of pain stung the left arm. Slight to no burning itch the skin.

Gasping he bent his head backward and open his white eyes widened in shock with surprise and horror. Sweat rolled down the skin and face of the teenager. Blood pressure rose and he felt the heart rate increase. His white eyes gazed over to the spider to see it transform. The main dome of a body caved un from the underside to flatten out. This allowed it to stretch out farther. The main body of the spider covered evenly over the three rings as the aqua vein submerged into the metal. Then the whole bode blended over the top part of the body like a metal sheet folding around a poll.

Like a biker's shoulder pad, it created a dome that slightly A center blue eye emerged from the center of the metallic shell. The eye was a round camera like a lens that beveled inward less than a quarter on an inch. Metal chipped back down the middle of the top of the shell. A single aqua blue view rose as it exited from the top and bottom of the eye, Instead of going to the tips of the shell, it instead created a T section as it split and attached to the top ring on both sides. On the lower ring, it did the same as the veins dived back into the organic metal.

'What the --- hell…' Shaken the white-eyed teen looked down at his new addition. 'It fucking attached itself to me!' With a shaking hand, he slowly moved his blood and bone clawed hand to gently tap the metal. A small feeling of pressure reacted as he touched the intruder. Yet at the same time, it felt hard and steel-like. 'Wait,' the Single word slowly echoed in the boy's mind. 'It's a part of me! The little bastard!'

Slowly he withdrew his hand to touch the ground and used both hands to push himself back. Gently swinging his right hand he gained momentum to enter a squatting position. With shaking legs, he exited the squat. With his right hand at his face, the blood and bone hand brushed against his face. The liquid felt water yet the bone felt cold to the touch. 'What the hell is going on?' The teenager thought. 'This place…. ' Using the uncovered left eye he took another glance around the hall. Its darkness still held everything around held from view as it barely wanted to let go of anything. 'First thing first.' The boy processed. 'I find where this damn place is.'

Releasing his face of his hand he turned his hand back to the right. 'Though I won't get answers just staying here.' The white-eyed teen started to move slowly stepped along the hallway his footsteps echoed around the hall. Slowly stumbling along he left his left arms to swing back and forth. Miles past by as time seemed to stop. Light, a dull white light shown down was in the distance that drew the teenager's attention. It wasn't a whitening light but instead gentle sunlight that entered the hall in the distance. Rock and vines entered the cave of a cyber hall. Small green vines spread like lighting but not like zigzags. Instead, they were more organic. Instead of the sole blue light that remained throughout the halls that he had been traveling down. The light held a warm yellow summer within itself. The middle floor tiles acted like an incomplete mosaic. It created a U shaped spread as the tile curved out to the sides.

Olden dull marble stones left the cover of the cyber world as wines and rust stuck to the new surface that the boy came to. Slowly walking he heard the sounds of water from behind enter silence as he braced his eyes. With each step, he took over the even ground the crunching of vines and tiles were heard. White eyes scanned the new location that he walked into. Another large hallway. Although it had a completely different feel but not due to lack of light, the light came out of a ceiling of glass in the middle of the giant-sized hall.

A balcony, 'This is a welcomed change,' the teen noted. Gazing around the floor that he stood on an easy twenty feet deep with a stone pillar to hold the high roof that was above his head. Along the edge of the floor was a rusting steel railing that spanned forever to the right and left of the teen. Ten feet from the walkway's floor was a stone ceiling that looked to be well-aged. Although it still gave the feeling that it would never fall even with the vines clinging to its surface. With a slow but steady tapping, his feet carried him to the railing that stood proud and tall. At a closer look, the pillars were halfway in the floor while the other half stood out.

Glancing to the left then right he saw the pillar continued with their pattern. Looking across the hall. 'Wait I'm on a second floor.' The simple realization hit him. The upper level that he stood on was above the main floor that was about twenty-five feet below. Grass and weeds forced themselves out of the shattered rocky floor that spanned formed over one hundred feet wide. The crakes in the floor easily seeable but the small rocky pebbles that filled the cracks lay hidden from the naked eye. On the other side of the hall, it mirrored the exact same features that were on the teen's side. Rusting metal railing lined the balcony and stone pillar were evenly spaced along the path. Under the under walkway there was space to walk under and hide under the shadows of the rock.

Half a cylinder made glass panels, curved over the middle of the hall. The base of the curing glass lay horizontally before it curved over like a perfect arch. Past the glass, there was no sky, instead, there was just light from some unknown source that provided a warming yellow light coming through each glass panel. Warmth could easily be felt as the light bathed all that it touched with a warm breath. His white eyes only gazed and wondered at the sight. 'Just where the hell as I now?' The teen thought.

Well this is the start. feel free to tell me what you think and such. Also plan to post another chapter next week. only up to 4 chapters till i finish the whole book.

Also i am NOT going to be light novel stylls of missing detials. i want to be vivid detailed and its not about writing chapters fast but to have it be descriptive.

xt31002creators' thoughts