
Black Sapphire

A world that seems to be broken beyond repair after the first ever Lunar eclipse that occurred when the first set of our ancestors had been taught to pray by God herself. HiTar as they so believe. Upon this Lunar eclipse the first set of demons arose to cause tremors in the world that led to the split of the earth which scatters humanity to a different direction of life. The tale of the god who descended on earth one day and made man as is to this day was referred to as HiTar. The over seer and creator of the world and multiverse but as her children, the respective founders of Black Rose that to this day fight against the oppression of the demons know that the world is steered in another direction and the last words she left her children with before she left was that she would rise a savior who will provide a means to the rebirth of the world. For she is not God and can never be one but she accepted to serve as a vessel to work for her God to man. She vanished and for two thousand years of continual wait, their patients seemed to wain as the world became worse drawing it closer to a second Lunar Eclipse which is said to be the end of the world as we know it. In face of the fast change of the Earth's unparalleled demise, a child is born and at his mid teens he suffers a fate worse than death. This steers him to a different path. One which not many know of but many despice and fear. Under the wing of the Black Rose, a federal system that is overulled by the Lumine Stronghold and the Council of Lords. Responsible for excorsising demons and ensuring the safety of the civilians in Refined Earth (the segment of Earth that still nourishes with life) seem to be hiding their large scale influential control over the lives of every single life form on Earth yet they chose to hide the overall truth from everyone. The demons of this realm are not the everyday demons rather their deformed state is what concludes them as such. A deal is stricken. Between the devil and the protagonist. One that he swore upon on his life. One that he cannot take back. One that requires him to stake his life every single moment. He has to pull of his end of the bargain or else he is dead. In a world where the "devil" has utmost control, not all is what it seems.

fodd3r · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


Ryuk, seemingly woke up. His face full of dread. He must have doubt in his mind of whether or not he wanted to take this new path in life.


He looked at the door knob, immediately remembering his parents shut off his doubtful thoughts. He sought it best to look out of the window for a moment to catch a breeze as he waits for morning to come by. He looked for a word to explain how he felt, was it excitement? Definitely not! He was just about to enter a life that would endlessly toss him by deaths door. Then what was it? He must have wondered as he overlooked the dark city.


Instantly he fell back to his memory, reminiscing a moment that marked the beginning of this new habit.

"What will I do?" Asked Ryuk in horror as he looked all round the room.

"Mom." He would whisper hidden inside his bed tuckered up in fear.

The very second he would peep, the clothes by his bedroom door would turn into the tallest monsters he had ever seen. Taunting him and laughing at him. Even though they seemed to have no ill with the boy he feared them and all the frightening images that might possibly traumatize a child haunted his mind.

"Sure mom, I'll check up on him" Said a girls voice outside of Ryuks bedroom.

"And you better sleep on time Reah." Shouted back Ryuks mom.

"Okay, sheesh." Stated back the voice as it opened the door as slow as possible.

The ominous figure stood by the entrance of Ryuks door. Her hour-glass shape seemed to tatooed itself into his mind as a fierce nightmare he could not possible deal with.

"Don't tell me your afraid of the dark." Said Reah as she slowly turned on the lights.

Ryuk slowly uncovers himself from his hot blanket covered in sweat as he shivered from top to bottom.

"You cannot be serious!" Shouted the girl in shock. "You are soaking wet!" She concluded.

"I couldn't help it, I... was just... too afraid." Pleaded Ryuk looking up to his sister.

"Okay, get up, " Commanded the lady, she continued as she slowly walked towards the bedroom window, " I got something to show you. Come here."

Ryuk hurriedly ran to his sister's side. His sister slowly removed her crystal clear glasses and looked up at the sky asking him to do the same.

"What are we looking for?" Asked Ryuk.

"Did you know that up there somewhere there is someone who is most probably crying because they don't have food to eat and another might be breaking down because he lost a loved one. As we look at these stars so are they, seeking for help that comes from above." She said with a stern face as she looked above deep into the stars constellation.

"How do you know that for sure?" Asked back Ryuk looking at his sister.

"Because, even if this world was made entirely for us, it does not work to please us. Time being the best example in mind. Time will never wait for us to fix our problems so don't spend it being scared, being indecisive or being doubtful. Just come by here and look at the stars remembering that out there their is someone who has an even worse day than you do." Stated the sister smiling brightly as her black eyes coursed into his brother's soul looking for the satisfaction she had given him.

"But I'm too scared to even move, how will I possibly get here all by myself?" Asked Ryuk looking back out to the stars.

"You'll figure it out." Said Reah as she stood by the door.

"Wait don't!" Shouts Ryuk as the lights got switched off and the door banged shut.

He screamed his heart out that night and wound up sleeping by the bedroom door. Tired out off of exhaustion.

Ever since that lesson he proved to use it to his advantage up to this day.

" You're up, that's a first." Commented a boys voice coming from his side.

Slowly, he turned only to be met by a gut wrenching, spine crushing and soul tweaking stare that shimmered brilliant brown in the presence of the moonlight. An anonymous blue black aura seemed to have engulfed him. But just then, it vanished.

"Who are you?" Asked Ryuk jumping back away from the window.

"Well, the reaction never changes, that's for sure." Said the boy walking towards Ryuks bed.

"Hey, who are you?!" Asked Ryuk.

"Your classmate." Stated the boy laying back on his bed.

"What are you even doing here?" Asked Ryuk.

"You dumbass! It's not everyday that you get a new classmate you know. I had to confirm you weren't a girl. They are enough as is and quite irritating." Said the boy. He continues, "so what's your name?"

"You came here without even knowing my name?" Asked Ryuk. "What if I was, you know?"

"Now that you have joined us doesn't mean that your life is all about demons." Laughed the boy aloud. He continued, "Plus, you are weak as is."

" Well enough of that, I'm Lynx and who might you be, newbie?" Asked Lynx extending his hand for a hand shake.

"I'm Ryuk, Ryuk Kame. " Said Ryuk reciprocating the hand shake.

"Welcome to Black Rose, Ryuk." Said Lynx.


He was gone.

From above, an entity appeared close to another in the sky.

"How'd it go?" Asked a females voice.

"First your end of the bargain." Said Lynx pointing his palm.

"What bargain?" Asked the female voice.

"Are you kidding me?! What bargain?" Hissed back Lynx agitated.

"Shush, he might hear us." Said the girl shushing Lynx.

"His dark matter levels are too low to even notice us, we'll be fine." Stated Lynx looking down at Ryuks windows.

"Ooh, well weren't you doing me a honorable favor?" Asked the girl looking at Lynx persuasively.

"Fuck favour's." Said Lynx as he walked away.

"Come on don't be like that!" Pleaded the girl following Lynx.

"What was up with those two?" Asked Ryuk moving away from the windows.

Just as he had woken up he went back to sleep after contemplating on whether or not anything could have been found in their home. Whether Shun might have found out what happened and even Luna too. He laughed on this thought knowing they would have been driven to tears, especially Luna. He then thought of Misha, the one who gave her a black wolf's necklace. He grabbed the necklace.

"It's still there." He said as he slowly succumbed to a deep slumber.

"Isn't he supposed to be awake?" Asked a girls voice.

"None of my business, Slug do your thing." Said a voice that sounded a lot like Lynx.

Scratching his eyes he woke up.

"What the... "


"Get this midget off me!" Shouted Ryuk as he wrestled with the boy trying to get him off his face.

"Alright that's enough off of each of you, get out." Said a suited man by the bedroom door.

Without a word everyone that was in the room left. More like they disappeared.

"Don't mind them, they are just showing off." He said taking out a cigarette from his pocket.

"Sure, " Said Ryuk. He continued, "but isn't it bad to smoke, sir."

"You too, *sigh* what a disappointment." Said the man walking towards him."But you still amaze me, that's for sure."

"So tell me kid, why did you choose to become an excorsist?" Asked the man piercing his gaze through his black tinted glasses into Ryuks eye socket.

"I made a promise is all."

"To your dead parents huh? You seem to be a good kid, so don't stray too far." He said as he walked towards the door."Oh and there's a change of clothes for you in the wardrobe, once you're done changing, come to the dining hall." He concluded.


Ryuk opened the wardrobe only to find a ninja - yoroi that had an emerald stitched up by the neck. It seemed to be their uniform as he remembers seeing all the others wear it.


Calmly he walked out of the room only to be met by a fork road by the hallway. Nonchalantly he took whichever path he figured best. It led him outside. The next led him to the toilet and the other led him to another fork road.

"Aargh, where the hell is this dining hall!" He shouted in frustration. "I bet they knew I couldn't find it! Great, I'm lost, hungry and angry!" He yelled in frustration.

Gazing upon one of the hallways in the fork road, he saw a purple glint which seemed like hair pass by. Ryuk ran to the anomaly to ask for directions but the second he got there it was gone.


"You must be Ryuk if I'm not mistaken." Stated an enchanting voice from behind him.

"Yeah." He said. "Is vanishing all that these people do?" He thought looking at her wearing a fake smile.

"Dining hall." Said the woman.

"Ooh yeah, might you know the directions to..."

As Ryuk was mumbling the structure of the building changed getting the two to the dining halls door.

"What the?" Asked Ryuk in awe.

"Not too shabby, am I right?" Rhetorically asked the woman flaunting her royal purple hair as her hips swayed antagonisticaly to the rhythm of her skulp.

"I'm back!" She shouted as she immediately kicked open the dining hall door. "Why aren't you people eating?" She asked in fury.

As chaos broke out in the dining room after the kids told her why they weren't eating, Ryuk slowly took his seat only for Ash to suddeniously appear behind him.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Said Ash as he sat right next to Ryuk.

"Now we can eat." Instructed the man as he put away his cigarette.

"Seriously," Thought Ryuk, "is disappearing and reappearing that important to you guys."

Their breakfast was merry. They shared stories with Ryuk and told him a bit of what he is to expect while at their place. They called it the Beta Loading Bay, the weakest of all bays combined. They even taunted Ash about how powerful he was. They introduced Ryuk and he left knowing all their names. The man was Zain, a compulsive smoker and the woman was Shuna, an alcoholic. An interesting batch of people. The experience lasted a life time as Ryuk departed from his newly found allies with Ash to train him.

While on Ash's sabers, the two moved in unbelievable speeds. Ryuk couldn't handle it, he wasn't even accustomed to it. Suddenly the seishin stopped, catapulting him into a nearby swamp. Their current location, Mucky mirror.