
Black Saintess

Rhia was once a high school girl until she was reincarnated in a book: {The Lucky Hero}. “I was reincarnated into a freaking harem novel?! Truck-kun, you gotta be kidding me!” Reborn as a demon and in a world where demons, celestials, and humans are the superior race, yet are threatened by anomalies called Dungeon Gates. Rhia is anything but happy when the Goddess Lilith chooses her as one of the world's three champions, who is stated in the prophecy to save this world from great peril. Not only must she now lay down her life, but she must do it while keeping her identity a secret. “Since when did my life become so troublesome?”

Harem_Queen · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Ch.6: Family

Upon waking up, Rhia found herself in a room she'd been living in since she was first reborn into this world. The interior was covered in purple and black wall paint and decor.

Stuffed animals were placed against the wall with a vanity beside her bed. Feeling a hand holding her wrist, Rhia saw a woman stirring awake.


"Rhia? Rhia! Oh, my baby! You finally opened your eyes!" The woman shed tears of happiness. Opening her arms, she enveloped her little girl in a tight, warm hug.

'That's right. Unlike my old self, where I only had a grandmother, in this world, I have two loving parents and a dotting older brother.' Rhia could only recall fragments of her past life but remembered everything in her current one.

The woman hugging her was the one who gave birth to her. The one who read her bedtime stories, fed and clothed her, all while giving her nothing but unconditional love and support.


Rhia choked up and began to cry despite the groundbreaking discovery that she had somehow reincarnated into another world.

The current her was only a nine-year-old girl forced into a life-or-death situation. Rhia was lost in the warmth of her mother's loving hug, which made her miss when the doors opened, and two other figures stepped inside.


Rhia peered over her mother's shoulder and saw a man she immediately recognized.

"Papa! Adrian!"

Rhia cried for her dad and big brother, who, with teary eyes, rushed to her bed. Feeling the warmth of her family, who held her in a tight embrace, more tears began to shed. The family of four couldn't help but bawl their eyes out in happiness.

Half an hour passed before they regained their bearings.

Rhia took a look at her family after she calmed down. Her mother's name was Desiree, and she was an attractive woman of average height with short raven hair and light brown skin. The mother of two was the owner of a cozy dessert shop near the heart of Dragonite City.

Her father, Christian Night, was a humble noble who held the title of Baron as their family owned a small clothing shop that brought in enough money to provide the family with a stable and pleasant living.

Baron Night was a handsome man with healthy pale skin and tousled blonde hair, giving others the impression of a gentle pretty-boy with bright blue eyes. Rhia didn't mean to brag, but her father could easily be mistaken for a celebrity.

Despite having two children, the couple maintained their youth and didn't look like they were past their late twenties.

"Now that you're up, it's probably best that I go get the doctor to check on you. Daddy's so happy to see you again, sweetheart."

Her father cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead. Once he left the room, her brother's face appeared before her.

"Rhia! How many fingers am I holding up?"

Rhia gave her brother a deadpan stare.

"You're holding up two fingers!"

Her older brother Adrian, who was two years older than her, had inherited their mother's complexion, but their father's blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Mama, my memory is still a little fuzzy. Can you tell me what happened?" Rhia lied but wanted to know the details that transpired while unconscious.

"You and your classmates were victims of a dungeon gate that randomly opened in your classroom. When the news got out, the entire city was in a panic. The last dungeon appeared five years ago, and an entire town was lost."

Rhia briefly remembered hearing of this incident from the news and her parents but had been too young at the time to recall the full details.

"You guys were trapped inside for four hours. The mayor poured all his resources into a rescue plan since his son was one of the students who was a victim. He gathered his knights and every A-rank Dungeon Hunter he could get his hands on."

All Dungeon Hunters were given ranks based on their strength and achievements, with A-rank being one of the highest.

"… but just as they were about to descend into the dungeon, the oddest thing happened." Rhia paid attention to the severe expressions her mother and brother were sporting.

"Someone must've beaten them to it because once they got there, you all were lying unconscious on the classroom floor with no dungeon gate in sight. But there's bigger news. There is a rumor that the champion chosen by the Goddess Terra has been discovered!"

There was a hint of excitement in her mother's voice, who always loved good gossip.

"As you know, when the appearance of the dungeon gates got worse, the three goddesses delivered a prophecy. Stating how each will choose a champion to rid this world of dungeons and usher in an era of peace."

"Just last year, we received news from the Empire of Celeste, who announced that their chosen champion had appeared. But we, the demons, still have no champion. Hopefully, he or she will appear soon."

Rhia watched her mother smile with hope and had to fight the urge to blurt out that she was Lilith's chosen champion.

'No! I must keep my secret or risk being taken away by the Temple of Darkness, where I'll be under the surveillance of the priests and royal family. Lilith may have chosen me, but I still value my freedom.'

Rhia fisted her hands into the sheets, scowling with determination.

Located in the capital city of Caedes was the royal palace. Inside his personal office sat a man who oozed an air of dignity and ascendancy. He was covered in rich brocade that was vivid with color and detail.

The man had a black beard and looked a little older than the beautiful woman sitting across from him, diligently serving tea.

"I'm happy to hear your day is going well, your majesty!"

A captivating smile illuminated the woman's peerless features with skin as soft as mochi and milky white. The soft curls of her moonlight white hair were styled in a fancy updo and decorated with pearl hair accessories.

Like the man, she was also covered in expensive cloth styled into a fabulous low-cut sleeveless midnight dress that hugged her slim and graceful figure.

The woman was breathtaking, with blood-red eyes like a spider beckoning others into her web using her beauty and silk words.

The couple was engaged in a happy conversation when the doors were rudely thrown open.

"Who dares enter without my permission?!" the king bellowed until he saw the man who had entered, and his face relaxed.

"Dark High Priest Anthony, what brings you here?" asked the king.

If any other person had barged inside the king's dwelling without his permission, harsh punishment would've rained down on them, but things were different for those who served the temple, especially those of high rank.

"I've taken it that you've heard of the dungeon gate that appeared in Dragonite City?"

The man in the black and red priest robes approached the couch and confidently took his seat.

Inwardly, the king frowned at the blunt disrespect the man had shown him by not greeting him first but letting it slide. He held no authority or control over the temple, which was self-governing.

A big problem for the king, who wished to change this.

The lines on his face show a glimpse of his actual age. Since dungeons first appeared in this world, even before his time, the issue has been stressful.

"They are becoming more unpredictable, and the people are becoming more uneasy. What makes things worse is that both champions of Terra and Eve have been found, but not ours. How come our goddess Lilith still has not announced her champion?!"

The king pointed a stare of disbelief at the high priest, controlling the urge to sling his teacup upside the man's arrogant head.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you this? You are the high priest! Has the cardinal said anything, or is that old man still playing sick?"

A hint of ridicule could be detected in his voice, not believing the old man was sick at all but using it as an excuse to avoid confrontation with him.

"One should not speak disrespectfully about the cardinal! He is a man loved by the goddess Lilith!" defended Dark High Priest Anthony.

"If the goddess loves him so, why hasn't he received a message about her chosen champion? The kingdom is already in a dire state compared to our neighboring kingdoms. Also, another thing."

The queen gracefully poured tea inside the priest's teacup before sitting across from him and crossing her beautiful legs.

"We are all in the same boat. Don't forget who you are working for, Dark High Priest Anthony. Without the backing of the royal family, you would have never gotten to your current position. If you wish to continue climbing, please show respect before we decide to clip the wings we so generously gave you."

The queen did not hold back mincing her words, sitting composed and gracefully throughout her speech. The same couldn't be said for Dark High Priest Anthony. His face was red, a mixture of fear and rage as he stood on his feet.

"I must head back to the temple for more important issues. Have a good day." Dark High Priest Anthony rushed out of the room. Once the door closed, the room was filled with the king's booming laughter.

"My queen, you are not one to hold back. Are you thinking the same as me? That it's time to clip his wings?"

There was a dangerous gleam of killer intent in the king's eyes, focusing his gaze on the beautiful woman sitting poised on the couch.

Who is good, and who bad? What will happen to Rhia? Click the next chapter and don't forget to show your support!

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