

In the aftermath of war, the struggle for survival begins. From the ruins, a warrior will rise.

Jujumaster · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


At the rescue camp in Ohz, an order was received from Hon.Swanwick. He ordered everyone stay indoors so that accidents will be avoided when 'supply' vessels will be dropped from the sky by passing cargo jets. According to him, the planes would pass across Ohz from noon to 12:30pm. The people at Ohz did as ordered. Noon came, Five cargo jets circled around Ohz dropping steel cylindrical vessels from the sky to the ground. The planes didn't spend up to six minutes above Ohz. Each of the cylinders split into three joined segments and then spew gas into the atmosphere. The gas became invisible as soon as it came in contact with regular air. The gas covered the whole of Ohz. It was a sedative gas. The gas diffused into the camp buildings. The people in the buildings inhaled the gas and they fell asleep. The gas they inhaled was designed to sedate a person to sleep for a day.

The next day by noon, the people in the camp woke from their sleep. They were rattled by the fact that they were all asleep before now. Some people panicked while some laughed at the fact. They were startled by a sound from outside which sounded like a solid block of metal which crashed on the ground. Curiosity drove them outside and their curiosity was satisfied beyond satisfaction. They had been fenced in by the military force from the Supreme government. The fence was metal walls. The people were confused. The emergency management officials tried to reach out to Swanwick through the phone but they realized the camp had been cut off from network.

Two hours went by and still no communication had been made with anyone outside the wall. There were children who were below ten years among the people rescued. There were twenty of them. Some of the children were lucky to have their parents alive, the rest were separated from their relatives. The children were also sick. The children played in the playground, a sandy ground. The adults and teenagers conversed with the rescue crew. They talked of how much food and water resources they had; the food and water resources would last them for three months revealed one of the officials. The rescued asked if there was any sign of nuclear radiation picked up from the city, the officials assured them that there wasn't a single trace of nuclear radiation. The rescued asked for the tests results from the test which was done two days ago. The officials showed them a fake result which was presented to the officials by Hon.Swanwick before he travelled. The report said that the cause of the sickness experienced in the camp was influenza. The rescued implored if there was anyone else who travelled with Hon.Swanwick apart from his guards. The officials revealed he had travelled with some rescue crew members who unknown to the officials, were free from the sickness. A phone rang. Excitement and curiosity ran over the people's face, who was calling? One of the officials picked the call, Swanwick was on the line. Hon.Swanwick assured them that all was well and that he would address the whole camp live on a video call by 6:00pm.

6:00pm came, it was the most heartbreaking moment for the people in the camp as Hon.Swanwick revealed to them that they were sealed away from the world because of the potentials behind the disease they suffered. He couldn't help them. He revealed the zombies were going to die after a month of starvation. [NB: Zombies cannot eat zombies].

The rescued and the rescue crew had a meeting by 8:00pm. They were two days away from being transformed into Zombies. Hon.Swanwick had sent them a book about the legend of the Riot Disease. A line from the book said that if a Riot disease sufferer was to ingest the meat of a riot gene human being, the sufferer would be healed instantly. As it stood, there were a few people in the camp compared to Planet Vradoz's population and the probability for a person in the camp to carry the Riot gene was very low. The camp was in despair because they were highly civilized human beings and cannibalism was out of character. Everyone in the camp swore that they would never resort to cannibalism. Instead, they chose to become zombies and die of starvation after thirty one days. The meeting ended. Everyone went about their normal lives: the rescue crew resumed work to find people who may be trapped under the rubbles, the rescued people went home to do what normal human beings do. The book about the legend of the Riot disease was left on the meeting ground. A seventeen year old boy picked the book. He read the book and discovered he had the riot gene in him. The book says that a person with the riot gene will be free of the disease seven days after being touched by the radiation. He used to suffer from the disease but today he was free from it. He promised to share the good news with the camp tomorrow morning.

The next morning, the illness got worse. The sick people needed support like inhalers and momentarily relief drugs to continue their day unlike the other days. The riot gene boy from yesterday helped to dispense the needed support things to the sick. After that was done and the sick people recovered, he drew their attention. He introduced himself as Milner. He told them that he had the riot gene and he didn't mind sacrificing himself to save them. His offer was turned down. A rescue crew official presented Milner a sword, it was Riot Blade. The other people saw what was happening. They gave a rousing applause to Milner and cheered him to collect the sword. He took the sword from the official. The official joined the applause. The people urged Milner to make a promise to slay them with the sword on the tenth when they became Zombies. Milner was driven to tears; he ran away from them, he couldn't promise them that. He ran without having in mind anywhere to go to. He shut his eyes and opened them a few seconds later but he saw himself running on an empty planet which had no atmosphere; it was like running on Earth's moon. Milner saw Black_Riot76 sitting on a sand mound, staring at him. Black_Riot76 was still in his armor.

"Not all good deeds are good. Not all bad deeds are bad. Honor them, they are your friends." – Said Black_Riot76.

Milner attempted to move closer to Black_Riot76 but Milner found himself back on Ohz.

The tenth day arrived, zombie day. A man among the rescued was transforming into a zombie. The whole camp was with him watching him as he agonizingly transformed. The people were shaken to tears by watching the hapless man. The process was painful. Milner was here. The man begged Milner to plunge the sword in the man's heart. Milner refused. Milner wanted to run but the people blocked his escape. Together, everyone held Milner's hands around the sword and they helped him stab the sword into the man's heart. Milner was emotionally scattered and because of that he tapped into the power of the sword and his clothes transformed into a futuristic Norse-like Knight Gear. The others soon transformed into Zombie. The power of the sword toughened Milner's mind and with that he slew everyone in the camp.